
The Memory Bottler

Would you choose to forget if you could? Pelgyi can’t get over her first heartbreak. She can’t deal seeing her ex around all the time. So she decides to erase her memories... or more accurately, to bottle them up.

memoriesoftomorrow · 一般的
10 Chs

Chapter 4: A day full of cute guys

Kinley woke me up. She didn't tug on my hair or yell in my ear like usual. Instead, she gently nudged me calling my name out softly. I opened an eye blearily. My eyes hurt. "It's too much sunshine", I said hoarsely. She stood up and drew the curtains. "Do you want to skip college today? We can go to town and watch a movie or something... anything you like."

I rubbed my eyes. "Isn't today the day they give out topics for the hydraulics projects? We will get the worst topics if we don't attend", I said. "What's got in to you anyway? I thought you were all about scoring high marks this sem," I added. She crossed her arms. "So were you but you decided to rush back yesterday and cry your eyes out", she said. My eyes felt sore but the day before was a blur. "I don't think I did but okay. Anyway, we should get ready. I call dibs on the bathroom" I said and rushed to it.

"You evil brat", she shrieked but there was no anger in her tone. We seemed to be late every morning and I made a mental note to get a really loud alarm. "We will go to town later, okay?" I said. She nodded. She didn't even ask why which was weird.

I bumped into someone. "You okay?" Said somebody. I rubbed my forehead which felt sore. "Yeah, just my ego", I answered sheepishly. A really cute guy was standing in front of me. "It seems that you're destined to fall for me", he said and offered his hand. I blushed as I took it. "Meeting once is a coincidence but this got to be fate", he teased. I remembered bumping into him before. "I am Kinga", he said. "I am Pelgyi" I said but he said, "I know you. But I would love to get to know you better." I flushed. This cute guy was flirting with me! I could not believe it.

"Pelgyi, one more minute and we are going to be on the permanent black book of Madam Lhamo", screamed Kinley. "Coming", I said and smiling at him one more time, I ran after her.

Maybe it was because I had been running or maybe it was him, but my heart was racing. "Earth to Pelgyi". I looked up. It was Choni. "I was asking if you wanted to sign up for the freshers picnic. Since we are in second year, we will be responsible for it. If you sign up, we were thinking of making you responsible for the dance." I thought about it. It felt like a long time since I had participated in anything. "Sign me up", I said brightly. Kinley nudged me. "Are you sure? If you sign up, you will be in direct contact with you-know-who", she whispered.

I turned to look at her. "You-know-who? Are we doing some kind of Harry Potter re-enactment?" I asked, puzzled. Why was she talking about Lord Voldemort? She sighed. "I guess we are doing a play of pretending not to understand. But that's fine - whatever makes you happy, bestie" she said. "We will never talk about him again", she added dramatically. I raised my brows. Kinley was acting weird the whole day and this really topped the cherry on the cake.

I didn't get time to ask her more about it as we had an intensive discussion on watershed sediment modeling. By the time the class got over, my head was spinning with all the different differential equations. "If I had known that this was going to be all mathematics, I would have never taken it" said Kinley angrily shoving her books inside her bag. "Everything is mathematics, dear" I said arranging my books. "Easy for you to say, genius! Not all of us are born with brains like yours", she said. "Not all of us are born with boobs like yours", I teased back. She shrugged with a pleased smile. "Well, I guess God is fair."

"Can I get your insta handle? I would like to add you... you know cause we are research partners". I turned to see Namdrul standing next to my table. "We are research partners?" I asked stupidly. He cocked his head towards the screen. "I am sorry, I didn't check", I said. "That's okay. Your insta? Or do you want to give me your number?" He reminded handing me his phone. I quickly received it. My insta didn't show up so I typed my number in his phone and saved his in mine.

After handing his phone, I told him I would add him on insta later. Kinley was watching me with a strange look. "You disabled your insta a long time back. Have you activated it without telling me?" She asked. "I didn't disable my insta", I said but the app wasn't on my phone.

"I can always activate it now", I said and downloaded the app. "Easy", I said typing in Namdrul's id. I marveled at his insta, it was absolutely an inspiration. The 337 photos were all monochromatic and featured his dogs or him in various leather jackets. They were a few quotes and some pictures of books mixed in. But the page was dominated by his Alsatians.

"Wow, that is one cool dude" said Kinley who was peering over my shoulder. "Yes he is", I answered mostly to myself. "Can we change partners?" She asked eyeing his page. "No can do" I said putting away my phone. "Greedy! You already have that cute guy from before", she said punching my arm playfully.

She snatched my phone from my pocket. "The cute guy is called Kinga? Is this him?" She asked putting up my phone. "Dude is quick. He has already followed you." I took my phone back. Kinga only had 8 photos and none of them featured him. The photos were either sunsets or pictures of art. I followed him back and noticed that Namdrul was following me back too.

Maybe this semester, I would get a cute boyfriend. I couldn't remember the last time I went on a proper date. It had hardly been a minute when Kinga sent me a DM. "Hey, so I think I should get a reward for finding your insta, don't you think?"

I smiled. "I didn't know that stalking deserved a reward", I replied. He typed back: "this stalker does." "What would you like?" I flirted back. "Your number" he wrote back.

I debated giving my number to a guy I had just met. How bad could it be anyway? In the worst case scenario, I could always block him. I texted him my number. I soon got a call. "Hey, it's me Kinga", he said huskily. "I was wondering if you knew where I could get a good cup of coffee."

Kinley mouthed, "who is it?" "Cute guy", I whispered back. "Yes?" I cursed myself. "I mean, kinda. I kinda know where you can get good coffee. Would you like me to send you the address?" I said quickly. "Or better still, you could guide me there and I could reward you with the cup of coffee", he said. I decided to go for it. "Okay, this Saturday, 3:00 PM in front of the college entrance. Don't be late", I said. "Never", he answered.

"You're going on a date?" Asked Kinley when I put down my phone. "Yes, I mean I think it is a date. And he's cute - that's one box ticked off", I said. "Wow, you seem to be moving on really fast. Let's go now. Otherwise we will be late while coming back", she said throwing me a jacket. "You should wear that. This looks cute on you", she said pushing me towards the mirror.

She was right. The jacket looked good on me. I brushed my hair and smiled at my reflection. I would wear the jacket on Saturday.

We were browsing books when Kinley got a call from one of the resident coordinators. "Shoot, there has been a problem with my room application for my sister. I got to go. Can you come back on your own?" She asked. I nodded. She hugged me and rushed off.

I went back to browsing books. I was looking forward to reading a really good book. "You should read this." There was a green book with the words "Fangirl" emblazoned on it. It was Namdrul. "And why do you think I would like this book?" I asked. "I know you like Eleanor & Park. This is by the same author. I... well, I think you would like it", he said rubbing the ridge of his nose. "Thanks." I said taking the book. I didn't think Namdrul would be in to these types of books. The cool guy with the Alsatian and bikes... read pastel green colored books about fan girls. I shook my head, you really couldn't judge a book by its cover.

"Anyway, if you like it, let me know. As for our project, I was thinking we could work on the fish population before and after the dam construction? We could make a model and check the damages", he said. How could someone look so hot while talking about fish populations? "Sure", I said watching his long fingers trace the edge of his book on cellular biology. "Is that a book for our course?" I asked. "Nope, just some light reading", he said. Hottie with brains, this was getting better. "I saw Kinley leave. Do you need a ride?" He asked. "You have a car?" "It's not really mine but my elder brother's. He's not in town so I can use it." "Oh, I would love a ride", I said putting the book in my basket. "Let me check these out and I am good to go", I informed. "I will be outside", he said and walked out.

While at the counter, I saw one of our seniors or at least I think he was a senior because he was with the seniors. He stood out with his bored look and tall figure. He looked towards me and our eyes met. He quickly looked away. I felt embarrassed like I was caught checking him out. I quickly shoved my books towards the sales girl. "That will be Nu 850. Card or cash?" I flicked out the cash from my wallet and pushed it towards her. Crumpling the change up, I walked as fast as I could towards the door. I was curious, I turned around to see him staring at me. But it was for a bare second, he was chatting with his friends when I looked again.

"Ready to move?" I turned towards Namdrul who had come in. "Yes", I said and turned my back, feeling a sense of loss.

Hi guys, I would be grateful if there is some kind of feedback or review. I am writing this as a hobby but I don’t feel so motivated since I don’t seem to get reviews. This is my first try at a web novel and I would love to get some reviews. As for the cover, I have no idea as of yet but if anyone has some ideas on how I could create it, I would love to hear it.

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