
The Mistress.(check it out on Mobo reader)

WARNING: THE BOOK CONTAINS MATURED CONTENTS TO THE FULLEST!!! he was just fifteen years old when he watched his mother died and his father was nowhere to be seen. She needed a kidney transplant but his father decline to help even though he had the money with the excuse of using all the money for a big project and can't risk making mistakes but rather risked his wife's life. He was angry that even with a her last breath she murmured her love for the same man who never valued. He promised to never be a victim to that thing called love. He grew up despising love and hating his father, if money is the root of all evil then he will have the root while being evil. Leonardo became known as the.. Rich and Ruthless C.e.o. because he never cared about anything called love or cared about anyone, he never smiles, he was a notorious playboy until Elena came along as she tried to to seduce and gain her way to him, however she became his mistress and ended up being the an easy target for his evil client to get hope that he actually have little feeling for her or she will just be another dead victim. But would he save her or just treat her like the other women? that question still lingered in the air.

Sarah_Daniel_7646 · アクション
14 Chs

Consider Her

The morning was still fresh when Leon heard a loud sound that woke him from his peaceful sleep after the drama he had with maryjane last night.

He jumped out of bed angrily picking up a bart from his room and head towards the room where the sound was coming from, getting there he stepped on something hard that made him jump in fear almost hitting his assistant with the bart.

"Ouchhhh Boss!! it's me David." he said in pain and fear in his eyes but the room was so dark Leon couldn't see a thing, then david turned on the light.

"David!! What are you doing here at this time? in this dark room? David better don't tell me you brought her here to f**k her when you have your house because you will be losing your job." He said with a smirk that holds a lot of meaning.

"No Boss I only came here to sleep so I can get you ready in time for the meeting you're having by 6am, actually it's in the next two hours Boss." He said checking his wrist.

"Well you have succeeded in doing just that, let's get ready before time." Leonardo loved punctuality, he never attained a meeting late but two or three hours early before the meeting commence.

Inside loenardo's room, "ummm Boss Maryjane called earlier to say she's sorry for getting you upset. But Boss why don't you consider her and give her a try."

"David why don't you shut the f**k up and do what you're paid for."

"I'm sorry Boss, am just being concerned about you, you deserve love and Maryjane is the right person for you."

"David you seem to like her alot, why don't you consider having her Instead?"

"I'm sorry Boss I will go tell the diver to get the car ready."

"You better." Leon took his phone and went downstairs to get his breakfast, when his older maid came in.

"Good morning sir" Roselia greeted with her head down waiting for response. Roselia was his oldest maid in the house and Leon respected her for her age and hardwork.

"Good morning Roselia, how can I help you" he answered with a smile that can melt everyone's heart. Roselia gradually raised her head to look at him.

"Sorry to disturb you sir. I just wish to talk to you about...." She looked at him waiting for a go ahead before saying anything.

He smiled " go ahead Roselia I don't have all the time in the world you know?" Still keeping the smile on his handsome face making him look dashing.

"It's about my niece who's currently looking for a job, any job sir, and knowing quite well that these old hag can't do everything herself like before I hope you'll consider these old hag?" She said nervously and bowed her head waiting for anything he has to say, but it took forever, her neck and the silence was slowly killing her.

"Hmm" came his short reply. He noticed it and attempt to continue.

"you can bring her over later when I'm back." He spoke looking at his wrist watch with crease face.

"Thank you sir." Roselia said with a happy face and went to the kitchen.

What on earth is holding that assistant of his and where's that stupid driver, he was still wondering when the idiot appeared.

"Sir the driver is coming, the asshole was eating" David whined.

Truly the asshole was eating because after that announcement or whining the driver showed up with a Roll Royce, Leon went outside and his security opened the passenger door and he got in, the driver greeted while chewing something. He wondered why he employed this assholes and yet his about to employ another one today.