
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · アニメ·コミックス
325 Chs


/Frank POV/



I woke up to ash and dust, and I've done this horrible joke again. There isn't that much that I could think of at the moment, aside from the fact that I was here with Ainz again, in full military form trying to give a good excuse for why I used all of the stuff that he explicitly didn't want me to use.

(And what say you, Mekhaine? You used Walkers and Titans to wipe the entirety of the Slane Theocracy, and not only that, but you used it to get your prototype creation to be properly workable.)

(I only have a single word to say about all of this, my friend. League of Legends.)

He immediately facepalmed and sighed as hard as feasibly possible. There couldn't be a single thing that could top this moment for me. Most of the Floor Guardians were witnessing all of this happening, as I tried my hardest not to laugh like a hyena again.

(Don't make me say that meme.)

(Why not? It's a big funny.)

(No, just no.)

(Fine, but I will be a bit more serious about why I did what I did.)

(Go ahead, but you will still be under house arrest for disobeying me for something so inane.)

(My friend, I wanted to ensure that nothing horrible happened to the Floor Guardians that I brought alongside me. You know as much as I do that they deserve protection, in spite of the strength of this world showing that it may be rather redundant.)

Ainz took a moment to study my words deeply enough as he then slammed the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown down on the ground.

(Fine, you have a good explanation. It does not excuse you to the sorts of faulty overseeing that could have occured within the scenario.

Stay inside the Tomb for a month. If you don't disobey, I'll allow you to continue with the sort of plans that you wish to enact. That is all I ask of you.

You were the one that wanted to install this into my mind, so allow me to remind you of the same thing you've taught me all those years ago.

Safety, is always better than an adventure, as much as we would want one.)

(Understood, my friend. I have to go and do some other stuff for the moment. Also, I've created a new variant for some of my machines.

You could come down to my Workshop to see the schematics for it, and see if it would be good for mass production. That's all that I have to say for myself. Let my arrest, start now.)

The Staff glowed for a bit as it floated off of the ground, and the room went silent. The tension was a lot higher than usual.

(Hey Ainz.)

(Hmm? What?)

(Wanna get some ice cream?)

(Sure. It sounds lovely right about now.)

He and I got up from our respective seats as the Floor Guardians were a little bit shocked.

(So I heard about the things going on at the capital of the kingdom, how's that all going on?)

(Quite well, as surprising as it may be. There's not that many issues that arose when we began our control over their underworld.

Sure there was a bit of dissidence amongst the nobles about a third party going into their businesses and getting rid of their favorite brothels, but they can't say anything unless the want their crimes to be ousted.)

(Perfect, they can't move, and we're allowed to freely expand. That's the best thing that could happen in this scenario.)

The Floor Guardians were still a bit stumped at the sort of causal talks we were having.

(F-Forgive me, my love. But is Mekhaine-sama not supposed to be under arrest? Are you not going to order us to shackle him?)

Albedo was a little bit concerned about what was going on, which is fair, since I was getting really really funky with the sort of things that they were witnessing.

That is, until Demiurge adjusted his glasses.

(I see. It all makes sense now.)

At that point it was me and Ainz' cue to leave from the throne room and walk our way over to the amazing residential/production sector of the Tomb.

/Floor Guardians" POV/



(Speak plainly Demiurge. I do not wish to be look foolish in front of the man that I love with all of my being.)

Demiurge couldn't help but chuckle a little bit at Albedo's words. He was getting even more annoying in the eyes of their leader even more.

(It is simple, Albedo-sama. Ainz-sama said that Mekhaine-sama is under "house arrest" did he not?)

(I know, but what does that have to do with Mekhaine-sama not being-)

(Did you see how casual they were about it? Ainz-sama was simply ordering Mekhaine-sama to take a bit of reprieve and rethink his plans.

Perhaps it changed some of Ainz-sama's greatest ideas, and required him to reschedule certain events so that they wouldn't be as strenuous to our resources as it might be.

That is one of the possibilities that I could garner from such magnificent displays of intellect. They truly are the Supreme Beings that lead us.)

(Again, speak plainly, Demiurge. This doesn't make any of this any easier to look upon.)

(But of course, Albedo-sama. A house arrest, while called an arrest, is more of a retreat. Not truly imprisoned, but advised to stay in their domicile until the period stated would end. Ainz-sama is letting Mekhaine-sama lay low for a moment while he surveys the situation and looks off to see what could be the next best target to aim for.

Once Ainz-sama gets a suitable target for Mekhaine-sama, he will tell him, and Mekhaine-sama will be doing what he does best as the strongest of Ainz Ooal Gown's warriors.)

Albedo and the other Floor Guardians were all completely shocked at the way that this was all revealed to them.

(So. Mekhaine-sama. Is. Being. Told. To. Rest. For. A. Moment. Before. The. Next. Genocide. Needed?)

(But of course, Cocytus. That's exactly what's happening here.)

(I'm a bit confused about what sort of things do the Supreme Beings would think of in their minds. That's rather peculiar for Ainz-sama to just do all of that stuff, only to just say that Mekhaine-sama isn't in any real trouble.)

(But it doesn't matter what we think, Mare. We're their servants. We live to serve and obey them all.)

(That's correct, Aura. That's all that is asked of us. That's all that we would ever wish for from them. It's what we were made for.)

The Floor Guardians were an odd bunch, but they were certainly a good bunch that knew how to properly serve the ones that they admired.



/3rd POV/



Frank couldn't help but sneeze as he was eating the delicious flavor of salt-flavored ice cream. Ainz was a bit confused about that, but he just chalked it up to the old myth of people that get talked about normally sneeze.

(So, what's next on our plans?) Ainz was asking as he sampled the flavor of ice cream that Mekhaine had talked about. It was odd, slightly salty for a moment, then it became pleasantly sweet.

(Well, I was trying to think about it. The Empire is a big nuisance, but in comparison to us, they're more or less crippled. What I'm starting to look at is something rather larger.

There's a group of dragons that are somewhere within this world that are constantly talking shit about everyone that's not them. Even lower level dragons are absolute garbage in their eyes.

I don't really know where they are, which is the biggest of our problems. That's all that I really need to check carefully. They're dragons, you understand about what the stakes are really at.

Other than that, I could see us getting ourselves over to this Beast Kingdom that's getting overrun by other monsters for whatever reason. Their monarch is a child, Ainz. It's fucking saddening to see.)

(Hmm, I see, and what sort of support would be good for this monarch? What should we ask in return?)

(Well my friend, I ask of you. Let me deal with that kingdom, and I will willingly chill down when we get rid of the Empire. There's more than enough effort for you to pass around.

The servants are reliable to a degree. But they're not exactly, well, the best sort of workers when it comes down to it.

They like making things even more convoluted than what they ever need to be. It's almost as if they couldn't help themselves to trying to make it all the more difficult to work with.)

(I can see where your thoughts are. They make things far too complicated. There's so many more better plans that we could make use of.)

(Indeed. Anyways, I need to go and check up on that newest little prisoner of mine. As far as I could tell, she's got fsr too many daddy issues, and I need her to be stable enough.)

(I hear you, my friend. I'll be off at the office again. If you need to tell me anything or have any plans you want to go over with me, now's the time to say it, since I'll be fat too busy with paperwork.)

(Nothing as of the moment. You wanna know something though?)


(I intend to give most of these girls to that boy that we stole from that princess of Re-Estize. I want to make a cliche hero, with his own harem. And I want him to become the "beacon" of our new world order.)

Ainz was shivering at the idea that Mekhaine intended to create and manufacture a fake hero for them to manipulate.

(The women will be there to be his mates and shackles. His mind will be subverted, controlled and broken for the sole purpose of us having a more controlled society over this entire world. That's all that I ask of you, give me the green for this.)

Ainz took a few moments as he put his ice cream down. Mekhaine was getting plans for the future. A future where they were the ones that were ruling over the world.

(Fine. Work all over the place, do it. Ensure that we have a plan for the future. The people that choose to be dissident to our cause will be given a figure that they will adore and banner underneath.

But don't ever say that I didn't warn you of the possible consequences. This is a hero, something that will bring hope to those that believe us to be too dark and powerful. They need to be equally powerful to "fight" against us.)

(And allow me to assuage all of your problems. It will not happen. This will not backfire as you may believe it to be, I promise you. There will be fifteen different kill switches, and other such protocols for the good of us all in this world.

I will be sure, and you will have your surety.)

(Good. I'll see you later my friend. We will have a good time when it comes with this.)

Ainz couldn't help but feel like this was going to end either very well, or very poorly. He doesn't know which one is even better for the Tomb.

But what he does know is that his friend is very good at doing the things that he himself sets out to do. If he says that he will be making a fake hero for the world, then hell be able to make one.

All that's he's scared about is whether or not it's going to end with a true hero getting made instead. A true hero that's strong enough to harm the Tomb and it's inhabitants.

He sighed to himself, looking at the ice cream melting in front of him.

{I just hope that we'll all be fine after all of this is over. This world isn't as merciful as I once thought it to be, but there are far worse things that could happen to us all because of this.}

His thoughts were more than kind enough to the inhabitants of the world, but he's already outclassed in so many ways by his own friend.

It would be a bit odd for him to just go out of his way and slap the banhammer on his own comrade, after all.



/Frank POV/



(And that is how you make use of all of these weapons. Now, tell me what sort of possible things you could do with them?)

I was giving a rather good lesson to my current "charge", who needless to say was thoroughly and utterly mindwiped to me submissive to me and Ainz.

It was more than perfect, Climb was a rather simple being. If I told him that he was supposed to be like this, then he'll become this. If I say that he could be that at some times, hell be that for some moments before he'll return back to his "default" settings.

If he was supposed to be capable of almost twenty martial arts and weapon styles then he'll be just that. This time? This time I made some rather interesting little changes for his existence.

For example, I would really just give him some nice little boosts. He'll basically be the only other biological fighter in my group. And I intend to make him completely "natty" for the most part If there are any actual implants that are in him, then they're all more or less just completely related to biological stuff, kinda like some of the implants that Space Marines would get.

It has its uses in many scenarios. Sure there would be the cannibalism issue that comes along with it. But then again, it'll be good to have these implants. Well, aside from one.

(Now then, where did I place that box? It took far too much time to try and reverse engineer what was essentially an STC from the DAoT of humanity. It was not fun, but at the very least it's an even more controlled "berserker drive" in a sense.

Plus, giving the things a bit of a golden glow to it makes it all better. There's that, I suppose. Ah there you are!)

I finally found the final things that I needed. The final piece of medicine that was needed, and the final implant which will directly go into his brain.

(Now then, Hunter. Make sure to keep wise awake for this operation. This will be the final one needed, and considering where I'm going to be leaving you, there won't be any adverse effects on you as long as you keep spilling the necessary amounts of blood.)

(Understood, my Lord.)

(Good, now, let the final procedure begin!)

And I opened up the box, looking at the crown-like implant, and read the name of the box, which I renamed since it was a lot more advanced compared to it's original.

[Hero's Nails]

- a specialized variant of the Butcher's Nails. Has most of the same effects, aside from the emotion muting capabilities. Bloodshed will make the implanted host even more willing to battle, and in comparison to the original implants, it has no side-effects if the implanted host doesn't kill anything.

The design has been altered by Frank, making it look akin to a golden glowing crown with spikes on it.