
The Monkey Kings Legacy In ATG[Old]

Xia Ye was the son of a man named Xia Hongyi. His birth was unexpected and strange as he had arrived into the world with no warning. His features were abnormal, having a tail but looking human. He was neither beast nor human or anything else the world had ever seen before. Slowly as he grew, so did the mystery surrounding his birth. Having a strange personality, he wished he could live life how he saw fit; however, too many things shackled him. He was incapable of cultivating due to the fact he was not born with Profound Veins. And compared to his loving family he was worthless. However, on his fifteenth birthday, all of that changed. An incident that could be considered one of both good and bad fortune had occurred, which finally unlocked the truth behind his existence. It was on that day that the world had begun to change, and Xia Ye began to rise under his new title, 'The Monkey King.'

Aizen_Dleitch · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Sky Scorching Flames

"Wait, you didn't know they were a girl?" Qing Ning was trying his best to hold in a laugh while talking to Xia Ye outside. "It's not my fault they never spoke up about it." Xia Ye was still in disbelief as he looked towards Ao Qin. "Still hard to believe." When he thought about dragons and whatnot, the idea of them being males always came to mind.

Taking a deep breath as he finally stopped laughing, Qing Ning looked at Xia Ye. "So you're heading to the Imperial City?" Xia Ye nodded. "Well I would be careful. I hear the Imperial Family has become strained lately. Getting mixed up in it would be a bad idea." Xia Ye made sure to remember that as he called down his Nimbus.

It quickly expanded to a size capable of carrying Ao Qin and him both. "By the way Xia Ye. I would also avoid the Burning Heaven Clan and Xiao Sect. I know you probably got stronger but they're too far up for you to deal with. It's best if you avoid meeting them, especially after what you did."

Hearing that, Xiao Ye shrugged. 'The Burning Heaven Clan I couldn't care less about. But the Xiao Sect is an entirely different story.' Seeing Xia Ye wasn't taking his warning seriously, Qing Ning didn't say anything else. Reluctantly Xia Ye got Ao Qin onto the Nimbus before getting on himself. The nimbus took off at full speed flying in the direction of the Blue Wind Imperial City.

"I really hope he doesn't get himself killed again." Signing Qing, Ning made his way back indoors, shaking his head. On the Nimbus, Xia, Ye was lax, lying on his back and thinking to himself. 'He said it would take around two weeks for a Profound Ark to reach the Imperial City. So it should only take me a few days.'

In the meantime, he could focus on calming down his body. He's been practically bustling with energy ever since reaching the second stage of The Secret To Immortality. He already did not have to eat or drink for around two to three weeks. Even now, after everything, he felt he could go months.

'Alright for now let's do that and also master the 72 Earthy Transformations.' Well, that was the plan originally. However, as the next day came around, something or someone kept interrupting Xia Ye. "Master... Master... Stop ignoring me." Ao Qin's large head kept prodding Xia Ye's as his face twitched. "Maste-" Finally, Xia Ye couldn't handle it anymore.

"What!" Hearing Xia Ye yell, Ao Qin immediately retracted her head. "I was just trying to say it's getting really cold…" Xia Ye stared at her before sighing. "Well Crescent City is in the North East of the Blue Wind Empire. The Imperial City is in the northern regions so we are going to pass by the edge Snow Region of Extreme Ice on the way."

Though with Ao Qin being a Wyvern, it was made since she wouldn't like the cold. "Though if I'm being honest it's a little strange." Glancing over the side of the Nimbus, Xia Ye could already see ice and snow beginning to cover the forest as plant life became more scarce. "Father once told me the Snow Region of Extreme Ice is so cold that even high level cultivators have trouble surviving in it."

Of course, the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace disciples were an exception. They could handle the cold without an issue due to their Profound Arts and their advanced understanding of Water Elemental Laws. But right now, despite that, something was off. The sky was still clear without a storm cloud in sight, and despite Ao Qin's complaining, it was still rather cool.

'Hmm…' The days continued to pass with Xia Ye ignoring Ao Qin's complaints. However, despite those days passing and them technically going farther into the Snow Region of Extreme Ice, it didn't get much colder. In Fact, the temperature almost felt as if it was getting warmer. Although the forest and foliage ended a while back, there were no snowstorms.

Hell, Xia Ye could even see that the snow itself wast that thick. "Master! Master look!" Ao Qin raised her head as Xia Ye followed her line of sight. "What… Is that?" The sky was naturally blue; everyone knew that. However, Xia Ye could clearly see a patch of the sky that had turned orange as if it was smoldering in the distance.

It was easy to notice in contrast with the world of ice and snow below them. Xia Ye's interest overtook him as he began to slow the Nimbus speed down while changing direction. "Were investigating it?" Ao Qin asked in witch Xia Ye nodded. "Of cour-" Just as he opened his mouth, he casually moved his head to the side.

What looked to be a blade made entirely of ice flew past him, leaving behind a trail of icy Profound Energy. Looking down at where the attack came from, Xia Ye spotted two figures on the ground looking up at him. "Looks like someone's pulling us over. Ao Qin don't get involved unless I say so." Standing up, he grabbed Ruyi Jingu Bang and jumped off the Nimbus.

Ao Qin wanted to say something, but Xia Ye was too fast. "I really don't like snow…." Spreading her wings, she flew off of the Nimbus as well and began to fly after Xia Ye. Reaching the ground first, Xia Ye spun Ruyi Jingu Bang like a top. The wind cleared the snow on the ground as he slowed his descent and landed.

Soon after, Ao Qin landed behind him, blowing light flames from her mouth. A group of two women appeared in front of Xia Ye just a few meters away. From their clothes, he could immediately discern who they were. "Oh I remember you two." The two of them were not wearing their veils, revealing the natural beauty of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace disciples.

The two girls narrowed their eyes as they stared at Xia Ye. "You…" Slowly they began to recognize Xia Ye. The one named Hu Xinyi pointed the tip of her sword at Xia Ye before speaking. "I don't know how you survived, however you can not pass by this point. Turn back now." Her voice was cold and authoritative, without any room for negotiation.

"Oh? I didn't know that your Palace owned the Snow Region of Extreme Ice and could decide where I could and couldn't go." As soon as he finished speaking, the girl beside him named Lang Xun released her Profound Energy as a threat. "Don't overestimate yourself. This area has been declared off limits by the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace. Now leave."

Xia Ye acted as if he was in thought put his hand on his chin. "No I don't think I will. Appreciate the offer though." Walking ahead, Xia Ye went straight past Hu Xinyi. "We gave you a warning." Lang Xun's eyes locked onto Xia Ye's neck as her sword cut through the air in an instant.

"What?" Her eyes widened as the blade came to a stop against Xia Ye's neck. "Impossible!" Taking back her strike, she immediately retreated while Hu Xinyi did the same. Rubbing his neck Xia Ye looked back at them. "You know I would have had the impression you were trying to kill me if that attack had worked."

'I put at least fifty percent of my strength into that attack. Back at that selection he needed to use that Shapeshifting art to beat an opponent entire small realms below me.' Yet her attack just now did absolutely nothing. "Anyway I'm going to go check out that light. Come on Ao Qi-" Xia Ye stopped speaking as he felt a wave of killing intent flash behind him.

Tilting his head out of the way, he dodged Lang Xun's piercing strike. 'He dodged again without even looking.' Releasing her Profound Energy like a torrent, she began to attack Xia Ye in a barrage of attacks. Each slash cut through the air and made five-meter long cuts through the snow surrounding area.

However, Xia Ye would simply shift his body and footing each time, not even bothering to take Ruyi Jingu Bang off his shoulder. "You…" Lang Xun slashing down at Xia Ye as he sidestepped the attack. He watched its effects. The moment the attack touched the ground, snow was blasted into the air.

The attack easily covered hundreds of meters of the ground as clusters of ice crystals growing in size each time stretched in front of her. Xia Ye tapped one of the crystals before looking at her and speaking."Your palace really does live up to its fame when it comes to Ice Profound Arts." Seeing how even that attack missed, Lang Xun showed a look of suppressed anger.

"Wait Lang Xun!" Hu Xinyi, who had been watching, saw that Lang Xun had lost her composure. But by then, it was too late. Raising her free palm, Profound Energy surrounded her hand, forming a miniature blizzard so cold it could freeze one's own blood. "Hya!" Striking towards Xia Ye with that palm, she aimed directly for his chest. "Master!"

Ao Qin let out a cry; however, that cry almost immediately died out. No explosion or outburst of Profound Energy blew everything away. The utter dumbfoundedness on Hu Xinyi's face was a scene no one could imagine. But for Lang Xun, who had personally launched the attack, she was in a terrible shock as one word escaped her lips.

"How…" That was the only word she could utter as she saw Xia Ye's palm was placed directly against her own. As if her attack had been completely negated, there was no ice around them, and even the snow under them seemed unmoved. Xia Ye smiled as he simply grabbed her hand and played with her fingers.

"It's true what they say, your skin is so cold but also soft." Lang Xun's mind only seemed to come back as Xia Ye continued to examine her hand. "You… You bastard!" Pulling her hand back, she immediately retreated to Hu Xinyi's side. "You would take advantage of someone in the middle of a battle!" Hun Xinyi called Xia Ye out as he stared at her.

"Holding her hand is considered taking advantage of her? I'm really interested in how you two have lived for the past few years." Listening to both Lang Xun and Hun Xinyi, it looked as if their tolerance was about to blow. They were already angry, but Xia Ye's constant mocking was tipping them over the edge.

"That's it! Not only do you mock me but you also mock our palaces Profound Art!" The two of them began to gather and circulate Profound Energy, preparing for a joint attack on Xia Ye. Staring at them, he sighed as he raised Ruyi Jingu Bang towards them. "I wasn't mocking your Profound Art, I was being honest. When I think of an Ice Profound Skill this is what I mean."

Qi exploded from the tip of Ruyi Jingu Bang to the point it became visible. It was heavy and resembled an Icy Fog as it began shrouding the ground. "Ow!" Ao Qin immediately retreated the moment Qi touched her leg. In that instant, a patch of ice had appeared on her scales. "It's… Cold?" The two of them looked at Xia Ye with terrified expressions the moment his Qi touched them.

Studying Frozen Cloud Arts meant their bodies were used to the cold. Even sparring against one another, they wouldn't feel a chill, and their bodies would feel fine. However, the aura being released from Ruyi Jingu Bang and Xia Ye himself was chilling. Hun Xinyi tripped over her words as she thought something.

'But for that to be, he would need to be using a Profound Art even more powerful than our own? Something that out classes the Frozen Cloud Arts in its entirety...' When that thought dawned on them, their minds could no longer handle it. "Stop!" Xia Ye suddenly heard a voice as the Qi flowing from his body dulled.

"Hmm?" He saw a figure rush out from a distance heading straight for them. "What's going on here? I came when I sensed your Profound Energy?" Xia Ye recognized her voice as all the Qi he had built up fully dispersed. It was Shi Xinya, along with Hun Xinyi and Lang Xun. She was the only other Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace disciple in Crescent City during the Selection.

Shi Xinya's gaze quickly locked on to Hun Xinyi and Lang Xun, who, to her surprise, had terrified looks on their faces. Soon she noticed Xia Ye as well, as her composure shook. "Is it you? But how are you alive?" Xia Ye lowered Ruyi Jingu Bang as he greeted her. "Not telling the story again, sorry. But I am alive, yes, although your friends tried to change that."

Looking at Xia Ye and then the surrounding area, it was obvious a fight had broken out. And from the looks on Hun Xinyi and Lang Xun's faces, it was pretty obvious who was winning. Taking a deep breath, Shi Xinya straightened herself. "On behalf of my fellow sisters I apologize for their actions. We are under orders from the Palace Mistress."

Seeing Shi Xinya apologize, both Hun Xinyi and Lang Xun called out. "Shi Xinya there's no reason to apologize to that-" Shi Xinya shook her head as Xia Ye asked her a question. "What exactly is going on? Why is such a large fire raging within the Snow Region of Extreme Ice." Xia Ye hand drew the conclusion as Shi Xinya said something that surprised even him.

"We're not sure and we weren't told much. We were told to deter anyone and everyone who gets too close. Even if they mean using deadly force." Hearing her words, Xia Ye felt they were reasonable in their situation. An event like this could be seen as an opportunity and a weakness of the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace.

'If I knew any better I would say this situation has something to do with one of Sun Wukong's treasures. But I need to get closer to figure something out.' Looking from the sky back to Shi Xinya, he asked them something."So where is Chu Yuechan shouldn't she be nearby if something like this is happening?" Hun Xinyi and Lang Xun were clamped up when it came to Xia Ye.

Turning his gaze to Shi Xinya, he spoke in a more harsh tone. "I already know this much you might as well tell me everything." Looking up at him, Shi Xinya answered. "She went to the Imperial City to try and find something to assist in dealing with it." Thinking for a second, Xia Ye looked back up at the scorching sky.

'If I go with Chu Yuechan I won't have to deal with the entirety of the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace to get close.' Putting Ruyi Jingu Bang away, he raised his hand. "Alright, then we'll go grab Chu Yuechan and then see what this fire is all about."