
The Mid Laner Belongs To The Jungler

Synopsis: Fu Yue suffered a hand injury and could no longer play in the competition but he never thought that the day his e-sport career ended, his life as well also came to a stop. However, the next thing he knew was that he somehow crossed into another world. Everything was fine, he no longer had a hand injury, his new family was also very nice just that... Why does he have to be an Omega?! Anyways, after some time passed Fu Yue came to accept the reality. He is a man who chases after a career, not love so Omega or whatever it means nothing to him! Filled with determination, Fu Yue decided to focus on returning to the e-sport industry. As luck has it, he found a very good pro player who shared the same mind as him in the game. Fu Yue then joined his team to become the new starting Mid Laner. Fu Yue, " Captain Wei, one more round!" Wei Chen," Mm." Some time later after getting together... Fu Yue, " Captain Wei, I-" Wei Chen, " Mm? One more round? Okay." The game in the story will be using League Of Legends (LOL), a MOBA game as a reference. This is an original novel so inevitably there will be a lot of errors. The cover is drawn by @Pineapplrr

B1ackDiA · LGBT+
84 Chs


At the moment, it was winter and everything was covered in white snow.

Disregarding the chill, Fu Yue rushed to open the door to the balcony in an attempt to calm himself down.

Regardless, even after feeling the cold air hit his face and breathing in the scent of clean and fresh snow, Fu Yue didn't feel any better.

After all, this scent kept on reminding him of Wei Chen's pheromones...

Flattening his mouth, Fu Yue begrudgingly closed the door and went back inside.

Pacing back and forth in his room, he attempted to come up with a reasonable explanation for his earlier panic.

Why did he overreact to just a few words spoken by another man?

No, think... Isn't it normal to feel that way when such a high-value cold-faced person suddenly says something ambiguous to you?

Right, how many people can withstand Wei Chen's beauty and don't blush in front of him?

Even if you do a poll, it is highly likely that those who declare that they can might be only 1%.

So being in the 99%, his reaction is considered normal!

The more Fu Yue thought the more convincing it was. Patting his chest in relief, he couldn't help but scold himself for having such deranged thoughts of his Captain.

Seriously... The weather is the one to blame.

With this conclusion in mind, Fu Yue was able to fall asleep that very night.

Soon it was time to return. Fu Yue decided to go back ahead of time to prepare for the upcoming match.

Unlike last time, he had a lot of luggage as he brought souvenirs for everyone at the base.

Having learned his lesson, Fu Yue covered from head to toe not letting a single strand of his hair visible.

On his face was a pair of sunglasses and a mask blocking his features almost entirely. In addition, he was wrapped up in layers of clothes due to the cold weather so his slim figure was nowhere to be seen.

Fu Yue was extremely confident that no one could recognize him. However, just as he was about to call the Team Leader, he suddenly felt a light tap on his right shoulder.

Subconsciously turning his head to the side, Fu Yue was immediately met with a pair of beautiful light blue eyes gleaming from behind a pair of silver-rimmed glasses.

It took Fu Yue several seconds to find his voice and dumbfoundedly asked, "Captain... Why are you here?"

As if it was a natural thing to do, Wei Chen gathered all the bags into his hands while clarifying, "I arrived yesterday."

Watching as all of his stuff was taken into the other party's hands, Fu Yue felt a bit odd as a fellow grownup man.

Nonetheless, he said nothing and continued with their conversation, "Thanks but Captain, how do you know that it was me?"

Hearing this, Wei Chen cocked his head to the side as if not understanding why he asked this question, "Because it is obvious?"

Fu Yue rechecked his appearance on the passing glass window and felt a bit speechless with his statement.

He jokingly said, "Should I say that I fail to hide my amazing beauty or your eyes are too sharp?"

Listening to his unabashed praise of himself, Wei Chen couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle.

Seeing him being amused, Fu Yue asked with a raised eyebrow, "What? You don't agree with my words?"

In return, Wei Chen lightly shook his head.

"It is the other way around."

Feeling a bit smug inside, Fu Yue nodded his head in approval thinking that Wei Chen finally spoke normally.

However, Fu Yue still celebrated too early.

"That's why you caught my eye."

Fu Yue: "..."

At this rate... It wouldn't be strange if he were to be bent one day due to this dude...

Readjusting his scarf, Fu Yue hurriedly switched the topic, "Captain, have you had lunch?"

Wei Chen lightly shook his head, "Not yet."

To repay his kindness for bracing the cold wind and coming to pick him up, Fu Yue suggested, "I will make lunch for you once we get back." Making a slight pause, he asked, "Is the fridge empty?"

"It was refilled this morning by Aunty."

Nodding his head, Fu Yue proceeded to ask another question, "Besides you, is there anyone else?"

Unlike usual, Wei Chen didn't answer right away. Fu Yue turned his head to look at him in puzzlement.

Only then did Wei Chen reply in his usual flat tone, "No."

Unable to read his expression due to his disguise, Fu Yue decided to move on to another topic, "Do you have any allergies or dislikes?"

"... I can't handle spicy food."

Hearing this, Fu Yue was not surprised. To be honest, it was kind of hard to visualize that scenario.

Can you imagine the prim and proper Captain had his forehead covered in sweat, his face flushed and his lips turned crimson while panting lowly-

Fu Yue: "..."

"What's wrong?"

Fastening the seatbelt, Wei Chen inadvertently noticed the other party's sudden unnatural expression.

Fu Yue involuntarily flinched upon hearing this deep voice speaking softly to him at such a close distance. Feeling unspeakable shame, he stiffly turned to look outside the window.

"... It's better that you can't eat spicy food."

Not fully understanding why he suddenly mentioned this, Wei Chen curiously asked, "Why?"

Because you will look more tempting than the food itself!

But as if Fu Yue could say this sentence out loud. Clearing his throat, he quickly came up with a reasonable explanation, "Well, eating them will burn your mouth, tongue, your esophagus and upset your stomach."

Listening to his criticism, Wei Chen raised another question, "You can't handle them either?"

At this question, the enthusiastic Fu Yue suddenly went quiet. A few moments later, he embarrassingly coughed and said in a small voice, "Cough... I rather enjoy the pain."

This time, it was Wei Chen's turn to be caught off guard.

No matter how much others said that he was an upright person, it was undeniable that he was still a Dominant Alpha.

He might have never said it but it didn't mean that he believed Fu Yue was not attractive.

By referring to attractiveness, Wei Chen didn't imply that Fu Yue is an attractive Omega but a person overall.

Having lived together for the past few months, Wei Chen noticed a lot of other good qualities other than his gaming skills.

Fu Yue never asked for special treatment and limited himself due to his gender. Others doubted and scolded him but he never felt unjust or resentful.

With a smile, he proved them wrong in an orderly manner.

Wei Chen never guessed that Fu Yue came from the prestigious Fu family but everyone could tell that he came from a wealthy family. Despite this, he never flaunted his wealth and was a down-to-earth person.

In addition, Fu Yue never showed his fragile side and perhaps, this was why Wei Chen particularly appreciated the look on his face once he was flustered.

Teasing him just came out naturally without him realizing it.

Still, at the moment, even Wei Chen was unable to keep his composure.

His ears were as if being scratched by that soft voice which contained obvious shyness and a tinge of shame as he uttered those misleading words.

It made one couldn't help but think in another direction...

Suddenly feeling his throat become dry, Wei Chen unconsciously swallowed his saliva to ease the discomfort.

His action however caused his Adam's apple to bob up and down and Fu Yue unintentionally caught sight of this indescribable erotic move.

Feeling the abnormal heat rapidly rising on his face, Fu Yue wanted to completely hide his face behind his scarf in shame.

At the same time, Wei Chen who was pouring all of his concentration on the driving suddenly caught a whiff of a mild yet pleasant scent.

It was a warm, woody, and slightly spicy fragrance that managed to evoke something that had been dormant for a long time causing Wei Chen to stiffen.

He reacted quickly and rolled down the window to ventilate the car. Fortunately, the pheromones were not concentrated and the scent quickly dissipated.

Suddenly feeling the cold air invading the car, Fu Yue looked up in surprise momentarily forgetting his dilemma.

Wei Chen lightly cleared his throat and kindly reminded, "Your pheromones are leaking."

Fu Yue abruptly froze. Realizing his mistake, he quickly kept his pheromones under control and profusely apologized, "I am sorry!"

"... It is fine."

At this time, Wei Chen's voice was a bit hoarse and Fu Yue who heard this once again had his thoughts go askew.

Not wanting to make things get even worse than this, Fu Yue became strangely quiet and no one spoke a single word the entire time.

Unfastened the seatbelt, Wei Chen suddenly said, "I just remember that I have something to do. You can go ahead and have lunch."

Fu Yue also found it a bit hard to face Wei Chen at the moment, therefore, he happily agreed, "Okay."

Wei Chen carefully observed Fu Yue's face and after realizing that the other party didn't notice anything amiss, his brows gradually relaxed.


The corner of Wei Chen's lips lowered the moment he heard a familiar voice that was full of unconcealed excitement.

Fu Yue looked over only to see He Xing waving his right hand excitedly at him. Not expecting to see another player at the base, he wordlessly glanced at the man beside him.

Wei Chen didn't shy away from his prying eyes and nonchalantly explained, "I thought you meant our teammates."

Fu Yue: "..." Why do I feel like something is iffy?

"Si-ge, why didn't you tell me that you will be coming back today?"

Fu Yue was about to answer when he unexpectedly got cut by Wei Chen's cold voice.

"Even I was not told."

Despite it being his usual flat tone, the implication was clear.

As a Captain, he was not informed so what qualifications did He Xing have to know about his matter?

Understanding his underlying meaning, He Xing's smile slowly receded from his handsome face. With a slight frown, he quietly observed the taller Alpha.

Had Wei Chen been replaced with another Alpha, He Xing would have thought that he was declaring sovereignty over his Omega.

Reluctantly pushing down his suspicion, He Xing first greeted Wei Chen and then turned to speak with Fu Yue, "Did you already have lunch?"

Fu Yue reflexively shook his head and returned the question out of politeness, "What about you?"

"I haven't either. I was just about to eat out but unexpectedly ran into you."

Wanting to save this kid from the trouble of going outside, Fu Yue proposed, "I am going to make lunch in a moment. How about joining me?"

Of course, He Xing accepted his invitation with no hesitation. Not wanting to delay any longer, Fu Yue turned toward his Captain, "He Xing will help me with the luggage. You can go-"

"No, I will join both of you."

Hearing that Wei Chen suddenly changed his mind at the last second, Fu Yue felt a bit skeptical.

"What's about your business?"

"Not urgent anymore."

Fu Yue: "..." I believe you ghost!