
When do you need it?

He had not noticed Luck's expression of interest as he thought about which artefacts Nikolai should show Luck.

"The spark, the jester's mask and the pervert's cloak, how much for these three... how much?" Luck asked, unable to take his eyes off the two artefacts.

Nikolai looked at Luck blankly, surprised that Luck was not interested in so many valuable artefacts but in such low-class artefacts.

"The pervert's cloak... What the hell are you thinking, man!'

Nikolai's eyes suddenly turned cold as an idea occurred to him.

'Could he be thinking of spying on my daughters?'

Sensing the creepy aura emanating from him, Luck turned to Nikolai in surprise to find creepy eyes staring back at him.

"Ni...nikolay? What's going on?"

Noticing Luck's frightened expression and realising that he had lost control and emitted his aura, Nikolay quickly withdrew his aura.

'What the hell am I thinking? Even if he has such a perverted desire, he can never escape the eyes of my daughters!

Nikolay hit Luck's shoulder with his hand and said "HAHAHA, sorry Luck, bad memories of the past came to my mind."


Putting his purchases from the artefact shop into his bag, Luck was restless. He wanted to return to the world as soon as possible and try out the artefacts he had bought.

"Luck... You seem happy."

Luck, who had the happiness of a child who bought new toys, smiled broadly and said, "Yes, these are very interesting things! I can't wait to try them!"

Nikolai was silent for a moment.

"Do you really get excited when you get such simple artefacts?

"Anyway, there is something I need to talk to you about." 

"Of course, what do you want to talk to me about?" Luck asked, walking with Nikolay to the top of the walls of the compound.

Pointing to all the people working above and below the walls, Nikolai said in a gloomy voice: "You must know that the red moon is approaching..."

Luck: ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

Luck said in a hesitant voice "of course... I know..."

Nikolay: ( ゚ー゚)

"You can't be that bad at lying!

"When the red moon rises in the sky, the star power becomes unstable and the star monsters go crazy and start attacking every living creature they see, and their first target is the places where people live together..."

"Yeah, yeah, it's a bad time, red moon, yeah..."

Nikolay: (...)

Ignoring Luck's tense expression, Nikolai continued.

"Last year..." The grief in Nikolai's voice was palpable. "Last year during the Red Moon we suffered great losses, many people lost their mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters... Even I suffered a loss... my wife..."

"I'm sorry for your loss..."

Shaking his head, Nikolai said, "But I see hope for this year that the tragedy of last year will not happen."

Nikolay looked at Luck with burning eyes. "YOU!"

"Me?" Luck tilted his head to the side in surprise.

"Yes, Luck! You and your weapons! Weapons that will allow even people without star power to kill a star beast!"

After Nikolay's words, Luck involuntarily moved his hand to the cold surface of the weapon hanging on his back.

"You want to buy weapons from me..."

Nikolai nodded "Yes, not for myself..." He gestured to the compound behind the city walls "For the people here..."

Luck hesitated, "I don't know...."

When Nicholas saw Luck's indecisive behaviour, he insisted "I'll pay for it! even..." 

"Even... I can even give you a space ring as payment for the space weapon!"


Luck talked to Nikolai for a while at the top of the ramparts, asked for some time to think, and then returned home for the night.

"I can even give you a space ring as payment for the space gun!"

Nikolai's words kept repeating in Luck's ears.

"I've got to talk to Horace about this! I need to maximise my profits... but before that I need to get more weapons!"

Luck had already made up his mind to sell Nikolai a firearm! 

A space ring! An artefact with a spatial cavity to store it in! Something like that was something he had thought existed in books until now, but now he could have one of them!

"I need to find more firearms, but how..." One person immediately came to mind. 


He grabbed his phone and started texting as fast as he could.

Luck -- I need more of that stuff!

Soon a message came from Zack with a notification sound.

Zack--What stuff?

Luck--I need more of that stuff you brought to my house!

Zack --Ha! You want more firearms! Are you going to start a war?

Reading the message from Zack, Luck screamed in fear.

Luck-:-You're a fucking psycho! What if my conversations are being monitored!

Zack: -Are you a political leader when you don't talk to me?

Luck, who could not make sense of Zack's message, began to read each message from Zack, unable to make sense of it.

Luck: -No

Zack:--Are you a criminal?

Luck:-- of course not.

Zack: -Are you a super rich guy?

Luck: -No.

Zack:--Then you're a nobody to the government. Why should they follow you?

Luck: ( ‾‾ʖ‾) thanks.

Zack:-- No problem.

Luck breathed a sigh of relief.

"Seriously, who am I to be under government surveillance?"

Luck:-- can you organise more weapons?

Zack:-- what do you mean more?

Luck:-- As many weapons as you can provide.

1 minute.

2 minutes.

5 minutes.

10 minutes.

When Luck didn't get an answer from Zack no matter how long he waited, he called Zack and the phone picked up on the first ring.



"Zack... Why aren't you answering my message?"

"Is it Darth Vader?"

Luck said with a puzzled expression, "What the hell, are you in danger!"

Darth Vader was a warning signal inspired by an old film they watched. If someone said Darth vader while cheating on exams, the others knew that the teacher would stop looking at his phone and look up and watch the class.

Zack's relieved voice came over the phone "Oh that's a relief..."

"What the hell happened?"

"I thought you were under pressure from someone who forced you to buy a gun! Or even worse..."

"What's worse?"

"I was afraid the police would listen in on my conversations and come to catch me!"

 " ( ^∇^) Who am I to be pursued by the government?"

 "Since you are someone who is trying to start a war, contrary to my expectations, you are a big criminal! Of course the state is watching you and your speeches!"

 "(;¬_¬) I told you I'm not trying to start a war."

"What are you going to do with hundreds of guns? Hang them on the wall of your house?"


"Look, you can't even answer! You're gonna get us in trouble!"

"I'm not gonna get us in trouble, Zack."

"We'll be fine....what more could happen...I won't get us in trouble...those are famous last words!"

"I'll pay double!"

There was a moment of silence on the phone.

"When do you need the guns?"



Hello there...

It's been a while since we posted a new episode. I will continue to publish chapters, but the interval may be a little longer than usual, I am working on a new book.

If you want to make this poor author happy, don't forget to leave a comment!