
The Mightiest Mortal Grand Order V2

The countdown till the end of the World as we know it is heart thumping, and the people serving as its saviors are a pair of an amnesic Deity and his Demi-Servant, who will journey through the Seven Grand Orders. Let's just hope that will be enough.

vtorx_0867 · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

War Stratagem Conference

"So where are we off to, Marie?" Billy asked, after leaving the confines of the Control Room.

Fou had strangely enough, left the group strutting away. When the Chaldean Master informed Mash of that, she brushed it as the beast taking some time off to wander around.

"Probably Fou-san is not interested in the happenings."

Olga Marie who was in front of the group, spared a backward glance at Billy. "I'm glad you asked. Normally, I would have allowed you some days to spend time in familiarizing yourself with the base. But unfortunately, we don't have time."

While she spoke, they had already reached the elevator entrance that had the sign of Chaldea minted on its surface. The Director pressed the tablet button at the side of the elevator, and with a damp whirr, it opened as all who were present processed inside.

After pressing a floor number inside the elevator, she continued. "So as early as possible. We are currently proceeding to the Chaldea's Conference room, to be discussing on how we all are going to be moving forward."


Romani, who had been quiet interrupted in astonishment, as he processed the meaning of her words in surprise. He knew how the Director always keeps to herself, being a mage and all. So for her to even think of including outsiders when deciding on matters concerning Chaldea.

To call it shocking was an understatement on its own.

"Are you sure about this, Director?"

Olga Marie folded her arms akimbo, looking away. "The world has already been destroyed. Indirectly by my own hands, no matter what anyone says. Because I tried to make it work my way. But I… I was wrong in everything."

With downcast eyes she continued, "Even those I thought I trusted to stand by me, betrayed me in the end."

Even till now, just thinking about Lev, or was it the Demon God Flarous, was enough to drive her in a state of depression. He was her closest confidant, someone she looked up to, someone, she so greatly respected. But apparently to him, she was nothing but a failure.

And in retrospect, she really was…

Billy's hand resting on her shoulders drew her out of her funk, as Olga Marie turned to see the Chief deity giving her an emphatic smile.

She took a deep breath, chiding herself. 'What is wrong with you, Olga Marie Animusphere…? Failure or not. You know better than to be offloading your heart to the world. You are a mage, and have been given a second chance to get it all done. So, chin up, and fix all this.'

After sorting herself out, Olga Marie calmly replied to Romani. "Only for this occasion. And we do not have that much of a choice, do we now?"

The Head-Doctor shook his head, while giving a mirthless laugh. "I suppose we don't."

"So Billy-kun. We are heading to the Conference Room to have a more proper conversation there." Eyeing the God incarnate, she added. "Also for you to help shed some light as to your unique condition."

"Unique condition?" Billy echoed bemused.

"Ah, the Director is talking about your godhood, Billy-kun." Mash explained for him.

"Hmm… Well, I still was going to explain it even though you guys had never asked. Although, even I don't know the full details."

Mash gave an understanding smile, "We all surmised as much."

The Master's eyebrow shot up, "Really?"

The iliac nodded. While Romani clarified on the assumption, "To be precise. It's more about the proceedings of the events that led us to sum it as such. Not once did you even think that you might be related to a God, talk more of being one. And then, there's the issue of your amnesia."

Billy let out a sound of understanding, "You're right about that. Ok then, let's all go do some brainstorming."

Groaning, Billy stretches his hands up, before placing both hands on his hips and then began to twisting to assuage his rigid back, which stimulated some bone sifting pops.

"Boy, do I feel so stiff all over." He moaned, before turning inquisitively to the demi-Servant. "Mash, for how long had I been unconscious?"

Mash opened her mouth, and closed it finding hard to reply to his question.

The God incarnate tilted his head bemused. "Mash?"

"Three days." Olga Marie replied with sigh, "You had been unconscious for three days."


The elevator stopped as Olga Marie and Romani left the elevator, leaving behind the jaw dropped Billy.

"Oh… Ok~" He blinked comically, after some moments had passed, "I certainly did not expect that number."

"You must have been really tired, Billy-kun." Mash offered in support, which her Master gladly took.

"Yeah. In more ways than one, Mash."

As the quartet headed for the conference room, Billy took in scenery. White walls, white lights, gray tiles. The only serving as decoration of sorts would be the design of Chaldea on the mentioned places…

He decided there and then, that whoever did the interior planning was without any form of inspiration.

'White. White. And more white! What kind of atmosphere did the decorator want to project?! Where the hell did all the other colors go?' Billy groused to himself.

In the course of their journey, they went pass two of the remaining twenty staffs. A young man of short stature, with blond hair and thin rimmed glasses, dressed in what appeared to be green and black uniform shirt with white accents, and white slacks.

The other was a woman with honey brow hair, primly dressed in an orange and black shirt with white accents, and a white skirt.

Both staffs paused in their discussion, giving respectful bows to Marie.

"Mam." The blond man greeted.

"Director." The woman reiterated, more formally.

The Tower Lord replied with a nod of her own, "Mr. Meuniere. Miss. Sylvia, you both carry on."

"Yes, mam." They both replied.

But instantly, their movements halted as their eyes landed on Billy who spectated on. Freezing in nervousness. The man, Meuniere. Opened his mouth with no sound coming out, pulling his eyes down seemly afraid to even look at the confused Master.

Billy blinked at the scene, as he amiably raised a hand, "Hey…"

The woman, Sylvia, yelped more to the God Incarnate confusion. Meuniere took the initiative to bow a whole ninety degrees, with Sylvia following suit. And then, both absconded with a speed short of a sprint.

"What-What was that?" Billy asked after some seconds passed.

Their behavior was too bizarre, and strangely kind of disheartening. Although, he had an inkling on why they both did that, but he first had to confirm his unspoken hypothesis.

"Really, Billy-kun? Do you have to ask?" Romani commented incredulously, with a raised eyebrow.

"Romani Archarman!"

Olga Marie barked in such a tone, the Head-Doctor pocketed his hands in his white coat, turning away while whistling innocuously.

Mash slipped a hand into his, clenching supportively. "Don't worry Billy-kun. I'm sure that they will see you for who you are, not what you are."

Billy shook his head, "No worries, Mash. Let's just go."

In his mind, the Master found this completely normal.

'They do not understand our power, which is why they fear us. What we do… What we could do. So let our actions speak for ourselves rather than our words.'

'Yeah, Big Blue got it right on that one.' Billy paused, as a frown surfaced on his face. 'Wait… Who the hell is Big Blue?'

The rest of the journey was spent in silence, all in their little world ruminating on their own problems.


"As of this moment. I, Olga Marie Animusphere. As Chief Director of Chaldea, declare the operation, 'Human Incineration Grand Order.' Commence as of this moment." Olga Marie said, after some moments we had settled down in the meeting room.

The room was as Billy had suspected. Both ceiling, walls, and floors were white. The room itself was quite big and spacious, as there was still enough space even with the furniture in place.

Everybody had all arranged their selves, at a rather large transparent meeting table, sitting on cushy black chairs. Seeing that there were no one else apart from them. They all sat in close proximity.

Billy, and Mash on one side. Romani on the other, and Olga Marie took the head seat.

"Human Incineration Grand Order…" Billy reiterated. While the name sounded clinched, it was an apt description for their situation, albeit morbid. Although the Master could have sworn he had actually heard that word 'Grand Order' from somewhere.

Eyes flashing in remembrance, Billy snaps his fingers at the High Human. "Hey, Marie. That word 'Grand Order.' Didn't Arthur say the same thing before she vanished?"

Olga Marie nodded, "Yes she did. I presume that she probably learned about it from Lev… I mean the Demon God, Flarous." Her eyes darkened lightly, before she shook her head and continued.

"Anyway, the term Grand Order, simply put is named after the highest law of magi. Although my father, Marisbury Animusphere. Coined the name on a hypothetical basis, it is more of a quest title, we assign to incidents that threatens the Human Order. Like the Singularity F, we just dealt with."

Billy hummed, in understanding.

Seeing that the Chief Deity was satisfied with her answer, Olga Marie cleared her throat, " Ahem* now let's begi-… Wait Romani. Have you informed her of the meeting?"

Romani's face took one of long-suffering. Placing both his elbows on the table, and laced his fingers, as he replied. "I did inform her. Although, I really~ do not want her here."

Billy looked puzzled, while Mash asked inquisitively. "Director, do we still have anyone else to wait for?"

The Tower Lord blinked owlishly, before she sighed in understanding. "Ah right, I forgot. She was here before you. Listen Mash, Billy-kun. The individual I and Romani had just been talking about of is one you know quite well, in fact."

"Director, is she…"

Olga Marie smiled, impressed by Mash's apparent quick uptake.

Billy who appeared to be out of the loop, nudged the iliac. "What are you both talking about?"

"Servant, Billy-kun. The lady who is arriving is a Servant."

"Really!" Billy said with voice slightly raised, turning to Olga Marie. "But I thought that we were the only combat ready personnel in Chaldea. Where was she when we were back in Fuyuki city?"

The High-Human deadpanned, answering, "Probably in her workshop building something ridiculous, or just plain drawing macabre designs."

"… …"

"That's the kind of Servant she is as a Caster. Well saying she's a Servant is even stretching it. When she had been summoned, the hero summoning system: FATE was still incomplete. But in a burst of ingenuity, she cheated the system by building a puppet body of herself to reside in. And in doing so, made herself independent of a Master."

She paused to catch her breath, before continuing. "Simply put. She's a high level genius, and her help would be really appreciated. But she is lethargic, and doesn't leave her workshop ever, unless it was something very interesting. Which in this case is you, Billy-kun."

"Me?" Billy pointed at himself.

Romani gave an amused huff, while muttering. "Probably any moment from now…"

Sounds of hurried clanked steps echoed the tiled hallway.

The Tower Lord swerved to the door, as she commented. "Well-Well, what do you know. Speak of the devil and she appears."

The door opens with a forceful smack, as a beautiful woman enters while pouting, "I take offense to that Marie-chan! Who are you calling the devil?"

'By the root.' Olga Marie groaned, rolling her eyes. "It's just a figure of speech."

"Truly?!" The Servant blinked, before cupping her chin in contemplation.

"Hmm… Times really are different, and the world stays for no one. If it were in my time, anyone called a devil would have been ostracized by the society, and made into a pariah. But that's just how the world works~!" She ended cheerfully.

The Chaldean Master while initially stunned by the vivacity of the Caster Servant, settled down to observe her.

'She really is attractive.' Billy admitted.

With a graceful face, coupled with curious blue eyes, and long curly brunette hair. There was this atmosphere around her that was kind of alluring, but did not elicit any kind of lustful thoughts.

Her colorful dress of brown and blue screamed middle ages. Although as Billy's eyes trailed down, the Chief deity wondered, whether maybe he might be mistaken.

'While I may be wrong, I'm quite sure there are no such thing as tights, and high heels in 15th and 16th century.'

Shaking his head, Billy was about to conclude his view of the Servant, when suddenly, his eyes suddenly felt warm. Unknown to him and the others, the seal around his eyes broke as blue pupils became purple.

With a pulse of light, the Chaldean Master blinked, as his view of the world around him gained more definition. It was like the colors around everything became more understandable. When he looked towards Caster once again… He saw the truth.

The God incarnate, witnessed the birth of a genius. One whose work, and legacy still remains revered even in the present world. One whose bizarre inventions served as an inspiration for today's wonders.

One who was so good in everything, mundane or magecraft, that he was touted, the Universal Man.

One who lived a free life, born of alluring handsomeness, but pursued his Ideal Beauty even until his death. His zeal for his Ideal Beauty was such that he wasn't satisfied with expressing it through arts, and when given the opportunity, molded his form into his ideal state.

His name was…

"Leonardo Da Vinci…." Billy said, as purple flickered back to blue. Opening his mouth, he pointed at the said Servant in dumb shock.

"Are you really Leonardo Da Vinci?!" He asks for reasons other awe.

"Pon! Pon! Pon~ give Billy-kun, a resounding round of applause!" Da Vinci incanted, striking a cute pose.

"I am none other than, Leonardo… Da Vinci!" The beautiful brunette dressed in a colorful medieval dress proclaimed. Flashing her eyes at her stunned audience, the Servant twirled gracefully.

"Leonardo Da Vinci? But-But." Mash stammered, alternating glances between Billy-kun and Da Vinci. Confused at the nature of the Servant, and how Billy-kun was able to guess correctly.

"So it's another one of your powers, then." Olga Marie quickly summarized. At this stage, she was already numb to Billy-kun's tricks as she knew from her short experience that it was quite deep.

"At least you have spared time with your sublime deduction, so yes, Billy-kun. She is the third summoned Servant of Chaldea, and first from the FATE system. The genius, 'Leonardo Da Vinci."

The said genius, placed a hand on her hips wearing a smug look. "Aha, Marie-chan. So at last you have finally recognize the genius dwelling in your midst. That's right, praise me more!"

With an annoyed tic, the Tower Lord vindictively added. "And also a lazy bone."

"Guh! That one is quite low, Marie-chan." The Caster clenched her chest, groaning from the mental assault.

Meanwhile, Mash seemed to be having some sort of historical crises. "But, Leonardo Da Vinci-san."

"Please, Mash. Call me Da Vinci-chan." The Caster winked.

The iliac blinked pausing for some seconds, before she smoothly continued, "D-Da Vinci-chan. But aren't you supposed to be a man?"

"Yes, she is a man, Mash." Billy cut in, never taking his eyes from the innocuous beauty. "I don't know how she did it, but she's definitely a man."

What pained Billy-kun the most was that even though he knew that Da Vinci was a man in a woman's body, he still couldn't help but find her beautiful… By God, he knows he is straight! The image couldn't get out his head.

"Hmm… So this is one of your Authorities gained from godhood, which you can utilize as a mortal, huh." Da Vinci deduced with starry eyes, before adopting a façade which would have been serious if it weren't for the impish atmosphere around her.

"Billy-kun. You see, Mona Lisa is an ideal to me, something that I have pursued all my life. And with how culture has changed, I becoming a beautiful girl isn't that strange, is it?"

'No, it's not.' Billy echoed in his mind, his face relaxing as he looked at her in a more positive light. Only for her to spoil it all over again with her next remark.

With an unexpected smirk on her face, Caster incanted.

"Oyah~ but Billy-kun. Is my beauty really that enchanting? Alas, this body belongs only to me." She threw a surly wink, "You can only look not touch. Sorry."

"Mash…" Billy, whose eyes had begun twitching, growled out.

"As you can see, what I'm about to do is definitely not an abuse. I'm just gonna' beat black and blue, a fully bearded old man hiding under a woman's skin!"


Mash hastily held down her Master, who huffed like a bull seeing red. While noting that even with her status as an ascended Servant, it was quite hard to pin him down from moving.

Meanwhile, Da Vinci doubled down holding her stomach in laughter, while Olga Marie observed with a sigh at the sidelines.

Romani who had been silent cleared his throat, adopting a severe air. While his eyes passes over the others who sat and stood in the meeting room.

"Sorry to burst your bubble. But you all remember, right? The threat hasn't ended yet, rather it has begun. We are all on a precarious timetable. And if we do not meet up, we just may die with the rest of humanity."

Olga Marie pursed her lips, somberly nodding, "Yeah that's right. While we are all frolicking frivolously, the enemy is still out there."

Her wrapped fist squeezed so hard, it dented the enforced table due her enhanced strength. Her eyes narrowed darkly.

"Lev Lainur Flauros. And the one behind him."

"Ah." Billy slowly reclines back to his seat, as the reality of the situation struck once again.

'Romani is right. This isn't the time to be doing all this. Goetia is out there in the Temple outside of Time, planning contingencies concerning me right this moment.'

"You are right, Romani. Sorry about that, Billy-kun, I was just messy with you." The Caster said apologetically, before taking a seat at Romani's side.

Seeing that decorum abounded, Romani stood up from his seat facing the Director. "With your permission, I would like to begin with the report that the Observation, and Research team had come up with."

The Tower Lord gestured, "Please, begin."

Coughing into his fist, the Head-Doctor pressed a palm against the symbol of Chaldea on the table, and what sprang forth at the table tops of each of the ones present was a holographic representation of the Earth.

'Cool, sci-fi kind of cool.' Billy thought in awe. Although as he look around, he noticed the others did not appear impressed by what Romani just did. 'Perks of living with, and seeing techs like this all the time.'

"As of yesterday, the SHIBA had been restored. Once again, we scanned the Earth's past to verify Leff Lainur… I mean the Demon God Flarous claim of Mankind's destruction." Romani began as he tapped at the holographic impression.

The image that followed was truly depressing for those who understood what it meant.

"This is…!" Mash cried out in alarm. Her mind jumbled at the image seen on that world maps.

Da Vinci crossed her arms, while a bead of sweat appeared at the side of her head, "This is bad. Really, really bad. It's worse than I suspected."

Unfortunately, Billy on the other hand wasn't getting the message, "So on the world map are seven dots. Am I missing something?"

The Director blinked at Billy. "Truly, you don't know?"

Shrugging, the Master replied. "I'm not a mage in case you have forgotten."

"No you're not Billy-kun, you are the King of Magic." Olga Marie muttered, shaking her head. "Alright, let's do this then. Billy-kun, how do you think Flarous destroyed the World?"

Raising a brow, Billy replied. "Firstly. It wasn't Flarous who destroyed the World. Technically, it was a hive mind, Flaurous was a part of. Also, the World was destroyed by using the Anti-World Noble Phantasm, 'Ars Almadel Salomonis. ' The cleansing bands."

Everyone looked at Billy silent for a while, before Olga Marie shifted to make herself more comfortable.

"Ok…? We've finally gotten the name of the attack that destroyed everything. But nevertheless, Billy-kun. What I am been talking about was the process used to make that possible."

At that Billy nodded. While Ars Almadel Salomonis was indeed a very powerful attack, it was not without a requirement. From where did Geotia get the energy to fire the band?

Back when he was still in his deity form. He had not been able to see the past of the World even though he actuated Uriel's authority over time. It was true that Solomon's Authority wasn't perfect due to him having only just five of the rings. But for the past and future to just be blank was impossible.

Unless… The Chief deity's eyes widened as it all clicked.

"Now you're getting it." Olga Marie said with a small smile, while pointing her finger at the seven dots on the world map. "For Human's History to be destroyed. The energy required must have been high, theoretically nigh-infinite."

"The Holy Grail…" Mash cut in, as she too was getting the point.

Romani nodded, "The Grail has the power to grant any wish. Flarous used that power to change the events of the past, altering history as we know it."

"Hmm… So that's what it is. A want for nail situation, huh." Caster loudly uttered, cupping her chin in contemplation.

"That's right. Events pertaining to humanity progress like, 'if this war hadn't ended, if this invention wasn't made, if this voyage hadn't been a success, if this country hadn't gained independence… If he or she wasn't born.'" Romani explained, pointing back to the map.

"Places and times where, 'if the past was changed, the History of Humanity would greatly deviate." In other words, splintered timelines. These seven dots are important events altered to become Singularities which caused the foundation of Humanity to crumble, and collapse."

"The countermeasures. You all here already know." Olga Marie reclined back trying to appear formal, while turning to Billy.

"Same as with Singularity F. Chaldea rayshits to the Singularity timelines. Retrieve the Grails used to create the Singularities, and when all seven are collected…"

"Human History would be set in course, back as it should be." Billy finished. "So that's the Grand Order."

"Now unto the highlight of this meeting." Da Vinci incanted melodiously. Looking at Billy in such a way it made Mash uncomfortable for no reason.

The Caster's lips quirked up, at the way Mash was surreptitiously inching towards her Master. 'Kya~ how cute.'

"Billy-kun, while I believe we all have questions. Let's just cut all the, what do they call it… Chit-chat, and get to the main theme. Billy Batson-kun, are you a God or not?" The need to know was such that it was killing her.

'At last.' Caster thought impatiently. 'Something, that's too intriguing and mysterious. I just have to know!'

The Master felt all eyes focus on him with such an intensity, it bordered heavy. His slightly open lips, stretched to a mischievous grin.

"Rather than answering, how about I do you one better?" So the Chaldean Master opened his mouth, once more… Transcending into a God.


The entire room, no. The whole Chaldea shook briefly, trembling at the call of divinity. From the void, a crackle of yellow lightning fashioned into existence, streaking through the millions of barriers set around the base without any form of resistance, striking the mortal once more.

Servants, and mortals shielded their eyes at the blinding illumination that lit up the room. It remained for some seconds, and when the glow died down. The mana shadowing the being that remained was simply… Boundless.

Where Billy once sat was now occupied by a giant dressed in a familiar red spandex, and gold armor, and a white hooded cape, which obscured his face. But that did not hide the twin electric glowing eyes underneath that peered at the souls of all that stood before him.

Once more Billy was gone. In his place, the Chief God, Marvel.

"So what do you think mortal, am I a God, or not?" Marvel asked in an amused tone, his voice carried the overwhelming charisma of a great leader.

"This-This-This…" Da Vinci stuttered, her very spiritual core shook at the pressure the deity emanated.

"This is astonishing!" The Caster eyes twinkled in unbridled curiosity. Blushing furiously at the unknown before her. Da Vinci had written off the present World as incapable of producing any more exciting mysteries that she could solve. But this is just too much to comprehend.

Vaulting over the table in one bound. Da Vinci ogled Marvel, her hands almost touching his face, when she suddenly froze as she couldn't move a finger.

"Leonardo Da Vinci. Am I a God or not?" Magical lightning of the highest purity cackled around his body. While he leaned looking straight into her eyes.

With the little movement permitted to head, Da Vinci nodded in acquiescence. "Yes… Yes, you are truly a God."

The Chief God relaxed back on his chair, snapping his fingers. Immediately the Caster found herself on her seat once again.

"Teleportation." Billy explained, "While your interest in my person is quite, flattering. This isn't the time and place, to be doing this."

Caster's cheeks dusted red, while she coughed to hide her embarrassment. "Please you all forgive me. It's all, well… You." She pointed at Marvel.

"At first, I thought it was simply the case of Divine Possession, to create a Divine-Spirit, or a unique situation of Servant Grafting to create a High-Servant. But this isn't any one of those." Her eyes shined with childish wonder.

"You have a core, but it isn't that of a Servant. As a Servant myself, I would know if I were in the present of a fellow Servant. The transcendence you emanate is overloading my senses. It is so much that I am surprised that I can even look you without my eyeballs exploding."

Marvel turned to look at the others, who spotted the same exaggerated reactions.

"Come on guys, you all look like you are seeing me for the first time." He said with a huff.

Mash, the first to cut out of the ridiculous trance replied. "No, Billy-kun. Your presence… It feels too, big to sense straight away."

Romani winced, shaking his head like something was on it. "It's like you are here, there, everywhere. Your aura is messing with my senses."

The hard smack against the table drew all eyes to Olga Marie whose eyes shook, while she stuttered. "Forget about all that. Did you just say you can t-t-t-t-teleport! That's True Magic, you know!"

Electric eyes appeared puzzled, while the obscured head tilted, "While I don't really see that as impressive. I'm quite surprised no one bothered to ask me why am I not dead already?"

Mash rose up from her seat, her face set in concern. "Eh! Are you ok, Billy-kun? Did your deification come with any mortal side effects?"

Marvel gave Mash an assuring smile, while he explained to the others.

"As a God, I'm not expected to exist in this time, the Age of Man. Earth has been destroyed, but the damage done by the White Titan, lack of faith, and the presence of the particle Grain, which basically poisons True Ether which is part of a God's basic foundation is still ever present."

"Dear me, I really had forgotten about that." Da Vinci dazedly muttered. Catching the anxious look Mash threw at God Marvel, she winced in sympathy and quickly asked.

"So how about you inform us ignorant lots. How you are able to manifest safely in the Age of Man, bereft of True Ether, Billy-kun?"

Marvel under his hood smirked, lifting his left hand. On which the ring bearing Josfiel glinted and he snapped his fingers. Immediately the lights in the room fled, plunging its occupants into an uneasy darkness.

"The lights! Billy-kun, what are you doing?" Olga Marie shrieked, as the light was robbed before her eyes. Uneasily, she looked around trying adjust to the darkness, when dots of light appeared around her.

"Sorry about that, everyone. I guess I couldn't control my urge to make a performance." Marvel apologized, as he pulled back his hood revealing his face.

"It is a performance alright. Only it is an expensive, heart-wrenching one." Romani quipped in mirth, while failing to appear unperturbed.

Mash blushed, feeling squirmy about seeing Billy's face, than being surprised at the light dots around her. "No, it's fine. But still, what is this?"

"This…" The Chief God spread his hands gesturing. "This is the beginning, and the truth. One of the reasons why I am, and will capable of surviving no matter the time period."

"These are stars, aren't they, Billy-kun?" Olga Marie asked in such a way that it was more like a statement.

"Correct, Marie. Consider me impressed."

The white hair Director snorted, "While I don't have your kind of prestige. I still am the Lord of Astrology in the Clock Tower. Either way, is this all real? Each and every one of these stars are thrumming enough energy that I can practically feel it."

Her eyes slightly glow under reinforcement, as she observed the starry background. "My first thought was that this is an illusion, but from my observation, now I am not so sure."

Romani stood transfixed at the scene, before he superstitiously glanced at Marvel in mixed-emotions. Leonardo Da Vinci on the other hand, literally vibrated on her seat in excitement.

"The beginning and the truth? Billy-kun, you really know how to keep a girl curious. Spill now!"

'Well someone's antsy.' Marvel thought, while he replied. "As for your question, Marie. Calling it an illusion would almost be the same as calling the sun a fireball. While this is an illusion, it is very much real."

"I'm not really getting it." The High-Human said, while looking bemused. Inwardly she was gratified to be receiving some form of scholastic oration from the King of Magic himself.

"There's nothing to explain, Marie. Simply think of it as an illusion while at the same time reality. Normally, Phenex. The Demon Pillar that was part of my armory would be one for the job." He muttered the last part, before giving a careless shrug. "Well, I now have the best version, so nothing loss."

"Uhm." Romani who looked pale, interrupted. "While I don't really mind the explanations. Billy-kun, can you hurry up and explain why we are here in the first place. Cause while I don't know about you guys, this place just gives me the creeps."

"Hmm… Ok then." He laid an elbow on the table using it as a head rest.

"All the stories you've heard of the Grecian Pantheon. Their Gods, their origins, their beginnings discard them out of your memories. For in this moment, allow me to regal you with the tale of an alien civilization that built the Machine Gods."

Seeing that he had their full attention, Marvel suddenly said. "Firstly before I continue. Everyone look down, and say hi."

Simultaneously they all did, and simultaneously they all screamed in fear. For lo and behold. Down the endless dark space, the planetary size red eye of Chaos stared at them and hummed.

Marvel sighed, while they all cried frozen in their chairs. 'The Machine Gods, Klironomia, Ether Knights… Boy this is gonna' take a while.'

First up, I want to wish you all a happy new year. Last year had been a roller coaster of ups and downs but ultimately it was good. This year is gonna' be perfect for me, as it'll be for you.

Next up, will be some days' time-skip. More like I don't want there to be too much info dump. But look forward to Billy vs a fully healed Mash, spar.

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