
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · アニメ·コミックス
325 Chs


/One month later/



Gingerly, I looked at the sweet sweet sight of young little hatchlings from the current clutch of thromblethorned sparrows, as they awoke to the sight of their parent leaving them to fend for themselves. Nature truly has a- *coughs like a man with tuberculosis* oh fucking shit, why was I channeling my inner David Attenborough?

Anyways, I was having a quick plan put together for some things to finally happen. First and foremost, I need something from the Empire, and it was really really important that I get it as quickly as I can.

Secondly, the other plan, which was the original one that me and Ainz were putting together to really ensure that we'll be able to get the entirety of the Kingdom under our rule makes things all the easier.

I have had the absolute glee to be given the chance to kill the Crown Prince Barbro, if I remember his name correctly.

{Okay then, supplies for the soldiers and nobles that we'll be capturing for the sake of experiments, check. The weapons that are completely and utterly harmless, I swear that they are.

And now finally, I need to see whether or not the units that I would be sending out would still be relatively useful.}

I glanced over the rows upon rows of creatures that were alloted to me for getting rid of the prince.

{Yeah, I think we'll be alright, especially since we have a Pleiades member amongst us.}

(Mekhaine-sama, I understand that our duty important, but must it truly be overseen by you up so close? A Mirror of Remote Viewing would more than suffice against whatever we need to deal with here, my lord.)

I looked at the little bug girl that was looking at my cloth, seemingly wanting to eat it.

(Fret not, little Entoma. I wish to see it for the sake of entertainment, much like the many others that have decided to come along with us. But, I will be lagging quite a ways away behind, but I will allow them to come close enough to us.)

(Muu~ Mekhaine-sama, please take care of yourself as well!)

I shit you not I did the Ben laugh at that moment to play it up. In reality I was kinda getting jittery for the action. I wanted some bloodshed right now, goddammit.

(Calm yourself, child.)

(I am calm, Mekhaine-sama! I just need to make sure that you're all fine as well! Albedo-sama said the same thing. "Ensure that Mekhaine-sama returns in complete health, lest there be repercussions on you!" is what she said to me.)

(I may need to have a word with her in regards to the way that she speaks to all of you. There is, simply put, a limit to how much you could threaten your own comrades for something so-)

At that point she just decided to mouth the actual shit off, and I didn't really want to have to constantly speak about it with her.

(Enough talk little one, the hunt must begin and I yearn to see all of the power that our group could bring forth. For the will of the Tomb of Nazarick!)

She was a little bit flustered about what I said, but she picked herself up from that little conundrum rather quickly.

(Y-yes! For the will of the Tomb, Mekhaine-sama!)

(Good, set up the [Gate] spell. I will be waiting with my own mount.)

I walked off as I saw the giant creature that I intended to bring alongside with me for the battle. We all know about history right? Horses are cool and all, and chariots were really something, but I just wanted to have something extra for this battle.

So I dusted off some of my older materials, and got to work with getting this thing properly made and "christened".

There wasn't exactly that much difficulty for what I wanted to do, but there were a bit of splotches and spills here and there.

I wanted to make sure that I didn't really mess up with any of my designs, but this was really something outside of the base game. Lots of ways that it could go wrong, but there are some rather...interesting mechanics that I discovered.

But I won't be going off on another tangent. I'll just say what this shit was. Giant machine war elephant. With loads, and loads of guns slapped on and inside of it.

(Oh little war elephant, your baptism in battle shall be occuring so so soon. Just let time waft for a bit. Mwah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah!)

I began coughing a lot more again, since I could really tell there were going to be a little bit a disconnect between whatever I made and whatever was still here and walking around in the Tomb. But enough explanations should be more than sufficient for keeping this little buddy safe.

It's eyes were completely and utterly dark blue, with there being some rather funny little weapons that I slapped into them, but I'll be leaving that for the battle.



/Entoma POV/



Hmm? Mekhaine-sama's speaking to his newest creation. Fwaaah~ what a shame that I never really got to see the same expression from my creator.

This is really making me a lot more sadder than what I'd want to be with this hunt of ours, maybe I should try to see whether or not I could get a couple tasty humans for me to snack on!



/Barbro POV/



(Tell me, when will our troops reach the filthy commoners? We've been marching for over a week at the moment.)

One of the nobles that were supporting me went forward to tell me, as the rest were all just smiling at me. I didn't truly trust them, but they were sufficient enough for the sake of getting onto the throne.

The promises that I made to some of them were understandable, but some, such as the promise to marry my sister off...well, I don't necessarily need her to be there alongside my brother, do I?

I've even heard that her little guard went missing, and now there's been a replacement. Finally she sees that these peasants are just expendable to us. We're the nobles! We're the ones that are supposed to be mattering in the long run.

(Lord Barbro, we'll be approaching the town in a while. In the meantime, please go and drink to your heart's content! We'll be ensuring that none of your captains fail as we take our time to discuss some of the policies that we'd like to bring forth to you. When, of course, you ascend to the throne as mandated by his Majesty.)

I just hummed as I took another chalice of wine and felt the acidity reach the back of my throat.

{Disgusting. They call this wine? These sycophants truly are the sort that are more than willing to do the absolute worst for no good reason. Then again, they were the easiest to wrangle together for my support, so I'll just have to deal with them at a later da-}

And at that very moment, I felt a great tremor rock the tent that we'd been planning in, as I went off balance and accidentally dropped my chalice of wine.

The rest of the nobles that were there looked to be completely shocked by the tremor.

(What's happening?! Tell me something you fools!)

(Lord Barbro, we're being atta-)

At the moment that they said those words, the tent's flaps flew open and we were greeted by the sight of a massacre outside of it. Red, nothing more than red. So many dead, even more maimed.

Monsters all around us, and there were two right in front of us. A great metal construct and a child that looked to be a monster as well, seeing as they had some form of creature connected to their body.

The metal construct, which was covered in rags walked forward, and yet it made no sound as it looked at the half-empty bottle of wine. It then grabbed it, and threw it out immediately as it reached into some form of magic and procured a crystal bottle filled with golden-brown liquid.

(Ah, Prince Barbro, I assume? You and I will be having a bit of a simple chat. From ruler to ruler. Or rather, warrior to war maker.)



/Frank POV/



I looked at the poor bastard that was just stuck standing as he looks up at me.

(Did you know, that this beautiful bottle was gifted to me? A very good friend of mine joked of how beautiful his country's alcohol industry was.

This brandy in particular? Left in a cherry keg for twenty years, and transferred into a bitter, smoky oak barrel for forty years. It was one of the finest one that I've ever had.

Do you know how I met my friend, your highness?)

The nobles were all just stuck from the fear of Entoma and me being inside of the room. It was a real good look in all of them.

(Do tell, monster.)

(But of course, I was killing off some scoundrels that wanted to take what was mine. Needless to say, I intended to protect what should be mine and eventually realized that they were under the grips of someone else.

Someone that was, relative to me, a minor inconvenience, but he was annoyance in the end. So I did as I could and would normally do. I removed the annoyance. I ensure that I have less things worrying me.

The man kept the daughter of the chief of a village, and ever since, they gifted me a bottle of their finest for many many years, every single generation. Now, their industry was at the finest.

What is the lesson that I wish to give to you from this recount, your highness?)

He looked confused, as I pulled off the stopper, grabbed two glasses and poured him a hard shot.

(Tell your tale's lesson to me then, monster. Or was it all a lie?)

I laughed a bit as I couldn't help but look at the sad piece of shit before me. I pulled off the hood of my rags and showed off a new skin that I wore. This time around, it looked like that suit from the later Ark games that you wore in the ship.

(The lesson, your highness, is that my friends are terrified of me. They know that I am no different from any other beast aside from my intellect.

And they are aware that placating me does not take much. So they never try to overextend.

Your "friends"? They use you, see you as another buffoon to just cast away, just as they intend you to cast your own father off of his throne. It's as simple as that.

I am a monster. I am capable of killing backstabbers. But you? You are human, and you are someone that I absolutely intend to have corrected. But correction requires me to either capture or kill off every other noble in this room.

I leave the choice of what happens to who. I will be in the corner of this tent, while my dear servant over her will be guarding the door.

The moment that you or any of your misguided lot decide to leave the tent, you will gutted and eaten by her without any warning. You cannot kill us, nor harm us. You are not strong enough to do so.

Whatever magic you may intend to cast is immediately nullified because of me existing. Whatever strength you believe yourself capable of procuring in but a single moment is naught but utter insignificance towards my skin, my truest bulwark.

Whatever measure of power you believe yourself to have, it is absolutely nothing to whatever I could ever possibly bring up. You and your ilk are made obsolete. You are dust, and shall be nothing else but dust in comparison to me.)

After that sweet little Ted Talk, the Barbell boy seemed to get a little bit annoyed at the idea that somebody, or rather, something in his eyes is calling him insignificant.

(And what of the will of the gods themselves you malevolent construct?! You foul facsimile of life itse-) one of the decided to try and throw a couple quips against me, and that only really resulted in Entoma getting the go-signal from me to eat that one immediately.

She really went at it, showing off her mouth to everyone in the room, before she tore apart the son of a bitch with the sharpest pair of mantis scythes I've ever seen so far. Goddamn mother nature, what sorta crack were you smoking while allowing her to be made and where can I possibly get it?

Prince Barnuts seemed to get a bit queasy at the sight of the Pleiades member gleefully munching on what was one of his personal retainers.

(I told you. Do not allow me to be given a reason to be this malevolent. If you wish to call me cowardly, then I'll have my men locate each and every single one of your estates and bring your childrens' and spouses genitals over stuck inside of the right eyehole of their severed heads, am I clear?)

I looked around as I made a gesture to Entoma. She begun to pick up the pace by slurping the skeleton of the annoying uptalker and went out of her way to stare at the prince before she skipped over to me.

(Is there anything that you need, Mekhaine-sama?)

(Indeed little one. Send a missive over to Aura and Mare. I have a mission for them to do. Once that's over, have these "nobles" sent over to the Tomb. Whatever measure of wealth that they ripped out of the hands of those that they oppressed shall be rent out of their very minds if needed.

The moment we have the locations of the wealth, or who has the wealth, catalogue it, and then take it back to be repossessed and donated to the peasantry of their lands.

Slaughter is allowed, allow me to make that clear. But bring any children that don't fight back against you back to the Tomb.

New blood is always good, and human children are strong catalysts for alchemical equations and formations.) My orders were well received from the room, since most of the nobles had that desperate look in their eye.

It's either because of the money they're going to lose, or their children. I really don't give that much of a shit, it just looks funny to see them all be so uptight and scared for their families.

2548 words. Man, Senior High is kicking my ass right now. So much shit to deal with. Anyways and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dank side of the moon! Peace out everybody! Goodbye~

AntiLoliLewdingcreators' thoughts