
The mistakes we make.

Anne, a teen who is having trouble with letting go of her past and moving on, she feels alone, unwanted and shuts everyone out even those who might care about her. Ivan, he's rich, handsome, funny, sporty, the typical definition of the dream guy of every high school girl. What happens when Ivan decides to act on the crush he has had on a certain girl, and what happens when Anne's world comes crashing down and the only person who can save her is a certain guy.

Writer_Danielle · 若者
10 Chs

Chapter two

It was a slow walk from school back home, a purposefully slow walk, delaying myself a bit before I get home.

I walked into the house but immediately paused before I could even step into the living room, disgusted by the horrible stench coming from the living room, a mixture of alcohol and weed. My plans of coming home and making something to eat were immediately destroyed, the smell making my appetite to vanish and instead making me want to throw up.

I walked into the living room, seeing my aunt on the couch with a man that looked old enough to be her father, both drinking and smoking. It's disgusting that she doesn't even consider the fact that a teenager lives with her.

I ignored their presence walking past them and towards the stairs. I walked up to my room entering inside and shutting the door.

I dropped my backpack on the bed and ran into the bathroom, going to the toilet and throwing up whatever was left in my system. I sat down on the toilet floor hugging my knees to my chest, I can't stay here, I don't want to stay here. I immediately stood up and changed out of the gown into something more warm and cozy, it's the beginning of the year so evenings are going to be real cold. I grabbed my phone from my backpack and left the room.

" Where do you think your going? ". My aunt snarled. I ignored her and walked past her leaving the house.

I nonchalantly stuffed my glove less hands into the pocket of my coat to protect it from the cold. I walked down the street, not really having an exact place to go but soon after walking for awhile, I decided to rest on a bench. Considering I haven't eaten anything since this morning, I felt weak and tired but I didn't want to go home because I knew I couldn't even eat if I do.

I sighed and leaned back on the bench, staring up at the evening sky. This is nice.

" It's you again ".

A... nd nice over. I turned at the sound of the familiar voice. He smiled running his hand through his russet brown hair.

" Anne right? We talked this morning but I don't think you know me ".

Ivan Collins, the very definition of every girl's dream. Smart, funny, rich, nice, cute and handsome.... that's also why he's the exact definition of a fuck boy. Off course I know him.

I sighed. " What's your problem? What the hell do you want? ".

" Oh come on, I was just passing by and saw you ". He replied.

I rolled my eyes at him.

" Anyways ". He said dragging the word which I felt was unnecessary. " I actually was meant to go the the new years carnival with this girl, she told me to pick her up here but she isn't here so I guess she's ditching me, so what are you doing here? ".

" None of your business ". I replied immediately standing up from the bench.

" Bye ".

I turned to leave but he immediately stepped in front of me blocking my way.

" Can you move? ". I snarled at him.

" Well since the girl ditched and your here, would you like to come to the carnival with me? ".

I immediately burst into laughter.

" Did I say something funny? ". He asked cocking an eyebrow at me.

" Yes Ivan, what you said is funny, the fact that your standing here talking to me is funny ". I chuckled. " I get it, it's a prank right, where's Sydney ready to jump out of wherever their hiding once I say yes and start laughing ".

" It's not a prank Anne ".

" Where are you Sydney Cheng? Come out, come out, laugh now and just leave me alone ". I said looking around, ignoring Ivan's presence.

" Anne ". Ivan called

" Oh, there must be cameras in the bushes ".

" Anne ". Ivan called again. I walked to the bushes looking for anything that could end this game of theirs.

" Anne ". Ivan grabbed my hand and turned me around making me look at him, he lets go of my hand and stares into my eyes, it wasn't something intimidating, it was something else, something I just couldn't put my finger on.

" I'm not playing a prank on you, there's no one here, no Sydney, no camera, it's just you and I ".

Why is he being... well not Ivan right now

He slowly lets go of my shoulder stuffing his hands into the pocket of his jacket. " I'm actually asking you to go to the carnival with me ".

" We're not even friends ". I rolled my eyes.

" And honestly, I really hate you ".

" I appreciate your honesty ". He said smiling for only God knows what reason.

" And, we don't need to be friends to have fun, please I don't want to go alone ".

" Then call someone else to go with you ".

" They're all busy ".

" Then go home ".

" No ".

" Fine then pick another random girl that's not me to go with ".

" But I want to go with someone I know ".

I pinched my nose already getting annoyed.

" Fine Ivan, if it gets you to leave me alone after this ".

He smiled in victory and I just scoffed. He then took a hold of my hand and dragged me to a black SUV which was parked a few feet away from where we were.

" Are you sure about this? ".

" Yes ". He opened the door to the back seat

" Now get in ".

I folded my hands and shaked my head.

" How do I know your not kidnapping me so you can do crazy experiment with me in your basement which you turned into a laboratory for your mad ways ".

He just gave me a weird look and I looked away flushing red. I really need to stop watching serial killers documentaries.

" I'm not kidnapping you, now quit stalling and get in "

I entered inside the car, he then entered after me and shut the door.

" To the carnival George ". He said to the guy in the front seat who I assumed to be the driver.


The new years carnival was amazing, they really went all the way out, considering they are only here once in a year. it's the new years carnival after all. I had lots of fun, with the rides, the games, the rewards but come on there's no way I'm telling Ivan I had fun. So I kept a poker face. We are currently in the car, on our way to my house, the only reason I allowed him to take me home being it's already really late and I hated walking in the darkness of the night.

" Come on Anne ".

I turned to look at Ivan rasing a brow.

" What? "

" Just say it ".

" Say what? ". I acted dumb. I wasn't what sure what he's talking about but I think I have an idea.

He sighed. " Just admit it ".

" Admit what? ".

He rolled his eyes. " Don't play dumb, you know what I'm talking about, admit it ".

" And I ask you Ivan, admit what? ".

He groaned. " Admit you had fun ".

I snickered. " No I didn't, I was with you the whole time off course I didn't have fun ".

He slapped his hand to his chest. " Okay ouch but again, I appreciate your honesty ".

" We're here ". George said.

I looked out the window at the house, praying that my aunt is fast asleep.

" Thanks ".

I turned to open the door but Ivan stopped me. " No good night ".

" I told you, we're not friends ".

He smiled. " Good night Anne ".

I opened the door and got down from the car, closing it and without looking back I walked into the house, relived to find my aunt passed out on the couch.

I manoeuvre my way through the empty bottles of Alcohol and went up to my room. I changed into my pj's and got under the blanket.