
The beginning #1

There once was a boy who looked like any other ordinary boy. But what his parents didn't know was that he wasn't normal, he wasn't even human. The young boy's name was hero. Hero lived a normal human life not knowing what was going to happen to him, not knowing what he was. Not knowing that someday his whole life was going to change, that it wasn't going to be the same, that some of the people that he met were going to be afraid of him.

When Hero was born his mom and dad were so happy, after Hero opened his eyes his dad knew there was something different about him, that someday in his life everything was going to change either for better or worse and there was nothing Hero could do about it. The little baby in his mom's arms could either save the world or destroy it.

Now I am going to tell you this story from my side starting from when everything went wrong. It started like any ordinary school day I would walk to class ignoring the bullies but this time as I walked past he hit me, I turned toward him slowly and I saw the fear in his eyes as I looked at him. Then he screamed 'MONSTER, HE IS A MONSTER' then all of a sudden everyone was looking at me with fear in their eyes one girl even said 'why are his eyes glowing red like that' 'let's get out of here before he kills us' everyone ran away from me like I was a freak. At the time I didn't know what was happening to me. Everyone I had met and even some of my friends were scared of me. Then my dad had called me 'hey some the principal called me. some bully at your school said that your eyes glowed red and you looked like you were going to kill him?' 'yeah, I don't know what is happening to me. I'm scared dad.' 'It'll be ok son, you're just different is all. You have the ability to either change the world or destroy it. Whichever you want to do, you need to learn to control your emotions then you can control your abilities.' That is what he told me and now I can control my abilities and use them for amazing things.