
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · アニメ·コミックス
325 Chs

Who The Fuck Is Steve Jobs

/Frank POV/



(Ah so this is your home isn't it kiddo?) I asked Kunou as she nodded at my words as she was walking in front of me and looking around while talking about the history of her home and all that other sweet nice little junk. {Real nice kiddo, real nice.} I thought as I wasn't even paying attention to her as I was actually getting a little nervous about the chance of meeting her mother. She's a fucking cougar, a smoky woman and all that but like, she's also fucking strong as hell. And as you know, most of the pretty women in my life either hate me, or are dead as shit, bar Eresh and Belle.

And why do I fear the cool looking milf fox woman? Because if memory still serves me right, she works for somebody, very, very interesting. I.e. the Shintos. Yeah, I mean, I think it was obvious enough, but she has a direct connection to Amaterasu, I think that's a very big dick move to be doing that, but then again, I've killed her boss a couple times at the very least. I know I know that sometimes, it's not exactly the best thing to give a show of power. But this, this is an entire pantheon of gods that I could just harvest right fucking now. It's almost perfect, but, I will have to be very careful about who to pick. I may be the bad guy, but come on man, it's not as if I'm gonna go murderhobo every single fucking time, no that's for the finale, it's always been the finale. And so I walked into a very regal and "classical" building as the place looked, well, fancy. It's got that nice vibe to it, and the surroundings, oh mama Mia, that shit was beautiful. Nice little springs and ponds sprinkled around, some funky looking trees, and their street lamps are just, yeah I think you got something of an idea of what I see right now.

And they gave me a complimentary towel! That's amazing! Like bruv, you got me sold on the life insurance and the dental insurance and all that, but this, this was a cherry on the top of the whole thing. So I thanked Kunou for the towel as she then nodded and ran out of the building to do something for her mother again. And here I am, all alone again. I guess I will have to get some of my stuff to make things more, accommodating for the poor bastard that I got kept locked up for his genetic material. Mhm, and guess what? If I can get a female one that's in good condition, I could just give them some amnestics and throw them in with a shot of aphrodisiac in both of their veins.

They'd be giving me a free fox Youkai race in the western fantasy world that I'm trying to cook up, but they won't be labelled as Youkai anymore I guess, they'd just be Beastmen. Yeah, I think that's the better way to say it. And now I was right there in the room, with fuck all to do. Wait a minute, I haven't even checked what's the timeline right now. I don't even know what's going on. I'm just stuck in Kyoto with a fox Loli that gave me a contract made by her smoking hot mom. Hmm, you know, I think I should have thought this a little bit through. Well, I guess that's the first thing to do once I get enough cash to get out of this place. I gotta investigate Kuoh for the sake of knowing what point in time it is right now.

Yeesh, that's probably gonna be a costly trip. But if canon hasn't occurred yet, I guess I'll play ball, I can get myself a good amount of demon bloodlines for the western world. They'll never even be able to say anything against me since there's no good reason for them to fight against the dude that's slaughtered their race tens of thousands of times over and over and over again. It's funny, to think that the Slayer, was planning to fuck with the demons once more. Except they don't wanna call themselves demons, they're devils now, for whatever the reason could be. I don't know, it's just a little humorous to me.

And so I waited, and waited, and waited a little bit more before I checked the clock on my phone. It's only been ten minutes and I feel bored as hell, amazing. So I got my ass, and thought of something to do. The first thought was a good choice, exercise. Push-ups, some sit-ups, and a good amount of chin-ups. Yeah, I was starting to actually get a sweat when the wooden floor was showing a little vibration. I expected them to come later, but hey, I guess I could just continue later. And so I fell down and made my sweat evaporate with some hellfire as I then sat down on the floor again as the sliding door opened and showed a very interesting sight.

They sent a Geisha to me? I, honestly didn't really know much about it. (Hi. Umm, my name's Frank.) I said as she sat down on the ground and started to just play music for me. (Umm, I'm pretty fine with entertaining myself, plus I was exercising a little bit earlier, so umm, is it okay with you if you can just go for now?) I asked of her as she looked at me with an impassive expression as she stood up and bowed to me as she left. Odd, but hey, at the very least I could continue exercising. And so I did, my body was actually starting to get a sweat, so I kept increasing the weakness effect on me to allow extra bits of energy to build up. The thing I learned about the weakness effect is that if you can train with it to the point where you can function like you did before, the things that happen after you take off the effect are going to be funny for you.

It's not exactly so funny for your enemy though. They'd just see you immediately get stronger. And then they'll think that they're screwed, and then they realize that you're not actually taking them seriously. Oh boy, what a joy. And so I continued my little exercise for as long as my body could handle it and then stopped to take a bath in the springs that they had around. Now this shit right here, this shit be wilding. I'm living in decadence baby.



/Issei POV/



Well, I guess the beating wasn't that bad this time around. The girls were a bit more merciful, but it still hurt. Unfortunately for me and the girls, we heard something that shouldn't just be. One of the idiots that I was "friends" with was moaning from the pain, and he was literally getting hard from that. God I hate these guys so much, why the hell are they all just so, weird. It's almost like something just made them this way in this fucking school. Seriously, shit is getting odder and odder over time. And when I was about to leave the classroom, one of the girls approached me and asked me if I wanted to go on a date with her.

You hear that? A girl. Wanting to go on a date. With a guy like me who gets bullied a little too often. I couldn't even begin to try to understand why exactly did she wanna go out with me. But I guess that I should be happy that someone decided to do so with a guy like me. But it's so fucking sketchy that it's not even funny. So I just outright asked her if she was only doing this for a prank, or as a challenge from her friends or something like that. It's honestly better that way, but then she looked sad and said something about how I shouldn't be considering that every single girl in the same in this school and then she just walked away.

How am I not supposed to see them all the same?! These idiots that are getting me in trouble every single day! These girls that don't actually have a fucking clue as to how they should handle a student doing something actually bad! And all of these damned jokes about how I was a tits guy! Bitch that's normal! I'm not screaming it out fucking loud, that's just my preference! There's nothing that's off with something like that! I'm still young for god's sake! *sigh* I guess I really gotta see the world a little bit more different than before. I could try to join a club, Saji also joined the school council for some reason, and honestly, I really don't have a clue as to why he did.

He never really did come off to me as the responsible type, but I guess he somewhat had it in him seeing him be one of my few friends after all these years. And I sure as hell didn't really think that I was that gonna be living the rest of my life jerking of to porn so I guess I should be trying my best to go to a club. I wonder if there's one about trying to figure out why things are just so weird lately.



/Frank POV/



Alright, been a couple days, did a couple killing jobs for the milf fox, and now, I got myself a nice little hog for me to ride to Kuoh. Oh baby, this little bastard costed me a real pretty penny, and the gas is gonna be a pain to try and find, but she's a real beaut I can say that for fucking sure. Mhm, yep she's a real eyestealer. But goddamn, the moment that I was going to leave Kunou seemed to be sad. So you know what I did? Patted her on the head, smiled at her and told her to take care of her mama. Yeah, that's so stereotypically American that it just cracks me up a little inside. It's fucking bullshit but that's why it's so fucking funny to me. And I guess there's not all that much for me to do. The jobs were simple enough, some kills, some recon, some protection and all stuff. Got them done real quick, and I will say this, I am happy with the results, this little hog rider is a sight for sore eyes, I'll say that much.

And I met Yasaka, and yup, just as busty as she was in the anime. Mhm, I was sitting down normally as she kept on trying to show me her tits by trying to lean over her table where she was working. (You know, it was hard to try and take care of Kunou because of all the times that I wanted to cry out loud for my late husband, I just couldn't bring myself to doing it. My daughter, is very precious to me, and to think that the damned old foxes thought to try and bring her into the world that I was once dragged into, it almost made me go mad and kill every single one of them.) she said to me as I nodded as I looked around the room, trying to actually keep my eyes away from her tits.

(I noticed that you've been trying to stay your eyes away from my body. Is there something wrong with it?) she asked me as I was standing and looking at a happy photo of her and her husband that was hung up on the wall. (Absolutely not ma'am. I'm like a big brother to Kunou at this point, she clings onto me whenever I'm here, and she evens helps.me exercise by spitting on my back while I do push-ups. I got a couple little monkeys of my own, and they grew up fine. I still love my girl, and I don't wanna do anything that would make me the ass in the relationship that we have.) I was very simple with Yasaka as she sighed and started to smoke a little.

(I can see that you're a very good man Frank. Thank you. Thank you for being like a father figure to my daughter. But, I would like to know, why exactly do you want to leave? You're working fine here, and making more money than what you could ever get from living in the human world. I don't quite see as to why you're going to risk that going somewhere that's owned by devils.) she said to me as she stood next to me ad she also looked at her husband. I turned to the side to see that tears were growing in her eyes as I stayed silent. (I have, something of a vendetta, against the devils. But, there something more to it than just that. Yasaka, you know that your daughter found me saving her from an ambush from your rivals, right?) I said to her as she then wipe her eyes and cleared her throat.

(Yes, and what does that have to do with you leaving?) she asked as I then sighed and continued on with the story that I cooked up. (Time travel, I'm from 2020 Yasaka. And life, well, it's not been great. There's somebody that I need to meet just to make sure that things don't go balls to the walls in the future. And if needed to protect a billion, I will kill one.) I said with false acting skills that almost looked real. She stood there in silence as she a little bit more as she sat on the table and lied down. (You can fuck me if you want. I'm too sober to be thinking about this.) she said as she lifted her dress a little. (The offer is nice Yasaka, but, again, I'm a devout man. I can't do that to her. Not to Eresh.) I said as she then sat back and huffed all of the smoke that was in her.

(You're a good man Frank. I wish that you could've stayed longer. But if you need somebody to rely on, well, the Youkai faction is always here to take you in.) she said as she got off the table and shook my hand. And that ladies and gentlemen, is how you would politely decline sex from a milf fox. Yes, applaud me, I'm a a good boy.

2448 words. Yeah, Frank is a good Christian boy ,but he's not that Christian though in his actions. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

AntiLoliLewdingcreators' thoughts