
Ballad VI: A Trial Of Sorts


RWBY is property of RoosterTeeth and Monty Oum. JJBA is property of Hiroki Araki and David Productions. All art/vids/music shown are property of their respective artists/companies

A/N: Best boi Doppio is here :) I mean, Risotto is BEST BOY but Doppio is still...Best boi. Yea. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you for the support! I greatly appreciate it all ^-^ I hope you don't mind the Timeskip I did. Now without a further ado....


[Location: Beacon Academy (Risotto's Dorm)]

[Time: 7:30am (Four weeks later)]

???: "Hey Boss! Wake up! It's morning already!Boss? Boooooosss!" A cheery yet slightly infuriating voice called out.

In response, Risotto shifted under his sheets. Unsurprisingly, he was not alarmed in the slightest at the disturbance of his slumber. True, weeks prior he had been, but unfortunately he had become accustomed to it. Shifting onto his elbows and rubbing the crust from his eyes, Risotto's eyes flickered open to reveal the person responsible for his loss of an astounding thirty extra minutes of sleep.

A man, shy of two years younger appearance wise looked on in glee at the Jester. The young man sported pink hair which was tied back into a weave like ponytail. A slight fringe of the same color was also a part of his rather strange choice of hairstyle. Additionally, the slim yet well toned man adorned a sparkling set of brown eyes that screamed of 'blissful innocence'. With these pools of honey, several patches of freckles dotted his slightly tanned cheeks.

This man of course, was truly a child at heart.

"Doppio...we've talked about this." The assassin groggily spoke.

Slightly embarrassed, the man named Doppio reeled back. His cheeks were tinted pink at being caught yet again with him 'forgetting' the fact Risotto preferred to wake via alarm clock. With a nervous yet innocent giggle, Doppio reached a hand to rub the nape of his neck.

Doppio: "I-I'm sorry, boss...heh... I-it must've slept my mind...again." He defended.

Slowly gathering his awareness, Risotto shifted in bed once more. This time however, he turned to the side, allowing his bare feet to touch to cool carpet of the dorm. Rubbing his black and crimson eyes once more, he took a sigh of slight annoyance. Following this, he simply reached a hand to deactivate the digital alarm on his end table.

"Then do better to remember tomorrow." He tiredly replied.

Doppio: "O-of course, boss! I-I'll get it down one day!" The pink haired man exclaimed, saluting as he did so.

For several seconds, Risotto groggily stared at the man. Not in annoyance or disbelief but simply...out of well hidden shock. As tired as he was, his facade held strong.

To think, this obedient yet slightly annoying dog of a man had garnered Diavolos favor. Deep inside, it sickened Risotto. Doppio himself was not the cause of the feeling. No, instead it was Diavolo himself who earned this emotion of disgust. To have manipulated such a seemingly innocent man to carry out his duties...It wounded Risotto in the strangest way.

Then again, Risotto cared little to think more on the matter. What was done was done after all. Doppio, while not the preferred company, was just about the only man Risotto could legitimately relate to. Their perilous battle weeks prior aside, of course. Rising to his feet, Risotto let out a series of morning stretches in an attempt to shake off his longing for additional rest. Once done, he made his way toward his wardrobe to prepare for the days events.

Glancing at Doppio over his shoulder, Risotto reasoned to adorn his own traditional Jester's garments. If Doppio could wear his routinely flamboyant attire, so too would Risotto. Collecting his traditional outfit and a black towel, Risotto made his way to his dorm's washroom. After placing the towel on its respective rack and his clothing on a nearby hook, the jester turned the dial for the showers water.

As the appliance sputtered to life, spraying the shower tiles with it's steadily increasing water, Risotto made his way to shut the door. He did not even bother to call out to the nuisance that was Doppio. Rubbing his temples, Risotto slightly shook his head before beginning to disrobe. Now nude, the man stepped into the glass cubicle. Once inside, he promptly shut the transparent door to begin the ritual of bathing himself.

After his cleansing had reached its conclusion, Nero swiftly dried himself off. After his routine shaving and skincare routine, he dressed himself. Now clothes and much more awake then earlier, he neatly placed his discarded nightmare into its respective dirty hamper. Taking a moment to prepare his mental fortitude, he took a deep breath before exiting the bathroom.

Allowing his eyes to adjust to the new lighting, his gaze met Doppio, who had seemingly changed his own attire. While he still wore his deep blue denim jeans, he substituted his pink crop top for a pink suit jacket. Underneath the blazer like garment, Doppio wore a deep purple turtleneck with thin and slightly lighter colored vertical stripes.

While Risotto blankly stared at the man, Doppio beamed in excitement at his return.

Doppio: "Hey Boss! You're back! Do you like my sweater? I got you one too, put it on Boss!" He announced, producing a nearly identical sweater, this one bearing a red color pallet.

Risotto stole a look at the red turtleneck. Surprisingly, Risotto could tell it was indeed within his own size. If the sweater had been in his favorable black, he might have considered accepting it.

"I'll pass. I've got an outfit already." Risotto stoically rebutted.

Doppio: "B-but boss, It's going to be chilly today..." He said with a slight whimper.

"I don't mind the cold." Risotto bluntly stated.

Doppio dropped his head in defeat. He had spent a whole five minutes trying to find a matching sweater in Risotto's size yesterday, only to have his new boss reject his charitable gift. He must reiterate, a whole five minutes spent. Five minutes desperately searching for a piece of clothing for Risotto. Those were five minutes of his life he would never get back.

However...Doppio, as innocent and kind hearted as he was...had one ace up his sleeve.

Doppio: "Sure sure, The cold is no problem...But what about...wandering eyes, boss?"

Perplexed, Risotto rose an eyebrow at the 'younger' man.

"Wandering eyes?" He cautiously inquired.

Alas, Risotto had taken the bait. The battle was most certainly long and hard fought, but Doppio had the taller man by the reigns now. And at last, his master plan had come into fruition. Using Risotto's weakness against him, Doppio delivered the nail in the coffin.

Doppio: "Oh you knooow~ You don't wear a shirt under that jacket of yours. Your chest and abs? They're eye candy for the ladies. I mean...If you don't mind catcalling, then yeah. Dont wear it. It's fine, I understand that you like the attention and all~" The pink haired man said, his voice ripe with slight sarcasm and 'woe is you'.

Risotto meanwhile...felt his eyebrow twitch. He knew he had a good body and he knew how revealing his overcoat was and yet...For some inexplicable reason, he had failed to ever take into account he could garner such unwanted attention. Glancing down at his exposed chest, he nearly shrieked.

With his eyes just barely wider in slight horror, he snapped his attention towards the shorter man. Doppio was right. Risotto was determined to wear his Jester's attire out of spite and now...It seemed to be a bad idea. Attention was generally the last thing Risotto wanted, let alone needed.

"Hand it over. I'll wear it."

With his victory secure, Doppio graciously gifted the sweater to the taller man. With a proud smile, Doppio breathed in satisfaction at seeing Risotto desperately slip his jacket off to replace it with the red sweater. Once done, the Jester quickly threw his jacket on over the new garment as a double precaution. Oddly enough, the sweater complimented the overcoat rather nicely and as such, Doppio gave his verbal approval.

Doppio: "You look great boss!"

"Hmph. Get ready, we leave momentarily."

Doppio: "Already ready boss! And don't you worry, you're definitely the most inconspicuous guy out there!"

Slightly relieved that he would most certainly be less noticeable now, Risotto wavered off Doppio's prior approval. Making a handful of final adjustments (Deodorant, cologne, shoes, etc.) and placing his jesters cowl over his head, Risotto merely made his way outside of his dorm, Doppio in hot pursuit. Together, albeit reluctantly on Risotto's behalf, the two made their way to kick off the day's events. Upon exiting the room, Risotto shit and locked the door via a portable computer like device Ozpin had graciously given him just two weeks prior. If memory serves correctly, the name of the device was a "scroll". Admittedly, Risotto strangely felt just a bit more comfortable with preparing for the day's events.

The 'events' being of course, a trial run to see how well their Mistralian truly was. By recommendation of Ozpin, the two would travel to Vale as a way to properly determine how well their lessons had paid off thus far. This journey would include a simple stop at a cafe, a glorified window shopping spree at a mall, and a final stop at whatever restaurant the two could agree on. Following this, the pair would simply make their way back to Beacon to resume their Mistralian lessons. They only had two weeks left before the semester started after all.

In hindsight however, Ozpin had recommended this for the added bonus of potentially strengthening the duo's bond. While the headmaster had no doubt Doppio would be no issue, it was mainly done to benefit Risotto's feelings toward Doppio. Begrudgingly, Risotto had accepted to partner with Doppio and his negative feelings were only kept in check by a single addition to his monthly payments. And though Ozpin had no qualms with paying for civility, he had hoped to make Risotto's feelings toward Doppio, for the lack of a better word, genuine and less financially motivated.

True, emotions and connections between others could not be forced persey...but from his countless lifespans, Ozpin knew they could indeed be influenced. Having the pair rely on each other would no doubt strengthen their bond. Additionally, having the two 'get away' together would also increase their chemistry. If they were to be a two man team, they would need unparalleled support on one another. It may take time and it may take effort, but Ozpin was above all, a very patient man....

[Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Risotto dragging Chibi Doppio because he was distracted by grasshoppers]

All in all, Vale seemed relatively 'normal' for Risotto. For the entirety of nearly five weeks, Risotto endured an excruciating amount of dumbfounding reveals. From sitting through Ozpin's explanations of "Dust", "Aura", "Grimm", "Semblances", and Remnant's technology, the assassin came to feel relieved at the sight of Vale. Sure, it was far more advanced then Italy and Earth for that matter, but it definitely held the aspect of being a traditional city.

Currently, Risotto and Doppip both were within a promising cafe. It was no large or notable establishment though. On the contrary, it was simply the run of the mill coffee shop. Large glass panes decorated the walls of the structure. Small round tables littered the white and grey carpet. A simple large and well polished brown counter acted as a register and placement area for completed orders.

With the exception of Risotto, Doppio, and the three employees (who all wore matching aprons and hats as well as disposable gloves), Risotto only noted that ten other customers were present. four stood in line behind himself while the others were scattered throughout the cafe. Either socializing with their other compatriot, or simply minding their own business. 

At long last however, a male employee handed Risotto his change and drinks. The server was, by Nero's best estimates, roughly twenty years of age. Accepting his change and traditional cups of a freshly made dose of caffeine, Risotto nodded his head.

Cashier: "Come back anytime, Sir!"

Turning, Risotto and Doppio made their way out of the building. Risotto instinctively took a sip from one of the styrofoam cups, ensuring that it was the plain black coffee he wanted. Confirming which cup was which, he handed Doppio the other serving. The name of Doppio's drink escaped Risotto, largely due to the fact it seemed to take an eternity for the man to order.

The only distinctive features Risotto could recall, was the absurd amount of sugary additives, whipped cream, and equally sugary creamer. While the leader of "La Squadra" took leisure sips from his makeshift mug, Doppio frantically slurped his own drink.

Giving the pink haired man a sideways glare, Risotto sighed. Taking one more sip of his bitter drink, he made haste through the sidewalks en route to the pair's next destination. A shop of any kind. Preferably, the mall Ozpin had mentioned and recommended yesterday when planning the makeshift 'test'. 

Along the way, the duo's foam compartments slowly dwindled in liquid. Eventually, Doppio's beverage had been drained dry. Tilting the cup to catch the last few drops, Doppio had come to the realization that his drink had, in fact, been sucked dry. Tossing the empty cup into a nearby trash bin, Doppio dropped his head as he frowned in slight heartbreak. From the corner of his eye, Risotto lightly scoffed, taking a sip to add salt onto Doppio's wound.

Eventually however, Risotto also took a glance from his peripheral vision at his crestfallen 'partner'. Taking one last sip, he reluctantly handed the cup over to Doppio. Not before offering a warning of course.

"It's bitter, but it's something."

Doppio: "R-really?" He nervously asked.

"It's not often I drink coffee. Take it." The taller man plainly confirmed.

With childlike wonder, Doppio gratefully took the cup. He then graciously slurped the previously half full cup to a bone dry barrenness. Sure, the drink was bitter, But Doppio cared little. Coffee was coffee. With his second drink now polished off, Doppio tossed the cup into yet another conveniently placed garbage bin. With his second fix now somewhat viciously consumed, Doppio in glee, hummed a vaguely familiar tune. As the two walked, Doppio added the slightest of skipping to each step.

Finally, the duo found themselves traversing through a parking lot to the rather large mall. After entering through a pair of automatic sliding doors, the Italian's were greeted by a strangely reminiscent sight. In truth, the mall was just like any other major marketplace. Multiple levels with balcony esque appeals, escalators, stalls and vendors as far as the eye could see, and the oh so typical crowds of people and customers alike. If it had not been for the sheer size of the compilation of venues, Risotto might have felt claustrophobic.

Not wanting to be rude, the duo quickly went on their own way as not to obstruct the entrance of the mall. Surprisingly, the building was spotless. Not a hint of trash, litter, or stains on the white tiles. The place held nearly every form of activity. From benches, to tables, to dozens of snack and drink stalls, arcades, clothing stores, entertainment venues, hardware shops, etc. The list went on, seemingly forever.

In addition to the various 'break/socializing' lounges, handfuls of makeshift gardens, water fountains, and various pieces of decor added to the largely positive atmosphere of such a place. The ceiling, roughly four stories high, was a masterpiece in and of itself. It was an elaborately decorated and heavily embroidered glass dome. In addition with the thousands of lights, the entirety of the mall was brightly illuminated.

Gathering his composure and snapping his slightly ajar mouth closed, Risotto tugged on Doppio's shoulder. As impressive as the building was, Risotto would wait for another time to take in the scenery.

"Stay close. You'll get lost otherwise." He monotonously told his teammate.

Doppio: "Of course, boss! I won't leave your side!" He cheerily replied.

Nodding his head, Risotto metaphorically and quite literally began dragging Doppio. Keeping an open ear, Risotto could overhear various conversations. Surprisingly, he had been able to understand a great deal of it. Unsurprisingly however, he would often catch a word or phrase that he was not familiar with.

Hours would pass by of Risotto eavesdropping or conversing lightly with employees or other customers. As he did so, his confidence in Mistralian grew. Surprisingly for him, it was a fairly easy language to learn. But that's not to say Risotto was fluent in the language. In shortest terms possible, he would often catch himself asking for the meaning of various terms. Frequently, he would also be asked of his supposed "accent" to which he largely shrug off. He knew he would have some sort of accent, and as such, explained it away by briefly saying something along the lines of "Inherited habit".

Steeling himself, Risotto eventually ordered a meal from a relatively average looking food stall. Obviously, his order took a little longer then most other customers. On top of this, he had also ordered Doppio his own serving. After paying, taking their respective refreshments, and finding a 'mostly out of view' seat, the two quietly enjoyed their meal.

Well, Risotto quietly tried to enjoy his meal. Doppio meanwhile, was unafraid of making conversation. From pointing out aspects that caught his attention or fondly recounting a previous vendor that he was interested in, Doppio refused to allow silence to befall the group. Much to the surprise of Risotto, Doppio had somehow managed to finish his order of pizza, fries, chicken tenders, and the medium soda.

Discarding their trash, the pair made their way to continue their previous routine. That was until however, Doppio decided to ask the overbearing question. The two had been practicing their Mistralian for most of the day...surely the two could reward themselves, right? Tapping the taller man's shoulder, Doppio looked on in nervousness at the somewhat imposing man.

Doppio: "Hey Boss? I was wondering...Since we had some food and all...maybe...we could get a dessert?"

"A...dessert?" Risotto skeptically asked.

Doppio: "W-well...Yea. I-I mean, we've been walking and talking all day. And yea, we just ate...b-but you know...I-Icecream sounds like a n-nice reward for...w-well, all of our hard work."

"I'm not a fan of ice cream. I don't want any." Risotto bluntly rebutted, crushing Doppio's mood.

Doppio: "O-oh...I see...th-that's oka-" He tried to say, only to be interrupted.

Directly in front of Doppio, Risotto held a handful of Lien cards in plain view.

"There's a parlor by the name of 'Cream and Berries' on floor three. I read the reviews and asked around, it's quite popular."

Doppio: "I-I...A-are you sure boss? I don't wanna leave you o-out..." He asked in disbelief.

"Take it. I'll meet you by the ice sculptures, If I'm not there, wait and be patient. I found a knife I wanted in a weapon shop." He stoically answered.

Not wasting his moment, Doppio took hold of the money, disappearing in a cloud of smoke. From the distance, a faint "Thank you boss! You're the greatest!" Could be heard. Obviously, it was Italian, leaving little to the mystery of the voice. Closing his eyes and sighing, Risotto pinched the bridge of his nose.

Taking a moment to gather himself, he turned as he calmly made his way to the aforementioned Ice Sculptures. In all honesty, he had no idea why he allowed Doppio to run off to fetch a dessert. He didn't mind the peace of mind Doppio's absence brought, but he wasn't exactly comfortable with it either. Sure, Doppio was a handful and quite possibly cost more than his worth, but Risotto simply...was alright in the man's company.

Yes, slivers of resentment leaked through, and yes, Risotto still felt largely negative about the man. Despite this, Risotto had unknowingly warmed up to the man. Shaking these thoughts from his head, he now returns his attention to a sight that caught his attention earlier.

Throughout most of the day, Risotto had the faintest sensation of being watched or followed. Though he could never find the culprit due to not wanting to upset or worry Doppio, he was now free to do so. Spinning on his heels, he walked towards the source. From a well maintained bush, a slight sliver of movement garnered his attention. Now standing several yards from the green shrubbery, Risotto gazed the concealed figure down.

I'm a commanding and slightly threatening tone, he demanded the person to revel themself. In his accented Mistralian, he spoke up.

"You're not as sneaky as you think you are. Come out and show yourself."

For several seconds, no movement was seen. After realizing their jig was up, the stranger stepped forward. With a satisfying tap from their shoes, the unfamiliar person displayed themself in faint pride. Raising an eyebrow, Risotto sized the potential threat up and down. Upon doing so, the stalker bowed politely with just a slim hint of mockery.

"And you are?" Risotto asked with subtle venom.

[End Of Chapter]


Let me know what you thought!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes. I rush-typed this right before work.

I know a lot of you like the slower pacing, and I know that maybe some of you are probably disappointed by Risotto and Doppio's seemingly out of nowhere bond/partnership and I'm sorry. I kinda wanna get this story rolling along and I've realized I still have so long to go before RWBY starts their first year . Sorry.

Anyways...Without a further ado...

[♤~Arrivederci, My Fellow Plague Doctors~♧"

[♡~"...You are already complete..."~◇]