
The Emergence of A Frightening Duo (1)

[Number 009: En.]

En? Just this?

Fu Yue slightly raised his brow at his lukewarm reaction. At first, he wanted to reply normally but after recalling his quiet disposition he suddenly wanted to pull a prank.

Alas... Even texting, he was still a man of few words.

Since the two were not familiar with each other, Fu Yue did not push his joke too far and made things uncomfortable.

[No Inted Just Bad: I am going Live]

[Number 009: En.]

Fu Yue did not record their chat and only started his stream after getting permission from 009.

Playing with friends was normal for streamers so he did not inform his viewers beforehand that he would be playing with someone.

As a result, his audiences who never saw him queued with anyone were shocked upon facing an unknown 'Number 009' who appeared out of nowhere.

[Meow, meow, meow!!!]

[Son! I just took my eyes off you for a bit and you brought back a wild man/woman?!]

Fu Yue: "..." Excuse me?

Fu Yue subconsciously glanced at his chat with 009 before hastily explaining, "Don't speak nonsense! He is a friend."

[Did y'all hear that?! Now that he has a lover, this old mother is nothing to him anymore! ToT]

[Spit it out, brat. Who is he?!]

The corner of Fu Yue's lips switched fiercely upon facing this mess in his barrage. For some odd reason, he did nothing wrong but felt so guilty toward 009.

Why is the style of painting in his chat so abnormal?! Did they forget to take their medicine?!

[My Lord!!! Your Yueyue is cheating on you!]

At this moment, Fu Yue was glad that 009 did not watch his stream and his big brother was too busy with his work to go online.

Otherwise, he would have no face to play with 009 and the saliva to explain the misunderstanding to his big brother.

Taking a few deep breaths, Fu Yue provided an answer, "I met him when I was watching the final yesterday. We decided to exchange game IDs to play together that's it."

He thought this explanation should do it but who knew that his fans' illnesses were even more severe than he initially thought?

[You met once and already exchanged game IDs?! Aren't you too easy?!]

[Beware of a stranger, Yueyue!]

Fu Yue: "..." Why does it look like they exchanged phone numbers and decided to hook up with each other?

While he was speechless, the game found him a match which fortunately enough distracted him from this second-hand embarrassment.

Probably because the two were queuing as a duo, Fu Yue was assigned to be a Support while 009 got the ADC position.

Fu Yue's preferred positions were Mid-Laner and Fill so it was not surprising for him to play other roles sometimes.

He was about to ask the chat to pick a hero for him when everyone suddenly threw another ruckus.

[They even play as a Duo in the same lane! Now, you are telling me that you both are not a thing!]

[He is willing to drop from playing a Carry to a Support... Who would believe that there are no feelings involved?!]

[I dare you not to spoon-feed 009 kills and are willing to die in his place!]

[Hahahaha, it is seriously fun to tease him XD]

Holding back his tongue, Fu Yue suddenly felt too tired to speak.

[ADC: Can you Sen sup?]

Fu Yue was faintly surprised at this question. Sen was released in the Mid role so no ADC would actively ask their Support to pick Sen.

Unless his ADC knew that he was a Sen main...

Realizing this, Fu Yue's fatigue was instantly washed away. He happily replied.

[Support: Sure!]

[Jungler: Wait, are you seriously playing Sen sup?]

[Jungler: Then I am not going to gank your lane!]

[Support: Be my guest :)]

Fu Yue prioritized his ADC over a mere Jungler so he didn't care whether his Jungler was mad at him for picking Sen or not. After all, today he seemed to always clash with his Junglers no matter what.

In the afternoon, Fu Yue intended to play three more games before ending the stream. Unluckily, he met bad Junglers three times in a row!

In the first game, Fu Yue was able to carry the team and won the match despite having an AFK Jungler. In the second game, his Jungler didn't go AFK but he seemed to not know how to smite at all.

They got three objectives stolen in a row. Not even by the enemy Jungler at that!

However, what's worse was the last match. Not only did his Jungler come to feed the enemy Mid laner he even messed with his wave causing him to be behind his opponent.

Having encountered such bad Junglers Fu Yue had no more hope of meeting a decent Jungler for today. He would be internally grateful if they didn't drop by his lane to grieve.

At this moment, he was delighted to hear that his Jungler wouldn't come to gank the Bot lane.

After all, in this game, he was going to carry someone so he needed to gain a victory no matter what!

In the meantime, his chat was still enjoying acting as drama queens to tease Fu Yue.

[Yueyue seriously has no luck with Junglers lol!]

[You should migrate to be a Solo laner! Just 1 vs 1 with the enemy Top laner without a care in the world keke]

[I bet his current Jungler is going to be another scum XD]

[Poor Baby, he is going to lose face in front of his partner with his losing streaks! XD]

Fu Yue quickly retorted, "I only lost twice!"

Someone in the barrage immediately argued.

[You played four games, Won twice, and lost twice 50/50. Are you happy with this?]

Fu Yue was immediately forced to shut up. Normally, he played around 15 games each day and he only lost a few times so his win rate was high.

Yet, today for some reason, his luck kept getting worse and worse. The frustrating thing was that he even promised to play with 009 later tonight...

Truthfully speaking, Fu Yue was a bit nervous. It was even more so after seeing that they were going to play only three games. As a result, he completely forgot to ask what role did the other person play.

Anyways, even though Support was not his main role, Fu Yue was also adept at playing it. After all, in the past, he almost shifted his role to play Support due to his hand injury.

In any case, it was fortunate that Fu Yue got to play Support while 009 got ADC.

Had he gotten Support while 009 went to play Top, it would have been a tragedy.

Everyone knew that playing in the Top Lane was like being stuck on an island.

You rarely got visitors. Even Fu Yue didn't particularly like to roam Top.

Unless his team wanted to prioritize the Young Saint, Fu Yue unlikely roamed Top as a Support during the early-mid game.

Fortunately, his luck hasn't hit rock bottom yet and he was allowed to play in the same lane as 009!

No matter what, he would recover the face he lost during their first meeting!

Back to the present, they both were on the red side with 009 on the first floor while Fu Yue was on the second floor.

After the first floor on the blue side locked their champ it became his and 009's turn to pick.

As if planned, both of them didn't reveal their pre-pick. As a result, the enemy could only frustratingly wait for the timer to almost run out did two champs abruptly lock in at the same time.

Yulu and Sen.

Seeing these two picks, not only the enemy team was baffled even the allied team was the same.

No need to mention Sen who was supposed to be in the Mid-lane, Yulu would not be relevant in the game had he been slightly behind in gold.

That's why no one liked it when their ADC picked Yulu. Some even went as far as to ban him so that his teammates couldn't play him.

Fu Yue ignored his Jungler's scolding in the team chat. He casually clarified to his viewers.

"Yulu is a gold-reliant champ. Playing him, you would need at least 8 CS per minute so that he could make an impact in the game."

In other words, you needed to be extremely good at last-hitting minions. Otherwise, it would take you too long to hit your power spike.

To make things worse, the enemy Bot lane locked in an aggressive duo with good synergy with each other since those champs were a couple in the lore.

Meanwhile, Yulu and Sen had never crossed paths in the lore nor had anyone ever seen both of them paired up together in the game. Therefore, the Jungler's anger was understandable.

[Jungler: Guys, we have an inting bot lane gg]

[Jungler: A f*cking duo who is going to feed!]

Fu Yue slightly knitted his brows in displeasure. He felt the need to speak for 009 who did not seem to be bothered by the Jungler's words at all.

[Support: I will see whether you are going to do better than us or not :)]

[Jungler: F*cking noobs!]

The chat initially laughed at Fu Yue but after seeing Jungler's rude attitude, they all roared.

[Wow, this mofo! If a number 1 Sen is feeding then no one is going to play well!]

[I would understand if Yueyue and his partner fed in the lane. But this is just a pick and ban bruh]

[This Jungler thinks that he is going to be the hero of his team *eye roll*]

[I am having second-hand embarrassment for that idiot *facepalm*]

[It is confirmed that Junglers playing with Yueyue are all bad :/]

[Am I the only one who admires his friend that doesn't talk no matter how much shitty is his Jungler?]

[Right. If it was me, I would be fuming in anger by now!]

Fu Yue's eyes softened at their unconditional support. He gave a light chuckle, "This person is a man of few words."

[Btw, is your friend good?]

Fu Yue's lips stretched into a small smile as he proceeded to change his rune.

"I trust him."

Everyone heaved a sigh in relief thinking that there would be a face-slapping show soon.

However, Fu Yue's next words made everyone speechless.

"After all, this is the first time we are playing together."





[Uh... Guys... Just saying, what's happen if his friend were to be bad and the shitty Jungler is good?]

[Our cheeks would be bruised then]

Imagining this scenario everyone once again fell into deep silence.

Amid the tension of his broken team and the silence in the barrage, the game started.

Their Jungler was Li and he started with his red so Fu Yue and 009 did not need to go help him leash his buff.

[Yulu]: We fight lv 1.

Fu Yue internally clapped his hands at his guts. Most people would play safe into Lay and Ilay but this man had no fear at all.

But he liked this aggression so he gave a thumb-up emote.

However, it was another matter for their Jungler.

[Li]: You retards, can't you play safe?!

Of course, 009 once again ignored him while Fu Yue proceeded to explain to his viewers.

"It is true that Yulu is a late-game champ so people have this mindset of playing safe which is wrong. As stated before, he needs gold, a lot of em so he needs to press his enemies leaving no room to be behind in the farm department."

Fu Yue did not question 009's choice. In fact, he believed that choosing Yulu into Lay was deliberate.

Even without 009's words, Fu Yue would tell him to play aggressively since they had an advantage in terms of range.

Yulu out-ranged Lay while Sen who was a mage had a longer range than Ilay who was a melee. Soon enough, everyone would no longer question their choices.

Fu Yue and 009 arrived at their outer turret before their enemies did. He first dropped a ward inside the bush right next to the enemy outer turret before moving to hide in the middle bush.

He then pinged his Q and Lay. To his response, 009 pinged his W.

Yulu was also a sniper but unlike K, his auto attack needed to be reloaded after shooting 5 times.

Wouldn't be this bad then? Right, it was indeed one thing that you needed to keep track of during a team fight.

Spacing was even more crucial for Yulu than for K. But, this did not mean that Yulu was a weak marksman.

After all, this was one of XiaoXi's signature heroes so it couldn't possibly be bad.

His advantage was that he had one of the highest movement speeds in the early game. He could easily chase his enemy without having boots on.

His fifth shot would be a guaranteed critical hit. Unlike, K who had two supporting abilities, Yulu's all abilities could damage as well as do some crowd controls.

His Q put down traps that were invisible to the enemies. Only after stepping or sweeping with a sweeper would you be able to remove them. After being activated, the trap would briefly slow the enemies and do some AD damage upon explosion.

[A/N: AD = Attack Damage.]

His W: Yulu shot a bullet that bounced on top of minions or enemy champions three times with the last hit being a critical hit. This ability was good for farming minions as well as poking the enemy.

His E was a long-range root ability that also dealt damage based on his AD. While his R could snipe for half a map away 5 times with the fifth shot being the critical hit.

As for his passive: The more AD he had the more attack speed bonus he would gain that's why his auto-reload was no longer a handicap for him.

This was broken as heck. His only disadvantage was that his build path was quite hard and if he did not get ahead early, it was difficult to make a comeback.

Likewise, if you played around him to get him ahead early, it was hard to deal with him later on.

Back to the game, both Fu Yue and 009 were currently hiding in the middle bush.

Not long after, the enemy Bot lane arrived.

Lay unknowingly walked to farm the caster minions that were about to die while Ilay was walking through the bush.

Fu Yue immediately acted. He accurately hit his Q at Lay following with two auto-attacks while Yulu cooperatively auto-attack her three times before she finally freed.

Ilay was checking the bush so he was a bit far away from his ADC. By the time he dashed to his ADC to give her a shield, her health was already down by 40%.

While this was happening Yulu did not neglect his minions. The first three caster minions were about to die but Yulu gave his fourth shot to one of the minions before using his W to get the other two. He even managed to let the last bounce go onto Lay.

His last bounce dealt a lot of damage so Lay who initially intended to walk away instantly flashed into the bush trying to drop vision since Yulu had his fifth shot ready for her.

Unfortunately, Fu Yue knew beforehand and had a vision in the bush so Yulu could follow with his flash to fifth shot her without needing to be inside the bush.

"First Blood!"

Honestly though, how is the story so far?

B1ackDiAcreators' thoughts