
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · アニメ·コミックス
325 Chs

They 3x Blew Our Minds!

/Frank POV/



(Alrighty then everyone! You're gonna see something that'll most likely scar you for all eternity! So I suggest that you make yourselves useful and get out of here!) I said as I then pulled out my Bolter and cleared the enchants before adding my own personal batch.

[/enchant @s power 500]

[/enchant @s unbreaking 2000]

[/enchant @s infinity]

[/enchant @s flame 80]

[/enchant @s quick_charge 2000000000000]

Well you may be wondering why I decided to add a lot of flame levels to it. It's actually quite simple, you see each level of flame adds a little extra tick of damage. So if you have, say, a Flame 80 bow, that shit would burn for a metric shit ton of time until it gets put out.

And it adds up to how long the flames last out of water. If you're in water, it's just another bit of damage. But knowing All For One, his style is to tank more of the attack and heal it as fast as he possibly could.

The best way to get rid of someone that's using regen, is to match it with something that'll make him tick with dummy amounts of damage. The best way to do that? Give him the withering effect. The tried and true methods of getting the withering effect include the usage of wither skeletons, a Wither itself, a Wither Rose, or the three types of Withering potions.

Unfortunately, the withering effect isn't as strong as I need it to be, and I don't know the correct command chain to make a potion with the sufficient potency. But there is a good Quirk that I could always make sure of, and I think you all see where I'm going with this.

I'm going to have to buff Tomura's Quirk to insane levels in order for me to actually do something against that bastard. Thankfully I could just do some cool shit and sift through the dozens of Quirks and do a little engineering on them.

And you know what I fucking found? A fucking gold mine. There were dozens of emitter type Quirks that I could tinker with to create a good Quirk without any downsides. Well, at least not too many since this is gonna be me using it.

From what I've gathered, Tomura needed all five fingers to be on someone to activate his Quirk. And you know what? I changed it a little bit. The Quirk was getting pumped with hundreds of broken Quirks in order for it to evolve.

It's like a shitty demonic cultivation technique except we're in a Japanese anime world, and I'm not a cultivation MC, I'm an OP MC who likes to use memes to my advantage. {Alrighty then, let's see if I got everything right. Emitter type that I could freely manipulate around me? Check. It is strong enough of create a field of decay itself? Yes as well, I made sure to upgrade the range. Can I fully control it though? Yeaaah, that's a big question mark right there.} I thought as I then took a deep breath.

(Domain, set up the stream, the people need a bit of a battle amongst monsters to really pump them to try and beat somebody like me.) I said as the other reality Toga then looked at what I said with surprise. \Yes Master! Are you sure that you want them to see your face? I don't think that's a good idea for you to do.\ she said to me as I then rubbed my chin.

Yeah it was a pretty dumb thought process to let my face be shown.

But what were they gonna do? There's limitations to the Mana and I could always just go "Hippity Hoppity your Mana enriched body is my property." and just yoink all of that shit away from them. I know it sounds evil, but what are they gonna do about it? Are they gonna go and run when they could barely move their legs from having all their Mana drained from their bodies?

They're gonna be paraplegics if I did that! Well, not really, but you get the point. (I don't really care at this point Domain, there's always gonna be someone that I am going to have to show my face to and I don't think I give a shit as to who it could possibly be.) I said as I then quickly equipped my special little tuxedo and gloves.

(And now, show time.) I muttered as I then looked at the golden screen in front of me and smiled.



/3rd POV/



(GOOD DAY MY DEAR LAB RATS!) a voice boomed out across the world as everyone soon went into a stop as they all looked at what was going on. (It is my pleasure to let you all know that this little dungeon master who has so graciously given you all power would like to give you a little heads up!) he said as everyone soon looked into the sky and saw that there wasn't a mask on his face.

Truth be told, the world was questioning how such a handsome face was capable of speaking such a vulgar set of words for no real reason. (As of this moment in time, I am about to have a grand battle against the number one villain in the world. Now you my be wondering why I would say this despite you all considering me as the number one?) he said as the people were soon getting interested about what he was going to do.

(And the reason is that I am about to take the place of the number one villain for myself since I really have nothing else to do right now.) he said as the people soon went into chaos as they then tried to flee their respective homes in order for them to not get caught in the crossfire.

(Oh don't you all worry your pretty little minds, I'm going to be fighting in the ocean. With a little base that I personally stole from a very specific group of scientists.) he said to the camera as he then motioned to a thick layer of fog covering the waters around them.

(Ladies and gentlemen, I give you all my greatest idea last week, I-Island V2!) he said as they saw the fog lift and what was remaining shocked the world to it's core. It looked like a sick amalgamation of pulsating green and steel, with hundreds if not thousands of Orks covering it for some sick reason.

(This baby was designed to tank literal nukes for millenia at a time. To say that I'm prepared is an overstatement. Nobody, and I truly mean, nobody is every going to be overprepared. Much like there's no better kill like overkill, this baby is capable of a worldwide conquest if I ever wanted to go through with it. But right now, it's a battle of the baddest bitches on this space rock.) he said as he then opened out his arms and shouted out loud his thoughts.

(WHO SHALL WIN? THE BEAST BORN IN A TIME OF FEAR? IR THE MONSTER BORN OF MADNESS AND CHAOS? Shall we make a bet?) he said as he then laughed out loud, only for it to be accompanied by the great sonorous shout of the Orks.

(And All For One, I know just what your Quirk is you little bastard. And I have give something to you that you're gonna hate.) he said as he then grew out black claws in his right hand.

(You can't necessarily fight against someone who doesn't even have a Quirk. All you can do, is struggle for me. So this will be the quickest, and funnest little game of cat and mouse, and you're the mouse. Better start running little one.) he said as the golden screen soon vanished and was left with a grey screen for them to look at.

It was a third person view of what seemed to be the front of the prison that was known as Tartarus. They didn't even know what did the dungeon master wanted with them, and here he was trying to incite madness and fear over them by bringing the choice of which monster do they want to win.

Do they want the monster that's going to take over the world in the shadows? Or do they want the one that's open with the things that they have done?



/Frank POV/



I then cracked my neck from me having to do that. Sure it was cool and all back then, but the vibe gets really hard to pull of sometimes. Do I still make people scared? Yes I do. But does it feel cool to me? I mean a little I guess.

(Alright then, all of you are gonna have to stay inside the building since the shit that's about to happen is gonna make this place go boom multiple times over, and I really hope that you guys don't die from all of this.) I said as I then cocked the Bolter and took a deep enough breath.

{I really hope that this'll work.} I thought as I then turned on the Disintegration Quirk that Tomura had, and guess what? I decided to change it to a different name. It needs a new moniker considering that I have to make it seem special.

(Why don't we call you The Kiss Of Decay?) I said as I could feel the Quirk getting stronger than before from that little name.

I've always been wondering why does anything that I use, whether it be an item or an ability, gets more powerful when I "claim" it as my own. I didn't even think about it until it hit me. This was the exact same thing that occurred in Tensei Shittara Slime Datta Ken. Do you know what that means? It's like the Magicule naming procedure ritual thingy.

It's actually pretty cool now that I actually have the time to think about it. There isn't all that much that people could do against that, well, nothing that comes to mind at least, but for now things could easily be dealt with.

(Alrighty you faceless old shit! Time for you to go to the local nursing home and get your ass killed!) I shouted out loud as I then waited and waited for him to come. And then-

*rumbles furiously* The ground, oh boy the ground was about to fucking tear apart.

(Well well well, Gigantomachia.) I said to nobody in particular as I then saw the shark like being that soon shouted out in anger. (Hmm, I guess I'm gonna have to play the role of last boss then.) I snapped my fingers and then three more entrances to the first floor were already opened up and spewing out dozens of goblins with so many different types of weapons.

This shit was an entire damned army and I loved it. There were archers, some mages that were shooting out different projectiles, buffing up the other goblins that were swift on their feet and pumping huge damage all around the powerful Nomu.

{Man, I was right to give those guys a buff up, this shit is slaps harder than an abusive family!} I thought as I then continued to watch dozens of goblins pour out of the holes as they started to get more and more numerous against the giant Nomu.

(Oh boy, somebody's getting a bit overwhelmed aren't they?) I said as I then ordered the Domain to constantly send out more and more until the poor Nomu gets completely covered, and then he'll grow again and get even more covered.

And after an entire two hours of fighting against the goblins, who just didn't stop even if they died, the giant fucker was now experiencing what was otherwise known as "getting fucked".

(Oh man, oh boy oh boy, this was a bit of a disappointment.) I said as I then watched the mage goblins soon chant something to keep him locked up.

(I would love to have something like you under me, you're an amalgamation of so many souls and people stitched together, but unfortunately, there isn't all that much for me. Hmm, you know what? I'll just kill you inside of the dungeon so you'll become someone under me!) I said as I then looked at the goblins as they understood my command.

(You all know what to do with him.) I said as they started to drag the beast down into one of the bigger holes in the ground.

2108 words. Wow, I'm getting more and more longer chapters as time goes on. I never expected to be getting faster at writing. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

AntiLoliLewdingcreators' thoughts