
The mistakes we make.

Anne, a teen who is having trouble with letting go of her past and moving on, she feels alone, unwanted and shuts everyone out even those who might care about her. Ivan, he's rich, handsome, funny, sporty, the typical definition of the dream guy of every high school girl. What happens when Ivan decides to act on the crush he has had on a certain girl, and what happens when Anne's world comes crashing down and the only person who can save her is a certain guy.

Writer_Danielle · 若者
10 Chs

Chapter eight.

The hardest thing ever is probably trying to stay awake during Mrs.Jane's class. I mean no one wants to hear the boring fact about history and her occasional talks about her cat sandy.

Today started even worst than yesterday did, after having an annoying argument with my aunt, it just put out of the mood for school even more but I didn't want to stay at home either.

" Anne, Anne France, please report to the principals office ". A voice said through the speaker installed in the class.

The class immediately went quiet and I felt all eyes on me.

I didn't hear that right, I was just called into the principals office. Someone please tell me I didn't hear that right.

" Miss. France ". Mrs. Jane called. " The principals office ".

I sighed. " Yes ma'am ".

I stood up and walked out of the class right after taking a permission slip from Mrs. Jane.

Why the hell I'm I being called into the principal's office? I'm I getting in trouble for coming late again? ugh!

I pushed the door open entering inside the administrative department.

" Can I help you? ". The lady behind the reception desk asked.

" Um yeah, I got called here ".

" Hmm. Anne France ". I nodded in reply.

" You can go in ".

I offered her a small smile and walked past her heading towards the office, I paused right in front of the door hearing a familiar female voice talking with the principal.

" I just think it's the best for her ". The female voice said.

For who? Me?

" Your probably right Miss Kate ".

My eyes widened in shock when I finally realized who he's talking about. I pushed the door open entering inside.

" No knocking ". Mr. March said raising a brow.

" I'm sorry ". I'm not sorry. I glared at my aunt.

What the fuck is she doing here?

I let out a short breath and turned to look Mr. March.

" You called sir ". I said allowing my glasses to rest on the bridge of my nose.

" Yes your aunt would like to tell you something ".

" What? ". I asked trying not to sound rude even though I know I failed miserably.

" Please sit dear ".

Dear? What is she up to now?

" I rather not, I'll soon have to go back to class, just say what you have to say ".

She sighed. " It's actually about school ".

I rose a brow. " What do you mean? ".

" Anne ". Mr. March called and I turned to look at him. " Your aunt has decided to withdrawal you from school ".

" What?! ". I turned to look at her.

" Well I think it's the best thing from you and your principal thinks so too ".

" You can't do that ". I looked at Mr. March.

" Your really going to let this happen ".

" Your not really doing well in class Anne, your grades are dropping maybe your aunt is right ".

" Oh really so you support her in making me a drop out ". I scoffed. " Unbelievable ".

" Anne ju- ".

" Shut the fuck up ". I pointed at my aunt.

" Anne France ". Mr. March glared at me.

" Fuck you ". I said to him and stormed out of the office and out of the department.

I decided against going back to class, I don't think I could. I walked down the hallway to the art wing walking into the art room.

I can't believe, I can't believe her. Just when I thought she couldn't become more terrible. She has already made my life so miserable, why did she have to do this.

I sat down on the floor and leaned back on the wall, biting on my bottom lip.

I'm not going to cry, I'm not going to cry, not for that bitch.

I sighed and hugged my knees, burying my face in between them.

It couldn't get any worst, not at all.

" Anne ". The sound of that familiar voice made my stomach churn.

Not now, please not now.

" Hey, are you okay? ".

I sighed and raised my head looking up at Ivan. I didn't even hear him walk in.

" Please, go away Ivan, I can't deal with the now ".

He crouched down to my level. " Your crying, what's wrong? What happened? ".

I raised my glasses a bit and wiped my eyes.

" I'm fine, just go away ".

I expected him to leave but he instead sits crossed leg on the floor.

He placed his hand on my shoulder staring into my eyes, the same way he did the other day.

" You know I always leave you alone when you tell me to but I don't think I can this time, so I won't leave till you tell me what's wrong, I'm serious ".

I bit my lip nervously. One part of me wants to trust him so badly but the other part of me wants to keep my walls up.

I sighed and let go of my knees, crossing my legs.

" Fine I'll tell you, just stop looking at me like that ".

A smile tugged at his lips as he dropped his hands from my shoulder.

" Great ".

I sighed and looked down on the floor avoiding his gaze.

" My aunt- She wants to withdraw me from school ".

" And you don't want that ".

I shaked my head slowly. " I don't- I mean there's nothing really special about going to school here but- I don't want to be withdrawn from school, and it's not just being withdrawn from this school, she's withdrawing me from school entirely. I mean I know that she thinks I'm a waste of time and energy and money and space but- ". I took in a sharp breathe letting it out.

" Yeah that's about it ".

" Have you tried talking to March, did he agree to this? ".

I nodded. " Off course he did, he probably also thinks I'm not worth it ". I sighed. " Well it's over ".

" It's not over Anne ".

I turned to look at him.

" What are you saying? ".

" I'm saying... for every problem, there's a solution ".

" I don't think there's a solution for this ".

He chuckled. " Trust me Anne, there is ".

I stared at him looking for something in his expression, in his eyes, anything that'd prove to me that he's just playing me but I couldn't find anything.

" I'll talk to March ". He said after a while of silence. He then reaches into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a red handkerchief holding it out to me. " So please stop crying, okay? ".

I looked down at the handkerchief then at him.

I sighed taking it from him. " Okay but I.... ". I looked up at him, meeting his eyes. " It will be difficult considering I told him fuck you before I left the office ".

Ivan snickered. " No way ".

I rolled my eyes at him. " Shut up ".

" Soo ". He started unnecessarily dragging the so, the same way he did when we met in the park. " Am I your friend now? ".

" Why do you want to be my friend so bad? ".

" Because I want to... I want to know you, well at least get to know you ". He replied.

" So... friends? ".


" Yeah sure whatever ". And immediately I said that the bell rang.

He let out a short laughter. " That's great ".

He scooted next me, leaning his back on the wall, his smiling never going away.