
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · アニメ·コミックス
325 Chs

Playing my songs into my sides

/At the Hostess of Fertility/



It was another evening, another couple dozen customers coming to see their girls at the Hostess, Mama Mia, otherwise known as Mia Grand, the former Captain of the Freya Familia. But that old title was only known to a few friends and her girls, also including her previous goddess Freya herself whom she owed a favor to all those years ago, and eat food. It was nearly closing time and the girls were about to rest up when all of a sudden, a man came up to the double door and opened it.



Mia seeing the person who cake from the door said to him. (Sorry friend, but it's already closing time, you'll have to come back tomorrow.) Mia says as the hulking giant says to her. (Hello again, Mia. It's been a while since I've last eaten your cooking, you think you could at least whip me up some meat?) the tall man says to her as she sighs and replies. (Fine Ottar, I'll make you something, but you better pay! And double at that!) Mia says, exasperated at the Boaz who used to hate her cooking.



(Thanks again, Captain.) Ottar says as he takes a seat on the wooden chair that was available in front of him. As he waited for his Old Familia captain to finish cooking, he started some simple talk like. (How's the tavern going?) and things like. (Are you certain that these girls won't betray you?). although that second question was a bit unorthodox in the situation then, Mia simply gave an angry glare to him and Ottar stayed quiet for about a solid twenty minutes before telling her something important.



(Mia, have you heard any news about the Loki Familia's expedition, you know, the one that occurred about a couple days ago?) Ottar says as Mia stops cooking for a moment to look Ottar straight in the eye before she replied to him. (I have, but not too much information was given to me, all I know is that the dungeon is changing, I don't know if for good or for worse, but it is changing, and it will affect everyone who lives in this city, maybe even the folks who live in other places like Telskyura, or even Rakia. and I believe that it will come, no matter what.



Ottar hearing the words of Mia felt contemplative, right until he noticed that Mia placed a plate of pan-fried meat topped with gravy right in front of him.



(Eat up Ottar, can't have you thinking on an empty stomach! It ain't good for you!) Mia says as a warm smile lit up her face. Ottar seeing it returned it with a much smaller smile as he proceeded to dig into his meal.



After eating Ottar paid up his tab and left back for the Folkvangr, he left Mia with a bit of advice.



(Don't let any of your girls go into the dungeon, it isn't as safe anymore, and be careful as always.) Ottar says as he leaves for the night. Mia looking at his disappearing figure sighed and shook her head before closing the door and calling it a day.



/In the Twilight Manor/



The familia expedition was comprised of a couple Level 4 members and the Executives including the Familia captain and Vice-Captain. Their plan was to try and retake the 18th floor, since it was a very crucial point that the adventurers needed in order to survive the next 16 floors before they need to recheck supplies at the next safe floor, which was the 34th floor.



Seeing the group of members training for the expedition made Finn feel worried for them, since it was always possible that a couple would be wounded, or worse, killed by the dungeon's monsters. Remembering what that man he met three days ago alongside his Executives, he clenched his hands in frustration and grabbed his spear to continue training. Tione seeing her beloved train so hard for the next expedition, felt the adrenaline rushing through her blood as she brutally tortured the members to get them into proper shape.



Bete was one such individual who was getting his ass handed to him, usually on a good day he would be able to at least tie with Tione in their spars, but now that she was getting pumped, he knew at that point that he had severely fucked up. But he sucked up the pain that he felt in his ribs as he continued looking for a good timing to hit Tione. But never really got a good spot, thus getting his ass beaten to the next dimension and beyond.



Ais being Ais was still training her vertical slashes whilst looking for any imperfections in her strokes, if she did, she'd go again, and again, and again until she got it right. She told herself that she would only stop at two thousand "perfect" strike. Lefiya was off to the side taking her usual magic lessons from Riveria, trying to understand abstract concepts and philosophical terms.



Tiona and Gareth were off to the side just casually looking at the rest of them train, Tiona having trained already a couple hours before sunlight and Gareth having already done his endurance exercises. The Captain despite being a bit annoyed at the fact that they were "slacking", knew that they were having a well deserved rest after doing their share of training.



The memory of the man who beat them without even directly attacking them was still fresh within their minds. The frustration from the defeat, the smile on face as he disappeared, and the laugh that came from his mouth, and his name. Everything from that complete utter defeat that they experienced, even though they were capable adventurers who had gotten to the same floor that the Zeus Familia had achieved.



The fact that there was somebody stronger than them was extremely frustrating, but it was also a message to them, a message to not be so arrogant, a message that there were beings stronger than them, and for them to never let their guard down.



/Within the Folkvangr/



Freya was casually drinking some wine as she was looking through her scrying mirror to see if any "children" catch her eye. Seeing no beings that piqued her interest, she then decided to look around Orario and see if anything interesting occurred, strangely enough, she noticed her favorite "toy" Ottar talk to her ex-Captain at her little tavern.



(Ara? How interesting, I wonder what else might appear?) Freya says as she feels an aura like no other appear out of nowhere.



{What was that?! Where did it come from?! I need to know!} Freya says as she uses the mirror as quickly as possible to try and discern where it came from.



(What? What are you? I MuST kNOw!) Freya says as she starts to salivate whilst looking at Frank wearing his new attire for exploring the city. {I want, no, I NEED HIM!} Freya thinks to herself as she starts to pleasure herself to calm herself down.



/With Frank/



Okay so after th.at exceedingly awkward talk with the Pallum girl, otherwise known as Lili, I decided to continue my plans of exploring the city the next day. And what do you know! She cried for so long that an entire night passed by! I am currently running on ten cans of Monster, three cans of Red Bull, a pack of cinnamon rolls, and some twenty cups of Death Wish. I think I've effectively lost twenty years of my life, but then again, I'm immortal thanks to the passive that one card gave me.



I still haven't found any use for the card that was about Pink Guy aside from me being a lot more crazy than usual. Hopefully that's not just what it does, otherwise it would have been pointless to give the name Filthy Frank to the Loki gang.



Anyways, now that I feel like I could make the One-Eyed Black Dragon into a fucking pile of guts and gore, like I couldn't do that already, I then took a stroll around the city, visiting the outside of my "base", looking for any places that I saw from the anime/manga, like that tiny fucking church that Hestia and the white rabbit lived in for a couple months before moving to the giant ass mansion that the Apollo Familia once owned, I never really understood how high the stakes could go in a War Game.



Like, could you have it to the death, or even ask for the soul of the god, honestly the former sounds realistic, the latter however, wouldn't really be okay since the purpose for the gods to come down from Heaven was for them to have fun. It wouldn't exactly be fun if you were used in some crazy-ass alchemical experiment.



I then tried to look for the Twilight manor, but despite what I've read from the light novel, watched in the anime, and even read from the Wiki in my previous life, I can't seem to find an amalgamation of houses and towers anywhere! it might just be me but my dumb ass has been walking for nearly hours now! Hell, it's already 2 in the fucking afternoon and I'm still looking for it! Seriously, how the fuck am I suppose to look for something like this when- oh wait, I could've just asked the system.



(*sigh* system could you please locate the Twilight manor? It's been hours already since I've left and now I'm fucking lost.) Frank asks his System nicely.



[Charting direction, you are currently xx meters away from it host, you merely need to walk in a straight line to the left] the system replied as Frank looks over to his left. Seeing the monstrosity of a manor Frank facepalmed himself and tried not to scream from the idiocy he had been affected by as he walks toward the gate of the manor, the residents not knowing what kind of surprise coming for them.

1680 words, I was getting really sidetracked while writing this chapter, I was on Youtube looking at Minecraft videos Reddit looking at r/NuxTaku and r/nextLevel, and even playing video games midwriting. it took me at least five hours to string together any coherent thoughts from this. Anyways, I'll see you

fapping fools, on the dark side of the moon! Peace!

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