
A rather disappointing wake up...

Suddenly, I wake to hear a loud voice from in-front of me. I look up, still drowsy from my rather disappointing wake up, to see a woman in front of me clutching a clip board holding papers. I guessed that she was a teacher. I've never seen her before.

"Whats up?" I ask.

"WHATS UP? Whats UP is you fell asleep in your last class of the day. The school has already let out."

That explains why there wasn't any of the usual drama talk and yelling in class. I must've gotten bored and fallen asleep.

"Oh. Sorry. Thank you for waking me up."

"No problem. Just don't make this a regular thing, mister." She smiles at me with her eyes closed before leaving the almost empty classroom.

I got up from my school desk, brought my backpack to my back, and left the classroom. As I walk to the classroom, I'm still feeling a bit out of it. I don't feel as if I'm myself. Me sleeping in class until school ends isn't like me. I'm always energetic during the day 'til I get home.


That's my phone. I pulled it out to see a text message from 'Mom n Dad'.