
THE MEST-UP CHILDHOOD: That No-One Thought Happened

Before we begin our tail let me tell you about myself my name is C.J. Sprinkle i am an adult born with Disabilities. I will not tell you them, because, I, do not, remember them, trust me i tried lots of times to remember. Any who back to me telling you about myself, I love Reading, Day Dreaming and, now Typing Stories. Let's begin our tail, shall we?

MasterAssassin · 現実
1 Chs

Second Time in Kindergarten

My teacher was doing roll-call, when she called out "C***** Sprinkle," all the kids laughed and/or made fun of, my last name, it did not help, that I, had, dandruff, BADLY. One thing, I do, remember, part of my, Disabilities, is, that I, take thing too seriously and that i am easy to anger, bad mix is my opinion. So I through a tantrum that might equal Poseidon when Pangaea separated.