
The young and hopeless

We meet a young girl with a horrible life she was a slave given only one bowl of rice to eat and 8 ounce of water to drink a day.She was beat if she messed up or cried and if she cried from the beating they would beat her more. The room they kept the slaves in had miniscule amount of light and had a concert floor but she was separated from the other slaves most of the time locked away in a room just barely big enough for her to lie down in, it had a dirt floor and the only light she had came from a torch about 50 feet away next to the guard's desk. She couldn't see them but heard the shouting at random time scared and not knowing what he was screaming about the girl would crawled into a corner and close their eyes. When she opened her eyes  most of the time the guard was standing there and he started hitting the child yelling and screaming. He was screamed kthings like "how hard is it to kick the ball" and "they paid the referee off" never knowing what he meant she just screamed "I'm sorry" over and over again. It never mattered because the guard was never mad at her just liked taking his anger out on the slave. She was the closest to the guard's desk and got beat most of the time. There were days they didn't even feed her it's not like they forgot they just didn't want to (waste their time with her). It is on one of those sad nights that we join this young lady. She sat patiently waiting for her bowl of rice that night but it never came the guards just walked by laughing. She was more hungry that night then she has ever been. She figured it would be better to eat dirt then nothing. So she gathered some dirt shaped it like a ball and as she went to take a bite she close her eyes and imagined it was a rice ball. When she bit into it to her surprise it tasted like rice and when she looked down to looked like a rice ball. She didn't understand what happened so she made another ball out of dirt and took a bite out of it and spit it out because for some reason this one tasted like dirt confused she ate the first ball that still tasted and looked like rice. Knowing she would need her straight tomorrow she went to sleep.