
The Misunderstood Saintly Life of a Villainous Scion

Sir_Smurf3 · ファンタジー
31 Chs

The Best Smile

Standing on the ship's deck, I wistfully watched the port of Ramdarb grow


Because he who is always by my side was still left on that island nation.

"I wonder what Ouga kun meant by having unfinished business… Do you

know anything, Alice?"

"No… However, Master Ouga is scheduled to board Miss Levezenka's

ship. It shouldn't take long."

"I hope so…"

"For now, let's distract ourselves watching the ocean view. It's best we end

with good memories."

"You're right! I'll do that!"

Alice was right. There's no use worrying, it's not like me!

…Though I say that, I can't even see the other ships anymore.

Huh? Has that much time passed…? Maybe they separated without me

noticing since I was gazing at the port.

And also…

"There's no one else here. It's creepily quiet."

"I'm sure everyone is tired and resting in their rooms after all this stress.

That's what I think."

"That guess is way off, Chris Lagunica."

"Oh, Headmaster, good morni– Huh!?"

Please, step back, Miss Leiche.

The anger in her voice unlike usual made me involuntarily shrink back.

When I looked, Alice had her sword pointed at the headmaster.

And her clothes were…stained bright red.


Before I knew it, my defense instincts kicked in and I was preparing to

chant magic.

But…my teeth chattered loudly and my body wouldn't stop shaking.

Seeing me like that, the headmaster laughed in amusement.

"To not pass out from my killing intent… You really are talented after all."

"What did you do?"

"Can't you tell from this splattered blood? I hate them, you know. The

talentless brats always making noise. But well–"

"Their screaming faces at the end are pretty fun."

"Petal Storm!"

"Twin Lightning Blade Dance!"


The slashes Alice unleashed and the headmaster's magic collided head-on,

rocking the ship violently.

I barely held onto the railing to not fall over.

"As eccentric as ever using weird techniques. Just you? A commoner who

can fight mages head-on."

"Then stand still and let me cut you down."

"Can't do that. I don't wanna die. I wanna live forever."

"…So that's why you're after Miss Leiche?"


After me…? What in the…?

No good… My head's spinning, I can't think straight.

"Hmph, it seems that the brat noticed it and told you to protect MashiroLeiche. As expected, that arrogant kid seems to have realized it."

"Accept your fate. Ouga-sama sees through all your misdeeds."

"Your beloved master. Isn't it about time my disciple killed him?"

"K-kill…? Reina, Ouga-kun…?"

"Yes, that's right. Despite all I did for her, she was just a useless piece of

trash, but she might be of some use in the end."

"…An annoying laugh."

"…You. You're quite confident. Can you protect that child while fighting

against me?"

Alice-san glanced briefly in my direction.

And then, she smiled fiercely in response.

"…Of course. Ouga-sama ordered me to protect Miss Leiche. So, even if I

have to stake my life, I will kill you!"

"In that case, let me show you. [Thunder God's Battle Axe]!"

A deafening roar echoed, and the sky flashed.


In the next moment, several massive bolts of lightning rained down towards



"So how did Ouga figure out it wasn't Shuelba behind this?"

"The blood on Shuelba's robes. It was completely dried, unlike if he had

just died. That was likely from using this."

I took out the vial of Muscle Enhancement Extracts found next to Shuelba's


"I knew about this stuff too. It can have gruesome results if incompatible

with the body."

"That was unexpected."

Fair point. After the incident with Aliban, research on Muscle Enhancement

Extracts has been top secret at House Vellet.

"But just that doesn't prove it wasn't Shuelba or that I'm the culprit, right?"

"The scent."


Reina sniffed closely at herself, seeming confused.

"I don't…smell, do I?"

"I didn't say you stink. Rather, it was a nice scent that clued me in."

"I see… So that's how it is."

Picking up on my hint, she made a slightly vexed expression.

"Yeah. Ramdarb tea leaves."

More precisely, Reina's scent mixed with tea leaves.

When I had the black robe in a full nelson, I felt something was off about

the familiar smell.

…That time, thoroughly sniffing her hands was a clutch play.

"I stroked your head and it had the exact same scent."

"…To think scent of all things was the clincher… Ouga, you really are a

pervert, huh?"

"Don't look at me like I'm suspicious. With you as the culprit, everything

inconsistently fits."

Those headmasters got defeated because it was someone they thought was

an ally catching them off guard.

You showed us the door you touched to make us think Reina was inside.

You stubbornly prevented us from entering the room because it was empty.

"Right after taking Alice's attack, you shot Flame Bomb…to temporarily

obscure our vision. Then you dropped the burning robes from the sky to

make it seem you got struck down. If Shuelba's corpse was already placed

there, it completed the scene of him falling to his death."

With Shuelba's black hair and robes, the dark colors made him less

noticeable at night.

And with the teachers focused inside and students locked in rooms, even

more so.

"After that, you went in the room, pretended to be unconscious, and waited

for our charge…a flawless plan."

As I explained everything, Reina clapped slowly.

"Ouga would make a better mystery novelist than a duke."

"Mocking me? There are still unclear parts. Like how someone without

multiple magic affinities like you can use fire magic."

"Oh? What do you think, Ouga?"

"A guess…but if there's Muscle Enhancement Extracts, I wouldn't be

surprised if there's enhancing drugs for magic too."

"Correct… With that, I'm cornered with no escape. What will you do now,


"You don't seem concerned at all despite saying that?"

"I suppose you're right."

Her tone was very weak and timid.

Yet contradictorily, her expression was still a smile.

"Because I'll kill you here."

"Did Ms. Milfonti order you to?"

"No. She has nothing to do with this."

"Reina. I want to hear your true feelings."

"Hehe… Don't say silly things. I'm properly speaking my own will here."

"Then why are you backing away from me?"


Until I pointed it out, she hadn't realized she was retreating.

In other words, an unconscious action.

Her deepest inner feelings moved her legs.

My actions so far did reach her after all.

I can't hide things from her if I want her to open her heart.

I'll also speak my true feelings bluntly, without any lies or deception.

"Reina–I want you."

"Don't joke around. Ouga has no reason to want me at all."

"Oh yeah? Then let me explain one by one."

Last night, I thought a lot.

What I needed to do to obtain her.

I reached two conclusions.

One was freeing her from the shackles called Ms. Milfonti.

The other was affirming and accepting the existence called Reina Milfondy.

"I like how considerate Reina is. You're always looking out for those

around you. I know you have that kindness."

You properly taught us work even though anything would've done.

You were worried about Mashiro at the entrance ceremony too, and tried to

pull us along in Ramdarb.

"All of that is just an act. A mask to gain your trust."

"What's wrong with acting? The mask you put on through acting is still a

part of you. So, I affirm it."

Even her personality, which is engaged in this act, was created because it

was necessary for her to survive.

So, there's no doubt that it's also part of Reina-Milfonti.

I feel like I want to punch my past self who unconsciously decided that I

didn't need her because she seemed like she was acting.

"I liked your little secret smiles and when you turned beet red at the


"…No, that was just me pretending to have fun… All to trick the nice


"Then this time, I'll draw out your true smile. Makes me want you even


I took a step closer to Reina.

And she took a step back accordingly.

The distance between us didn't shrink at all. But eventually, there would be

nowhere left.


After several exchanges, her back finally hit the wall.

"I love the tea you make. Your tea warms people's hearts. I could drink it

every day and never get bored."

"Anyone can do that… I didn't practice at all. Just used the tea to trick

gullible Ouga."

"Even an idiot can tell that's a lie, Reina."

I grasped her trembling hands.

Her hands permeated with the scent of tea.

"It's because you always loved tea that I'm here like this. Able to face you

and talk with you."

"…No, Ouga. It's too late for me…"

"No, it starts now. We're just beginning."

"It's too late!"

A scream-like wail rose from the pit of her stomach, piercing my ears.


Reina's kick aimed at my side stabbed into my flank after she shook my

hands off.

The leg strength unbelievable for her small frame exceeded my limit—I

tumbled across the ground leaving dust in my wake.

…I see. That just now confirmed her body's secret.

"Reina, you're…"

"Even seeing this, can Ouga still say he wants me?"

Shedding the robe, Reina slowly undid the buttons on her uniform one by


And the grotesque machinery and tubes embedded and attached to her were


Connected to the machinery on her chest were bottles filled with a familiar

green liquid and an unfamiliar red liquid.

"It's ugly, right? Disgusting, right? A girl like this."

Reina's fingers traced the machinery, ran along the tubes, and knocked on

her own chest.

Then a metallic sound no human body should make rang out.

"My body is a mess now. Full of iron beams so it doesn't break down. Flesh

shaved away. No growth or decay. Not human. Just a doll."

Her trembling voice. She choked back what sounded like sobs and placed

her index finger on her cheek.

"…I knew I could never live a normal life again… Yet because of the time

with you, it hurt so much… If Ouga cares for me, then die here…"

The tattered mask, and still Reina tried to put it on.

"With your death… Teacher will praise me… I'll be happy…"

"…Will Reina be happy if I die?"

"Yes, that's right. If Sensei praises me, I will be happy…"

"In that case, show me by killing me."

"Lightning Bolt!"

The brilliant Lightning Bolt Reina fired pursued me in a straight line.


My whole body was assaulted by the surging electricity.

The sensation of my insides being seared swept over me and my vision

grew hazy.

…Grit your teeth! Time to show your manly spirit, Ouga Vellet!



"You look like you wanna ask why I'm not using Magic Burial."

The answer should be obvious.

"I don't intend to dodge your attacks."

This attack embodied her feelings.

If I'm to accept her, I can't flee from these emotions.

So I learned another thing about her.

"Helped me reaffirm Reina's kindness."

"What foolish… I attacked you…"

"Yeah. With magic. And I wouldn't take damage from Magic Burial."

She knows about my Magic Burial.

If she really wanted to kill me, she should've used physical attacks like that


"You've given me another reason I want you, Reina."

I took another step towards her.

Because I want to close the distance that formed between us.

"No! Sixteen Lightning Arrows!"


The lightning arrows pierced me, and I was assaulted by heat that seemed to

sear my muscles.

I desperately endured the urge to collapse and writhe around by digging my

nails into my skin.

…What would the old me when we first met think seeing me now?

He'd probably laugh derisively, saying I should've just lived freely and


But the current me is determined to save her.

Unlike my past life, I aimed to be a villain and do whatever I wanted.

Then saving Reina is what I want to do now!

I want to follow my beliefs and save Raina. ...!

"Don't stand! I'll really kill you!

"Hehehe… Go ahead and try."

"Lightning Sword Dance!"


I bit my molars so hard I thought they might shatter, holding in my voice.

Instead my body screamed, sending danger signals to my brain.

Even with the flesh granted by this world, my limit was approaching.

Which foot I stepped out with, left or right?

My awareness grew hazy, only focused on not collapsing.

With just that thought driving me, I advanced straight towards Reina.

"Why do you stand up…? At this rate, Ouga will…"

"Because…I want…Reina…"

"Still saying such nonsense…? I'm a criminal who deceived you all."

"I alone…decide my feelings."

"Surely people won't stay silent either. Harboring me will only ruin Ouga's


"Even if the world doesn't forgive, I'll forgive you. Even if the world

becomes our enemy, I'm…on your side."

"No more… Those kind words… Your kindness…"

Reina's shoulders shook.

She swung down the tightly clenched fist in a wide arc.

"Don't give me hope…!"

–A dry sound rings out.

My outstretched palm collided with her fist.


"You finally took a step towards me, Reina."

She who had only retreated back until now for the first time stepped

forward to me.

Our gazes which hadn't met before now overlapped, Reina and I.

"No matter how much you deny yourself, I'll affirm you. Even that body of

yours, I wholly accept all of you."


"On the name of Ouga Vellet."


"Ouga…will you accept everything about my past too?"


I was born on the small island nation of Ramdarb.

Being isolated from other countries and having little land, we lived in peace

without conflict.

My family was the same.

Papa and Mama worked growing tea leaves, and my little sister Mary and I

helped out sometimes.

"Papa, Mama, listen! Reina, you know! Reina got praised at school today

for having lots of magical talent!"

"Oh really? Then Reina can become a splendid mage."

"Mary too! Mary wants to be like big sis!"

"That's right, that's right. You're both talented like Papa after all, so you'll

be even more amazing!"

"Not that much."

"Don't say that, Mama! Let me hug you!"

Mama pushed back Papa trying to cling to her, holding his face away.

But she wasn't really bothered. They taught me it was just embarrassing in

front of me and Mary.

"Ahaha! But you know, Reina doesn't plan on becoming a mage."

"Eh, why? That's such a waste."

"Because… Reina wants to have a close-knit family like Mama and Papa!


"Yeah, Mama… Reina! I love you!"

"Mama's gonna hug you too!"

"Mary loves you too, big sis!"

Talking about what happened that day, our dinner tasted especially


I was happy. I didn't doubt that these kinds of days would continue as I

grew up.

Until that demon came.

Raging flames rose all around.

I could hear cries from all directions.

Huh…? What am I doing…?

"Ma… Cough, cough!"

When I tried to call out, my throat felt hot and pained, nothing coming out


I need water… I instinctively went outside to draw well water.

There was a woman there.

"Jeez, if you'd just come over quicker, the island wouldn't have become

like this…"

She spat in displeasure, with the charred remains of Papa and Mama at her


"Papa…? Mama…?"

I drew near and touched their faces. Very rough, and they didn't respond.

They were already dead.

"Hm…? Oh, it's you. Reina, was it?"

"W-Who are you…?"

"Doesn't matter. Hm… Well, good enough for a first try, I suppose. Right,


Saying incomprehensible things, the woman grabbed my hair and tried to

take me somewhere.

"It hurts! Let me go!"

"Ugh, brats really are annoyingly noisy, be quiet!"

"Papa! Mama!"

No matter how much I cried out, the two didn't come help me.

Because they were already dead.

Their figures grew distant. But suddenly, it stopped.

"No…not big sis…don't take her…"

It was because Mary clung to the woman's leg.

"Hmph… So the daughter takes after the parents too, huh?"


"I see, I see. Then go wait with Papa and Mama first."


Light flashed before my eyes, and when I opened them, Mary had joined

Papa and Mama.


I don't remember anything after that.

When I woke up, bizarre machinery had been embedded in my chest and


That day marked the beginning of my life as a "vessel" for Ms. Milfonti to

transfer her soul into.

The first thing she told me was to change my first-person pronoun to

"watashi". I obeyed to avoid getting beaten.

Next, machinery was stuffed all through my body so I could have an

eternally young physique. I obeyed to avoid getting beaten.

After that, my days repeating experiments as a "vessel" candidate


Ms. Milfonti often called me trash or defective, but she didn't dispose of me

like the other children brought in.

Probably because I was the most obedient.

I didn't cry, scream, or rebel.

I discarded all emotion to avoid pain since I hated it.

Ms. Milfonti was made out as the hero who saved Ramdarb from the demon


The king I saw shaking her hand in photos was someone I'd never seen


When I brewed tea for the first time, she praised me with "good enough".

So I practiced to brew delicious tea.

She never praised me again.

I was told my expressionless face was creepy, so I always wore the same


I got beaten for being creepy.

But I wasn't disposed of.

If I threw away the parts of me that were Reina, I could avoid disposal.

My entire reason for living became shifted to being for Ms. Milfonti's sake.

Eating to serve Ms. Milfonti. Studying to serve Ms. Milfonti. Pretending to

be her disciple to serve Ms. Milfonti.

For Ms. Milfonti, for Ms. Milfonti, for Ms. Milfonti…

Until Ms. Milfonti found a replacement "vessel".


"I…don't know how I should live."

The past she spoke of far exceeded even my imagined circumstances.

My imaginings were like child's play compared to the series of atrocities.

Ms. Milfonti was no hero whatsoever. Her true nature was self-centered,

uncaring of sacrificing others for herself like a demon.

"The me called Reina is long gone… I can't even tell if I brew tea because I

want to or for Teacher's sake…"

…I see. No wonder my words didn't reach her.

The resolve I had was far too insignificant and unreliable.

"My whole life has been for Teacher's sake…! Even my family! My normal

life! All of it stolen away!"

I tumbled back clumsily, powerfully shoved.

My immaturity and the thin feelings conveyed in my words to her were




Reina held out both arms towards me.

"If you care about me…will you let me kill you here…?"

That's right. She's absolutely right. It'd be better if I died–

"I refuse."

–the old me might've said.

Not so weak my feelings would give up over that.

If it wasn't enough, I'd re-steel my resolve.

I cast my words at her with the determination to bear all of Reina Milfondy.

"Killing me won't bring you happiness."

"Didn't I say!? My entire existence is for Teacher's sake! Why don't you


"Because you're crying, Reina."

The mask she had suppressed her heart with was now useless.

Her true feelings were overflowing out.

"W-why am I crying…? I have to, need to defeat Ouga…"

"No. You're free now."

"You're wrong…! That's my will… Yes, surely that's why…"

The one clinged to the past most desperately was her who had suffered in

the past.

It was because the deeply ingrained fear of Ms. Milfonti still dominated


Then the one thing I could do for her was–

"Reina–Shoot me with your strongest magic."

Her movements froze stiff.

Her unfocused, confused eyes turned to me.

"A-are you serious…?"

"Yeah, you wanna kill me, right? Then try it."

"B-But I know how your technique works too…! Even if you use Magic

Burial, taking this attack means you'll die!?"

"[The possibility of death] isn't a reason I'll give up."

I had to show her my resolve.

My resolve to protect Reina from Ms. Milfonti and the evil of this world no

matter what.

"I told you. I want you."

This was a battle of convictions.

The "for Teacher's sake" shackles she had clung to her whole life versus the

beliefs I had built up in this new life.

Winning here and showing her the path of supremacy that is Ouga Vellet.

"So I'll prove it. That you can't kill me."


I stood tall, piercing her eyes with mine.

I powerfully struck my own heart as if saying, "Fire here."

"I'll never kneel! Not until I grasp you in these hands, absolutely!"

"Shut up!!"

The machinery embedded in her activated, emitting operating sounds.

Proportional to the decrease in liquid in the test tubes, Reina's pressure


The light converging in her palm shone, electricity crackling along her arm.

…This was the greatest magical power I'd ever felt.

I shouldn't take it head-on. My instincts screamed to evade.

Whether I could withstand it was only known to God.

Better to die without regret than keep regretting it from here on.

Besides–I had no plans to die in a place like this.

"Ouga… Any last words…?"

"None. We'll speak again right away."

"I see… Ouga, I had fun with you."

Saying that, she unleashed the magic to kill me with tears streaming down

her face.

"Superconducting Lightning Cannon!!"

In an instant, the torrent of light swallowed me.

Before I could think anything, the impact blew away all thought.


The unleashed beam of light gouged away Ouga and the wall behind him, a

moment of silence enveloping the area.

After a short delay, a deafening destruction sound rang out.


I can confidently say that was my full-powered attack.

The exhaustion assaulting me from the magic depleting my body's power

made me want to collapse, but I stared straight at where he had been.

Thick sandy smoke obstructed him from view.

…Of course. There's no way he could be unharmed after taking magic

enhanced like that.

That's a fact anyone could understand.

I should quickly confirm his corpse and report Ouga's death to Teacher.

"That was for the best…"

I pulled my gaze from where he stood and looked at the hand that killed


That time with him was a fleeting dream I saw.

[Do you say things like that to everyone, Ouga?]

[No way. Only to those special to me.]

I just needed to forget it all indifferently like my life so far.

[I won't let you go anywhere. I'll definitely make you come back here.]

[To do that, I'll give it my all. Use whatever means to get all of us together

again safely as the student council. I'll blow away any obstacles in our


As I wished, I'd return to Teacher and walk the same life as always.

[Got it. Then I'll hope for Reina's tea. That was truly delicious.]

"…But why…"

"I want you!!"

Why… why can't I stop crying?




…Did I mishear something?

Right now, I distinctly heard his quiet voice…

…Did I mishear? Just now, I'm certain…I heard his faint voice…

I didn't look directly where the voice came from.

Did I want to believe it was just my imagination? Or was it that I didn't

want to acknowledge him being dead as reality?

"It's…my win…Reina…"

But with his words, I was forced to raise my face.


Without a doubt, Ouga was standing there.

Dragging his right leg, he walked straight towards me.

Despite his body swaying unsteadily from the damage, his figure looked

grander than ever before to me.

Advancing towards me unswervingly from the true path.

Not angry at all, Ouga softly smiled and gently grasped my hand.

"Kept…my promise… Got your hand…Reina…"

Saying that, he collapsed leaning against me.

I couldn't move.

Up close, I could clearly see his wounded body. His fine clothes tattered to

shreds, the exposed skin marked by cracked gashes.

I inflicted all of this.

So did I still have value worthy of embracing him? The qualifications to

embrace him back?

When I couldn't even cast a Recovery spell on this good-for-nothing.

My thoughts started straying into a negative spiral.



With Ouga stroking my head, all those doubts became meaningless.

The shouts and violence from Teacher etched into my mind.

Usually just recalling it would make my chest tighten painfully, but now I

didn't feel scared at all.

A warmth as if protecting me embraced me.

"Let's walk the path slowly. Just stay as you are, Reina."

I had feared walking an unknown future.


Without Teacher as my foothold, what was I living for?

Most of all, wouldn't it render meaningless Papa, Mama, and Mary's deaths

that day?

I had constantly wondered if I had any value in living like that.

"I want you as you are."

"Yes…me too…"

But I won't waver anymore.

"I too…want to live together with Ouga…"


Ahh…My whole body hurts. No, I've probably lost feeling in over half of it


Well, I should just be glad I'm still alive for now.

Surely someone will come after hearing the explosive sound of Reina's


As long as nothing's missing, I can recover.

For now, more than that, I want to feel the warmth in my arms.


Reina's serene expression.

The battle with her was an all-or-nothing gamble.

With Mashiro's cooperation before the tournament, I learned a physique

enhancement method using magical power that also worked on magic, not

just physical attacks–Beyond Limits.

I hadn't yet used my full power, but somehow my body maintained its


I'll have to thank Mother for giving birth to me so sturdily.



"What can I do for you…? With this body…I can at least do what men


"…Girls shouldn't expose themselves recklessly like that."


She visibly deflated and began buttoning up her school uniform.

…I'm not really angry, but maybe I should watch my language for a while.

"…For now, just live freely without overthinking things."

"Well… if it's okay with you, I'd like some guidance, at least in the


"Guidance, huh… Maybe something related to your tea research. I also

want to drink your tea every day."

That would be just perfect for both me and Reina.

There's no need to worry about it.


"Hm? Did I say something strange?"

"N-No, you're right. Since we'll be together for a long time, it's natural for

our relationship to be like that… By the way, why do you want to drink my


"Because Reina's tea is very delicious."

"…I'm glad…"

…Did I really just make her smile like that?

I wonder if she's aware that she can make such expressions now.

You're moving forward.

I hope she doesn't forget her current feelings and her face.

"Hehe, that smile suits you the best, Reina."

With that wish in mind, I gently poked her cheek.


"My magic certainly had the power to bury Chris-Lagunica.

But both her and Mashiro-Leiche were standing there unharmed.

And that was all because these two prevented it…!

"I can't just leave my beloved person alone."

"I never thought that the [Criminal of Thunder] could be such a wicked

criminal as you described."

"Glad you came along, En-chan."

"Don't call me by my nickname from our school days, Gordon! Call me


Current head of the Vellet Duchy, Gordon-Vellet.

Current head of the Levezenka Duchy, Enju-Levezenka.

Although they have different roles in command, both have been skilled

magicians since their youth.

"…Why are you two here!?"

"Our son sent us a letter. We couldn't believe it when we found out you

were in Ramdarb."

He said that and took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

[Father. Please watch over Mashiro-Leiche for one day.]

"I also happened to be in Ramdarb… No, I came here for you. In case of an

emergency, bring Enju along."

"I thought you were going crazy to doubt the hero of our country, FloneMilfonti, but it seems like you're the one who's gone mad."

"We've already seized the factory. All that's left is you… no, capturing you

will be the end."


Former Commander-in-Chief of the Holy Knights and two current ducal

heads, along with a Dual Magic Caster.

…Even I am at a disadvantage.

My aging body is already feeling the effects, and I can't afford any


"…Fine. I'll let you go just for today."

"You're talking down to us quite a bit. Do you think you can escape?"

"We both want to avoid a direct confrontation, don't we?"

Gordon and Enju's expressions sharpened. They understand it too.

If we continue to fight like this, we'll both suffer non-trivial injuries, and on

top of that, there's no guarantee of victory.

The name [Criminal of Thunder] isn't just for show, and even with ChrisLagunica, it would be unwise for an old man like me to face four


The best choice is to sheathe our swords.

"…Next time we meet, I will definitely capture you. Be prepared."

"If you can, give it a try. …Well then."

I turned my gaze towards the vessel candidate protected by Chris-Lagunica.

"Let's meet again, girl. I'll definitely come to take you."

"…That won't happen. Because Ouga-kun will defeat you!"

"Heh, seems like you have quite a blind faith. Well, that's fine. I'll look

forward to that day."

Next time, I'll obtain a vessel that can withstand my magic, not an

imperfect substitute like this.

As they continued to glare at me, I leaped into the sea without hesitation.