
The Monster you created : I am the result of your sins

Born at a time of balance in the good and bad of the society or so he thought, in a working class family, able to dream of the very best and witness the very worst of what defines his being, Sam became what society needed and created. I hope you enjoy the thrill of the organized chaos you are about to witness.

cruz205 · アクション
1 Chs

The Begining of The End

The war was as a result of our shortcomings to find peace, a punishment to those who believe the liver they have sets them above the common folks, and a fight back or struggle from the people to the governing bodies who felt that they are in control but unbeknownst to them the war occured in an incomprehensible way.

The rich and powerful squabbled around to try to appease the poor, how the tables have turned. They realised that the essence of power lies in the majority, who mostly are the poor they always seem to neglect.

But the scale of this war left none pleased in its wake, the rich and powerful grew desperate and devasted while the majority(poor) where no different. The essence of equality was displayed in this war as everybody notwithstanding their social status was affected and with the death tolls rising in hundreds with heads of all people of all social status falling, the bells of equality was heard.

But what was the goal of this war? A war as deadly as this, of what benefit does it have? or to rephrase, who is benefiting from it?

The answer: no one but it's benefit was supposed to be for the people, the common folks, for their liberation.

So where did it all go wrong? ....!

To understand today and know what to expect from tomorrow, the past holds all the answers of where it all began as it is the begining of the end.

And so the story began,.............

At a time long long ago from now when countries where referred to as kingdoms, and as large as the world was they were multiple kingdoms ruled by different races with different cultures, languages and colours of their skin. They were elves, giants, dwarves, beasts, humans and some mutants. and in theses races they were also differences present in them.

In the human race, there was a particular group of people with their skins in various shades of dark, with a common language 'Igs' but without a kingdom of their own. They were considered slaves of kingdoms but they were mostly, hard working and creative than there other counterparts in the human race, this brought envy upon them from others in the human race. But within this group of people there was a collective problem that prevented them from progressing, "Greed".

Greed is a collective trait of all species but the level at which this tribe of men envied themselves in the same tribe made them unable to collectively collaborate to form their own kingdom as on any occasion it was attempted, the cause will be betrayed.

They were stuck with this for generations and because of it they were known as "Greigs" a combination of their language and the most collective fault. A shame it was because the name in which this tribe where known as was not the name which they gave themselves but was as result of their greed for each other. A shame indeed.

But things were about to change, the questions is, was it for better or for worse?

On an ominous day, in the house Emms when the day was no different from the night, a day of total eclipse, a boy was born into this family with the name of Sam. His birth signified that day and that day signified his birth, but just as that day nobody knew was to come.