
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · アニメ·コミックス
325 Chs

Any Other

/Belle POV/



Kami-sama found out that I nearly died in my personal expedition into the dungeon, she got really really mad at me and punished me by saying that I'll be going to work alongside her for the next couple of days. I guess that I deserve it considering that I nearly died in there, but no matter what I'll get better, and I'll beat the dungeon! And get a bunch of c-cute girls along the way!

(Kami-sama! How long will it take until our shift ends?) I asked her as this uniform may be cute but the skirt was *blushes ever so slightly* a bit short. But it's okay since we're just standing behind the counter taking orders! There hasn't been anyone who tried to do anything with Kami-sama, so that's fine! As long s she's safe and that we can eat, I'm happy with that, but as long as I have the chance, I'll make her proud to be the goddess of the soon-to-be strongest adventurer of Orario!

(Belle-chan! We have another order!) Kami-sama said as she brought back a paper to me. Today was going to be a hard day of work, so I'd better start!



/Frank POV/



Okay so it was already a few hours after that shit had happened. Haruhime was holding her head down while she ate. I have no clue how to console women, and more importantly I am one of the most insensitive assholes there are. (So. . . . how's the cleaning?) I asked her, admonishing myself for such a terrible starting question. (I-It h-has been going well, Franku-sama.) she said as she then looked up with wide eyes as she just realized what she said. Honestly I have no idea how do honorifics work in Japan, I was just a weeb who died with not enough knowledge in their head. (Haruhime, i-it's okay for you to call me that, but please don't do it all the time. I don't see myself superior to you. You know a lot more than I do in certain areas.) I spoke as that was a half-lie. Sure I didn't know much about magic, but I had the knowledge of future events.

Plus the strength of a demon killer and a powerful demon by my side sort of have a good use. But I digress. (I see, Franku-sama, would you like to go on a d-date?) she said as her ears started to go red and my mind went blank for a few seconds. After a few minutes of having nothing go into my head I snapped myself out of it and looked at Haruhime, she was a pretty girl I'll have to say that, but I really don't know if I want to be with her.

(Haruhime, listen here for a second. I'm not averse to you at all. In fact I think you're quite pretty, it's just that, well, I have no experiences with love in general. I could go and ask a goddess or god of love about it but they have their own thoughts, and I wanna speak mine. What exactly is it that you find in me to be attractive?) I asked her hoping to hear her say that she was just joking, but considering how she's been acting this last week, it's probably gonna age poorly.

(I-I don't really know much about love myself Franku-sama, I just feel something warm in my chest whenever you're near.) she answered as I sighed internally at her words. {Great, she doesn't know either, was it a mistake for me to save her from that bitch? I'm starting to think I should've left plot to itself and killed Ishtar when Freya slapped her. Haruhime then lowered her head again and spoke (Franku-sama, do you find my presence to b-) I stopped her from speaking as I replied (I don't find your company bad Haruhime, as any person who doesn't know much would say, it's not you who has the problem, it's me.) I said what was in my mind as. I breathed out in relief.

(B-But Franku-sama! You didn't do anything wrong!) she spoke out to me as her face was already red. Damn, she be lookin fine, but there's this feeling in my head that this isn't gonna work out. (Again Haruhime, I don't know anything, I'm a guy, who breaks children's bones without remorse. I'm a child of action, not a man of love. I couldn't be any more stupid when it comes to certain things, all I know is what I know, if I can learn something then I'd take the offer any day.) I spoke as I felt a pain in my chest. I didn't know what it was but I sure as hell won't try to remember it.

(Plus if you tried to go out with me, you would be branded as an enemy to Orario, I can't just do that to someone who had a shit past. If I go down, I go down alone.) I said as I started to feel bored. {Why the hell am I feeling bored while talking about my feelings?} my thoughts went around my head as she then excused herself.

{God I'm an idiot, I don't know the first thing as to how love goes, I just react to it like any other kid, I make fun of it. Now, now I'm in the same position that any protagonist would normally be in.} I thought to myself as I slumped into my chair, trying to make sense of what I said. My [Full Control] running faster than usual to ensure that my negativity goes to either Pink Guy, or out of me.

These last few days have been weird, I didn't feel any aversion to killing before but now, now my morals are starting to go full on chaotic. One day I feel like I want to be one with the beauty of nature and all things good, and the on the very next day I feel like I want to carpet bomb it straight into the mantle. Must be me being connected to my past life, I should really consider going to a cultivation world, they have those masters of "heart demons" or some shit like that.

But first and foremost, I have to deal with the five kilos of gelatinous, flammable, super fuel that's just sitting in my inventory. I need blueprints, and thinking carefully, I could just go and get myself the necessary stuff from the Exchange. And that's exactly what I wanted to do. Note that I said wanted and not did. I took five minutes looking for a good weapon to connect myself with. And lo and behold, I have absolutely no clue, taking a look at the Wiki for W40K, I searched up a good Bolter type weapon.

The first thing that caught my eye was the Astartes classic, the Mark Vb Godwyn Boltgun. It was a hefty price costing in 2,000,000 Luck. That was my new largest cost that I had used to get something. It was as full-auto as you could hero with a gun this good and it was terrifying to look at, but the kicker was it's sheer size. It wasn't the fact that it needed my genetic signature, no no no that was fine since it said in the prints that would bond to me and me alone. It was the ungodly weight, maintenance, and recoil the damned thing had to it. Let me put this in perspective, you have a seven foot tall man completely covered in Power Armor holding this thing and see his hand still tense to keep it in control. That's fucking hard to do. And this thing is the Astartes classic variant. There was the Heavy Bolter. If soda sized bullets that can blow up a tank in shot was not enough, then you have this bitch right here. It has a stock. If you see the Space Marine use a stock with the thing, you know that it packs a punch all right.

So I got the blueprint and saw that it required so much meticulousness that it should be considered an OCD afflicted person to go mad, I felt extreme amounts of despair, but that's when another headache happened. I saw the same thing, wearing green armor, having a retractable blade on my left hand. But the strange thing was that I held a Bolter in my right hand, and it didn't have a stock on it. The Slayer held a weapon, that is from a universe of pure OP. THAT MAY SEEM BADASS BUT THAT MEANS HE'S MET SOME OF THE MARINES, but it may be more around the lines of Grey Knights and other demon hunters. But still, the Slayer alongside other badasses is a sight to behold all right. Oh yeah he was also talked to by this guy who was taller than ten feet and got called "Master" no biggie no biggie. If it was any normal guy then I would've started to question reality and the point of everything. But it was just the God Emperor of Mankind, nothing too bad. Also he was thanking the Slayer for saving his Empire once again from the Chaos Gods. Yeah I started to think that Warhammer is sort of light when it comes to going over the top.

Moving on from my head splitting in half. When I finally came to I looked at the schematics and noticed that I understood them now, every screw, every nut, all of it made sense and it felt amazing. The Tech Priests did well on their forge worlds. Keeping the quality the exact same every time. I took my time when it came to building the Bolter itself, it was a process and I enjoyed it, it was sort of like building a Lego car but with explosive ammunition. The parts in their entirety set me back about 500,000 Luck.

Damn, that thing costed ten times more than the legacies of both Pink Guy and the Doom Slayer. After assembling it, it looked good, shiny since I never gave it a paint job, and sleek, well, as sleek as a boulder could get. I got some empty mags that go with it and boy was it heavy already. Even without the ammo this thing weighed a lot. It was around more than three kilos I'd have to say. And boy was the ammo going to be fun to play around with.

You see, remember that five kilos of Promethium sitting in my inventory. My plan is to give the explosive ammo of the Bolter a bit more, how do you say this, kick to it. I have five kilos of Promethium and a couple empty mags, what I want to do is experiment on mag first before doing all of them. What I wanted to try was a 1 to 166 gram ratio, 1 being a single round, and 166 grams being the amount of Promethium that I was gonna jam into the thing.

Now, I don't exactly know how the bullets work mind you, all I know is that they're basically smaller RPG rounds and that they fire the entire mag in less than a second, so from I what I presume they use some of it was fuel. And Promethium is the main fuel source and trade material of the Imperium of Man. So from what I get from that is that they use some Promethium to fuel the bullet. Now I was going to ratio it by one-fourth of it as the propellant fuel, and the rest as the explosive.

The effects when I had the domain teleport me out of the city to shoot it at a random hill, to describe it bluntly, it was, quite. . . . . . . . . explosive. Like blasting the hill away and leaving a large ditch explosive. I think the rest of Orario heard the explosion and was pissing and shitting itself silly to find out where it came from. Oh boy was this gonna be fun. I recounted the mag and saw that it still had 29 rounds in it. This city would be fucked if I went on a killing spree. Should I? Or should I be a good guy and leave the innocent people alone? Hmm, that is a good question. But violence is never the answer. It is a question itself, and the answer will always be YES.