
The Miracle Clinic

[NEW CHAPTER EVERY THURSDAY!] Do you believe in miracles? Well for two high school students named Marcus Veridan & Ronnie Everst, they certainly do as they've managed to make a club all about making miracles happen. Despite the club struggling to find its footing, they manage to quickly find two new members in the form of Elizabeth Moore, a shy nerdy girl that somehow gets into drama pretty easily, and Alex Smith, a hot heated athletic dude that thinks with his fists. Together the four of them and their club named "The Miracle Clinic" will slowly but surely begin to shake the entire groundwork of the city they live in, one miracle at a time. ________________ this is my first ever webnovel story I've ever done so I'm sorry if some things are a bit rough at the start.

Preston108 · 都市
112 Chs

xS2 Chapter 16 - Dress To Impress If You Want Success

The Moon Shadow Affiliate; one of the most successful businesses in the entirety of Starlight City and a titan of the fashion industry. The Affiliate has built up goodwill among the citizens in Starlight City by offering their clothes for cheap to those living there and for free to those who need them.

They're also the organization whose secretly in charge of five criminal organizations; Dirty Fang, The Massachusetts Boys, The Vignette, The Three Tees, & The Vignette. The groups give the MSA a portion of their profits and in turn, the MSA makes sure that they stay out of the way of legal repercussions and gain access to even more opportunities.

And it's this company that Ronnie's uncle, Ryan Everst, is the president of.

It's also this company that Ronnie Everst, Elizabeth Moore, Alex Smith, & Marcus Veridan are once again visiting. This time though, they're going to try a ton of clothes on.

"So are we getting paid for this?" Alex Smith asks as he stands in an elevator in MSA's main office.

Alex, Ronnie, Elizabeth, & Marcus are all standing in the elevator as it ascends up several floors.

"We're getting free clothes out of this, good enough for me," Elizabeth remarks.

"Surprised the other three said no to be honest," Ronnie remarks, "They don't know about the shady stuff with the MSA do they?"

"I didn't tell Selina but she already had her shift at the bookstore," Marcus explains, "Randy just didn't respond to our texts and Sammy said she wasn't feeling well."

"Still you guys okay with this, the MSA isn't exactly the-" Ronnie tries to say but the elevator doors open.

Standing there are two individuals; one is a bodyguard working for the M.S.A., Terry Boats. Terry is a tall extremely muscular man who doesn't have an ounce of skin showing. He's wearing a white-&-red biker helmet with thick black lenses, a white-&-red striped scarf, a white-maroon-black sportbike jacket, a silver 'MSA' ring on his finger, white-maroon-back sportbike pants, black leather gloves, and white boots.

The other individual is one of the head fashion designers, Ronald Sampson. He's a man with white skin, long legs, messy brown hair in a mullet, and a silver 'MSA' ring on his finger. Sampson is also wearing a red blazer over a white floral button-up, maroon bedazzled dress pants, black round sunglasses, and brown dress shoes.

"Glad you could make it, we've got a ton of clothes that Delaware and I picked out for you guys," Ronald says as he shakes all of their hands, "The name's Ronald by the way."

"Nice to meet you," Alex remarks, "Are you and Ronnie related?"

"No but he's my godson," Ronald remarks casually as he walks over to the center of the room.

In the room there are several cameras and recording equipment aimed at a giant green screen, however, all of them are deactivated. There are also countless racks of clothes littering the room, as well as some private changing rooms in the back. There's also a table with six chairs next to it, each with some scorecards in front of them.

"You guys can try anything you want on and we'll let you know if we think it's good for your school dance,' Ronald explains.

"Who are the other seats for?" Elizabeth begins to ask as she goes to grab one of the dresses.

However, as Elizabeth pulls on the dress she hears a loud hissing noise as a cat jumps from within its hiding spot in the mountain of clothes and onto Elizabeth. Elizabeth stumbles back before falling to the ground with the cat on her face.

"Oh, that's where he went!" Ronald Sampson exhales, "C'mere Mister Fluffykins!"

The American Shorthair Cat, Mister Fluffykins, stops hissing and trying to scratch Elizabeth's face as he elegantly walks over to Ronald and hops onto one of the chairs.

"H-he's gonna be one of the judges?" Ronnie questions.

"The cat has an eye for these things," The person who enters the room remarks, "And so do I."

The group looks to see the person who entered the room is a woman with white skin, long dirty blonde hair that's up in a bun, black glasses, green eyes, and has a mole under her left eye. The woman is holding a cup of herbal green tea and is wearing a purple-yellow-&-black sweater, black yoga pants, a silver 'MSA' ring on her finger, and cream-colored flat tops.

"Good to see you Brendy," Ronald remarks as he takes his set before explaining to the kids, "She's Brenda Delaware to you."

"I didn't exactly get proper notice of this so forgive me for my casual outfit," Brenda apologizes as she sips her tea.

"Yeah Ryan kinda sucks at scheduling doesn't he?" Ronald remarks.

Terry nods in agreement.

"And yet he's always the last one to arrive," The next person to arrive remarks.

That person is Sally Everst's coworker at the tattoo parlor and fashion model for the MSA, Santiago Hernandez. Santiago is a Hispanic man with black hair tied up in a man bun, round glasses, green eyes, a thin mustache, a nose piercing, and several tattoos across his body including one of the moon on his chest. He's wearing a black leather jacket with no undershirt, black jeans, and black boots.

"How long is this going to take?" Santiago remarks as he lights a cigarette.

However before he can smoke, the cigarette gets put out by someone. Santiago looks in shock as standing behind him is Ryan Everst. He's wearing a black wool jacket with purple engravings, a cream colored crewneck sweatshirt with purple-&-black stripes at the bottom and end of the sleeves, black denim pants, and black running shoes. 

"I told you smoking isn't allowed in here Santiago," Ryan utters coldly before changing into a joyful tone, "We don't want to make our clothes smell bad now don't we?"

"Right," Santiago grumbles as he tosses the cigarette away,

As the members of the MSA take their seats, Ronnie sighs as he looks at all of his options.

"Guess we're just guinea pigs to try out all of their fashion ideas," Ronnie whispers.

"At least guinea pigs get paid," Alex whispers back.

"Guinea pigs don't get paid," Marcus whispers.

"I know I just wanted to get paid," Alex whispers back.

"Oh yeah sure take your time on deciding," Uncle Ryan remarks as he stands there, "I'll just be here… waiting."

"Alright I guess we can try stuff on," Ronnie says, "Hopefully none of these outfits are too high fashion and are just random bullshit."

"Oh please they know it's just for our school dance," Elizabeth sighs, "They wouldn't have us do that–"


Ronnie is dressed as an orange, Elizabeth as a pear, Marcus as an apple, and Alex as a bunch of grapes.

"I think it's truly marvelous," Ronald snickers.

"Ronald, Brenda, what were you smoking when you designed these?" Santiago questions, "And where can I get it?"

Brenda begins to explain, "Oh you see there's this guy who stays at the corner between Marble Road & Step–"

"You can change into your next outfits," Uncle Ryan remarks.


Ronnie is wearing an all-pink bedazzled suit with pink gloves and black sunglasses. Alex is wearing an all-cyan bedazzled suit with cyan gloves and black sunglasses. Elizabeth is wearing an all-green bedazzled suit with green gloves and black sunglasses. Lastly, Marcus is wearing an all-red bedazzled suit with red gloves and black sunglasses.

"The coordination is on point," Brenda remarks.

Mister Fluffykins licks his paws.

"It feels too powerful for a high school dance though," Ryan adds, "Maybe for a talent show."

"It could work but I'm no dreamer so next outfit please," Terry remarks.


Ronnie, Alex, Marcus, & Elizabeth are all wearing regular clothes but over them are white togas.

"THIS ISN'T ANCIENT GREECE!" Alex yells as he looks at his garments.

"Actually the Ancient Romans wore those," Brenda corrects, "But yeah this isn't the best outfit. Next!"


Ronald, Ryan, Santiago, Brenda, Terry, & Mister Fluffykins look impressed at the four teens' latest outfits.

"Yeah, I got no issues with this," Santiago remarks.

"You're all dressed to impress," Ronald adds, "Which means you're all set for success!"

"Bravo!" Brenda states before sipping her tea.

Mister Fluffykins purs in approval.

"You'll definitely be the ones shining bright at the dance," Terry utters.

"Couldn't have said it better myself!" Uncle Ryan laughs, "You're all ten out of ten!"


"That's good to hear," Ronnie states as he begins to walk away, "So now all's that left is the big day."


And the big day finally arrives as each and every one of the students at Seastar and Starlight High alike get ready for the big homecoming dance.

At The Everst Family Home, Ronald is standing at the door wearing a navy blue button-up, white dress pants, and black dress shoes. His mother Sally. Uncle Ryan, and godfather Ronald Sampson are all taking photos of him. Ronald's cat Mister Fluffykins is sitting on Ronald's shoulder looking proudly at Ronnie.

"How many photos do you guys need?" Ronnie gasps, "I've been standing here forever!"

"As many as we want my handsome young man!" Sally remarks as she takes another photo.

Ronnie sighs as he realizes this is going to be a long time waiting.


At The Moore's Apartment Room, Elizabeth is quickly chowing down on some Bún chả as she makes sure to not let it stain the clothes she's wearing; a light blue somewhat-fluffy dress underneath a black leather jacket and some red ballet flats. Her parents and siblings, Hai Vhan Moore and Lang Thi Moore, are also there eating dinner.

"Don't they have food at the prom?" Mrs. Moore questions.

"They do?" Elizabeth asks.

"Yes, now get going, you don't want to be late!" Her father encourages her.

"Okay! Okay!" Elizabeth says as she adjusts her shoes and walks to the door, "Bye, love you!"


At The Sanchez household, Alex stands at the door in an all-black suit. He has to go down the line of relatives and say his goodbyes before leaving. First, he hugs his Abuela, Yesenia Sanchez, then hugs his Aunt Lula & Uncle Luis, then hugs his Uncle Jose & Aunt Camila, gives a light high five to his 1-year-old cousin Lil Juan, a hug to his twin cousins Liliana & Carmen, then a big hug to his mother Juanita and a firm handshake with his father Mateo.

"I'll make sure to not stay out too late!" Alex remarks as he walks down the steps outside his home and hops on his cousin's pink tricycle.

His family all shouts goodbye to him, but since they're all saying different things Alex isn't sure what they're all saying as he pedals away.

Though as he pedals away, he spots a familiar face on a scooter. It's Randy Buzz, who put way too much hair gel on and too much cologne. Randy's wearing a white helmet with red spikes, a pink polo shirt, and white khaki pants.

"You going golfing or something?" Alex chuckles.

Flustered Randy yells, "Oh yeah? I think my outfit looks great and I totally didn't forget about the dance!"

"Sure sure," Alex remarks, "Race you?"

"You're going down!" Randy retaliates.


At the door to a poorly lit apartment, Sammy Becken makes her way to the front door as she adjusts her red off-the-shoulder dress. She's also wearing a necklace with an upside-down omega symbol.

"I'm heading out to homecoming," Sammy announces.

The other person there, her half-brother, sits in a red leather chair and is covered in shadows as he watches the TV. 

"Have fun or whatever," Her half-brother remarks.

"Make sure to turn on the lights before it gets too late," Sammy reminds him.

"Yeah yeah, like I'd forget," Her half-brother jokes.

Sammy closes the door and leaves. Her half-brother continues to watch TV, forgetting all about the conversation he just had.


On one of the trains to the east side that's crowded with high schoolers, Marcus Veridan is standing next to his now-sister Selina Gulvonac. Marcus is wearing a brown button-up shirt that isn't quite buttoned all the way, white disco pants, and black loafers. His hair is also slicked back minus a strand on the side that refuses to get pushed back. Selina on the other hand is wearing a black buttoned vest over a short-sleeved white button-up, a checkered tie, black dress pants, a black fedora, and checkered shoes.

"Well that's certainly a look," Marcus remarks.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" Selina questions, "At least I know how to button correctly."

"Nothing nothing," Marcus remarks, "I just didn't expect it from you."

"Same for you," Selina mentions.

Since Marcus didn't button the shirt up all the way, some of his tattoos that he tries to hide are a bit visible.

"And how do you have those?" Selina questions.

"I'd like to tell you," Marcus remarks, "But we'd be here for a while."

"Oh please, how long can it be?" Selina jokes.

Marcus sighs, "I tried to warn you."

Though just as Marcus is about to describe his five-chapter-long backstory, the train stops abruptly causing him to bump into someone.

"Oh sorry," Marcus begins to apologize.

"It's all good," The person responds, "Though I didn't expect you to take the train."

Marcus and Selina look to see who it is. Marcus recognizes him immediately but both he and Selina try to hold back their laughter.

"Pfft, hey Mesto," Marcus snickers.

"Hey Marcus," Mesto sighs, "Look I can explain alright."

An hour ago at Burrito Bistro, Mesto was trying to clean off the tuxedo he was planning to wear for the dance. One of his children, Landon, threw up on it after not feeling good.

"Why today of all days," Mesto grunts as he tries to rub the stains out.

Seeing his plight, his boss Cedro Garcia walks over holding something.

"You know Mesto, over the past few years of getting to work with you," Mister Garcia begins to say, "I've come to see you as a son."

Touched Mesto can't help but say, "Mister Garcia! I'm touch–"

The words Mesto was trying to say all vanish from his mind as he sees what his boss is holding.

"What is that?" Mesto asks, trying to hide his disgust.

"This? It's the tuxedo I wore to my wedding," Cedro Garcia responds, "I married the love of my life in this and we were able to spend the best years of our lives together."

"She must have loved you very much," Mesto grimaces at the sight.

"Since your suit is ruined," Cedro Garcia begins to say, "I want you to wear this."

Mesto looks at the tuxedo his boss is holding, then back at his ruined suit, and sighs saying, "Of course I'd wear that. Thanks for everything you've done for me."

Back in the present, Mesto is walking out of the train station with Marcus and Selina. Mesto is wearing a cheetah tuxedo with a cheetah tie.

After hearing the reason behind why he's wearing that, Marcus can't help but remark, "Awe that's sweet of you."

"Th-thanks," Mesto says in embarrassment.

"I would've worn the other suit but you're quite the nice guy," Selina says before asking, "Also sorry but who are you? I don't think we met–"

Before Selina can finish they hear a loud laughter coming from ahead of them as Ronnie, Elizabeth, and Alex can't help but laugh at Mesto's suit. They're standing outside the banquet hall where the join homecoming is to be held, Alex's cousin's pink tricycle is tied down to a metal bike rack.

"Yep this is what I expected," Mesto sighs.

"Boy are you an eyesore!" Alex chuckles.

Sammy walks across the street to join the group, though as they stand there and chat, Mesto spots Ivory Dutchingson walking up the stairs to the banquet hall. She's wearing a white faux fur coat over a black silk dress, long black gloves, and thigh-high black boots. Her hair is also tied up by several pins and she is wearing bright red lipstick.

Mesto seems a bit nervous so Ronnie puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry you got this man," Ronnie encourages, "Go talk to her."

"Yeah and if things don't work out, I heard the zoo is in need of some more animals," Alex jokes before getting elbowed by Elizabeth.

"Thanks, guys," Mesto says before he approaches Ivory.

As he walks over to her, Ivory notices him, and the two lock eyes. Ivory's eyes widen as a bubbly smile grows on her face, though her face contorts into a mortified one as she lays eyes on Mesto's suit.

As the two begin to chat and walk up the stairs, Ronnie turns to look at the others.

"You guys ready to head up?" Ronnie asks.

The others agree, though just as Ronnie is about to make his way up them, he spots a black limousine making its way down the street.

"Oh hey wonder who was able to afford that," Ronnie remarks.

The limousine gets closer to Ronnie without stopping.

"It's gonna slow down, right?"

It doesn't slow down.


Ronnie closes his eyes and a look of pure terror morphs onto Elizabeth's face as the limousine is about to crash into the teen. 

Except it doesn't, it just barely manages to stop in time.

"What the hell?!' Alex roars as he rolls up his sleeves and walks over to the front window, "THERE'S BEING A SHITTY DRIVER AND THEN THERE'S WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU ARE!!!"

The driver steps out from the limo and cackles, "Did I give you guys a nice scare, Stupid-cle Clinic?"

"That isn't even a good insult," Marcus sighs, "And you could've killed him!"

"Yeah but I didn't," The driver cackles, "But I gotta say, it's been a long time since I've seen your puny faces!"

Ronnie makes eye contact with the driver and realizes he's a student at Seastar High.

"How are you even allowed to drive that?" Ronnie questions.

"My dad's a limo driver, so I just 'borrowed' his keys," The sophomore taunts.

The person has white skin, brown eyes, a light mustache, and a brown mullet. He's also wearing a dragon tuxedo and black dress shoes. That person is Draco Maleby.

"Remember me?" Draco questions as he raises an eyebrow.

"No," Ronnie, Marcus, Alex, and Elizabeth answer bluntly.

See You Next Chapter!~

I came up with some of the outfits in this and the next chapter thanks to two of my friends so thanks to them. Now hope you enjoy the chapter!

Preston108creators' thoughts