
The Mist of The Fate: The Word of the Lowest Tier [Season:1] [Part:2] [Chapter:1]

( Caution!: You should or depending on reading the Part before reading this Part. )


The Moon Worshipper is an entity that lived in a Domain; Their Physical body is use to contain Them inside of the Dimension, without an existence of Space & Time. However, the Domain needed a lot more Layers of Dimensional that is theoretically beyond an Absolute Infinite. Thus containing The Hyper Deities inside even though They are capable of escaping the Domain with an Endless Space that leads to darkness, such as a Bottomless Space.

"Greetings, Friend. What another simple scheme You were planning again; always is something isn't much of a great plan. What You wanted Me for again?" Worshipper said towards the Friend of His.

"Don't try to play Your existence with someone that is entirely above Your Tier. Your mere presences can't even be feel when You get's near, showing a weak Power unlike Above Tiers than You are." The Puppeteer said with a cold tone just any other Titans.

"Ah well, Tiers is useless anyways, it always depends on their "Abilities" and not Physical Strength & Strategically Combat. Forget what have I said, what Universe do You want Me to go at?" The Worshipper said in a tone of playful until getting to the last part, of more on calming.

"Universe~3, An Alternate Universe of ours, thus They might having a Comparable Godlike Abilities just like us. Watch Your life when You fight Them, the Universe seems to have Layers of Dimensionality, it's protect the beyond from terrorizing against the Universe and inside from escaping the Universe. Even if were to be beyond their Multiverse, We have somewhat a possibility to defeat Them in any amount of Possibilities." The Puppeteer giving an explanation and tips of the Universe, while the Worshipper stare at Him with an impression of satisfied.

"Is that all You wanted to inform Me about? I'm sure is enough to hear from You babbling again, pardon My rudeness, even though it's common for someone to be rude at. Nevertheless; I'll be there, be quick." The Worshipper flew into space, at a Speed of ahead of time. In a single point of a small second, He have arrived to the Universe by entering the Multiverse.

He bypass the Dimensionality, even breaking the Multiple Layers of Infinite Dimensionality. Dimensionality works the same just what Science explained, with Universes having a Higher Infinities, however, in this Science Fiction. Universe seemingly having a far beyond Systems than the Actual Observable Universe does, which the Deities name, as 'Trenespehere Globe', claiming to be having Tredecillion amount of Fragments of the Dimensionality/Universal Barriers Layers.


Moon Worshipper got inside of the Trenesphere Globe without an issue, He than appeared infront of the Planet, a Wanted Planet that is needed for destruction. Not for balanced, for destruction that have no usefullness for Them, but for satisfaction.

It seems the Planet is having a Solar Eclipse, which He stays on the Moon for a while. Just like Earth, this is an Alternative Planets. Alternation can have a different meaning, just like a classic Alternation meant; however, it isn't only for Universes, it has swap places with Galaxies, causing Galaxies to having Infinite Alternations of Them in a single Globe/Universe. Which would creating an Higher Infinite amount of Earths, a possibility of Alternate version of Earth in the same Universe is fortunately High.


A Hand reaches out to the Worshipper, as He appeared on the Arm under a zeptosecond. He already can tell the Enemy Combat Speed is already moving at the Speed of Faster than Light. Due to the the Multiple Fragments of Dimensionality, is a power source of the Deities, the Lower the Dimensionality; the Lower Their Physical Strength & Ability. 

The Hand is likely to be made out of the same substance and materials as the Sun does. The Hand swoop up half chucks of the Moon. It seems the Entities in this Solar System seems to have a High-Level Quantum Manipulation, thus They could Reality Warping in a certain way & damaging Higher Infinites Dimensionality Characters.

( The Enemy Appearance; Is a Sun, have a dark black eyes, a distorted mouth, and creating a yellow-ish gas for protect Itself )

"Never knew Entities like You could exist, if I'm right. You are that one Celestial Monstrosity who were sealed inside of a Star, aren't I right?" Worshipper said in a calm and good feeling tone & expression. With a look of a little smirk and playful towards the Celestial Being. As He spoke again, "Forget what have I said, even though Humans never knew about Your History, us Deities; are the greatest!-", another swoop of the Enemy's hand again to the Worshipper.

"It seems You really do not have any intellectual whatsoever." The Worshipper said. After dodging the strike. He flew towards the Moon again, and step a foot to the floor of the Moon. The Enemy tries to catched the Worshipper, and it seems He doesn't even moved a single muscle or molecules. Until; a barrages of blows strikes towards the Sun from the behind. Even though the Worshipper capable of travel to a 10³⁰³ Lightyears in a single Second, or even lower. He were only to have an enjoyment and playful time with Them. Thus causing His ego to "blind" Him.

As the Enemy suddenly attack the Worshipper with an eruption of liquids of Sun. Only for the Whorshipper nullified the High-Level Quantum Manipulation, "With any sort of Dimensionality Negation Ability, it isn't anything useful between the Battle of Deities!" And crushing the Hands of the the Sun Enemy with a Meteors that is somehow hardened. Before punching through the Sun that have traveled beyond the Range of passing through Infinite Space inside of the Trenesphere Globe, creating an enormous hole throughout the Globe, & the Stars. 


As the Worshipper had to lowered His usage on Ability, and had to use a Low amount to gave a par on par on battle with the Alternate Titans.

He arrived at the Earth after couple of Hours, at a random location. Until a sudden Enemy attack at insanely amount of Speed, Worshipper parry the attack at a perfect time. The Enemy is a Monstrosity that height is 5.12 Km, towering above the Whorshipper who is around 100 Feet. He grab the Enemy the Head and threw it onto the Buildings from afar, crashing upon multiple Factories and Buildings. 

( Enemy Appearance: Have a body of a Worm, a Color skin of Dark Blue, A Thick layer of Flesh & Skin, Unlike a most Worms, it doesn't have a "Head"; it's something that have a Mouth that can't possibly work like a jaw, as it likely use for swallowing. And it have Layers of Teeth )

"Even though I don't have a life like a Human, which would've make the Story a lot interesting. But, this is the only life I have, I'll grant any fortune to the mortals." Worshipper said, as He cast a Tornado onto the Town, causing a Multiple Towers & Houses to being suck. "Hell & Heaven exist. And I'm not worth to be in there, just by My ruthless acts..."

The Enemy flew towards the Worshipper, It attack Him, by striking Him with Multiple Stab with It's Head at a single Nanosecond per Attack. The Worshipper likely able to dodged the Attack with a little issue, only for the Enemy to be hit with a Jab that created Joules of 10¹⁹. However, the Enemy seems to create an aura of a 'Magic Skill', as the Worshipper just calmly walks towards the Enemy, with an expression of playful.

"Use Your 'Udrin' Power, I wanted to see how does it work for Titans. It have existed after the existence of the first Titan learned it, isn't it? Show how does it work on Favourite God Creation." Worshipper said in a mocking & over confident tone of voice. The Enemy charged towards Him, only to be hit with a strike of an elbow, the Enemy smashed It's head to the ground. As the Worshipper launch Himself far off, to give an interesting battle most of the time.

Until, the Worshipper realize; the Udrin Power is a flow Aura Energy Power that is came throughout Giants Body, by their Veins of bloods and Mind Personality, just like any other Power System. A way to obtain the Energy is by awaken by the progress They've made throughout their entire life. Thus achieving the Flow of Aura.

The Udrin Power is only special for the Giants that have existed in the Solar System that He is in.


The Enemy flew itself onto the Worshipper, He move to the side by dodging the attack. Out of nowhere, dark clouds starts to evolved and appeared from where the Worm have goes too. Dark Clouds will be created whenever the Worm has across the path, when the molecules that have made context with the Worm, will send the liquids up into the Clouds above.

The Worshipper, show an expression of somewhat proud and playful towards the Worm. As He gathered any water source nearby and poured it all over His Legs, as He says "Now You have somewhat a chance of damaging Me, and was able to drain the bloods after Your Udrin Energy; Ability cut My feet off." In an instant, the Worshipper threw a boulder with a flick of a finger to the Worm. A perfect sphere shape were made by the throw of the boulder, piercing through the Enemy Bodily Worm.

He slowly glared at the Enemy, it goes into a stance of a runner. The Enemy make a little move, it suddenly got Speed Blitzed, and sending to the up of the atmosphere. Piercing through every Earth's Atmosphere and Clouds in lower than second. The Enemy flew towards Him at a Speed of 30 Novemdecillion MilesPerSecond. As the Worshipper dodged the charged that came instantly onto the ground. "Undris Power System only special for You giants, aren't it true? We never had a chance with an interesting life full of challenges; but what We deities always wanted is life like a Human. Nevertheless, continue the fight."

The Enemy moves backward a little, "Oh, how was I right." He says. As He approaching towards the Enemy, It charged again at the Worshipper and curved It's body in a swift and very flexible motions. In an instant, the Worshipper left foot cut off and were levitating to the Wet Clouds. The Worshipper clap into the air, causing a whole cloud near Them flew away far into the distances. He appeared infront of the Enemy, giving a blow with a fist to the mouth of the Enemy. Creating a massive hole through the Enemy body.

It bite the Worshipper hand quickly, and ripped His Hand in split of second. As the Worshipper stomp the ground, sending the House below The Enemy fly through It's Head, piercing It's Head and Brain.

As the Worshipper gently take away His hand, and regenerate His lost Limbs, in a matter of a small second. And goes to walks away without causing a single footsteps sound echoes in the Earth. Which has now slowly corrupted and collapsing by a Heartless Deity.


-[ To be Continue. ]-

(+) Facts: Science in Real Life does exist in the Alternative Galaxies. Does it have exactly the same meaning as Real Life does.

* First Enemy is 'That's No Sun', and the second Enemy is 'Cloud Worm'

* The Worshipper is capable of lowering His Capability Strength to the lowest, and so does other Deities could.

* This Story is before the battle between Siren Head, He maybe seems have somewhat above average intelligence. He is still mostly Stupid in a other Situations.

* This is for a Version of Worshipper. More Giants will be in a future.

* Read a previous Part of this Novel Series, before reading this.