
The Mate You Give

Wealth, fame, power, Alpha Davien is the stereotypical playboy who has both the looks and commitment issues. Leading one of the most powerful packs in the whole of New York, life couldn't be much better for him. That was, till his father made an announcement that changed his all so perfect life. With his father stepping down from chairman and their company merging with their number one rival. Davien was left with no choice but to agree to a marriage between himself and the heir of their rivals to preserve the peace and keep his inheritance. Infamous for rejecting three mates in a row, Davien is certain that his so called marriage would end as miserably as any other of his entanglements. However, on the night of his engagement party to Silvia, the eldest daughter and heir to the company, a surprise guest arrives at the event. Kian Saint. The nineteen year old rebel son of the rival company, rumoured to have gone to prison abroad and was deported. Tension rises when Davien and Kian both discover that they're actually each other's mates! Determined not to lose his inheritance, Davien offers Kian a large sum of money with the intention of rejecting the mate bond. Things go south when Davien hears what Kian has to say... "Do I look stupid? Why should I accept this small amount when I can become your husband and have all your money to myself?" Conflicted, he tries to approach Silvia but is left stunned at what she has to say. "I'll admit, I'm a bit shocked myself, but I'm glad Kian has a mate! As long as you keep my brother happy, I won't run your company into the ground." Left with no other choice, the playboy Davien marries an omega seven years younger!

Riceballs_25 · LGBT+
267 Chs

Chapter 26

Davien P. O. V

After breakfast was done with, I made for my car with a heavy mind, the board of directors were every bit as a nuisance as the pack elders. And just like last time, my father was going to be there.

What a waste of my time.

"Come back before 6pm today." Kian said, walking behind me towards the door, "Anything important you want to discuss?" I nonchalantly asked, putting on my work shoes, which Kian had rearranged on the shelf.

"We're going somewhere." He announced, making the decision for the both of us, I sighed and turned around.

"Listen kid, you can't go around bossing others, especially me. Do you not understand how the dynamics work?" I was starting to get a headache from handling this pup.

"Buy another box of cereal from the Mini Mart nearby, we're out. And this time with no raisins." He hardened his tone, completely ignoring my words.

My fingers pinched my temples, this kid was like nineteen years old, didn't his parents teach him any manners whatsoever?

"I'm not going grocery shopping for you." I flat out told him, then turned to leave, pissed off at the audacity of this pup.


The board meeting was just as hellish as I expected it to be, the earful at the packhouse felt like a fucking prelude. But it was over and done with, and time was only two o'clock.

I stared at my phone and muttered to myself, "Four hours more." I said, unaware that I was counting down to the hours before I go home, before I could see Ki…

"Alpha, it's just as you said, this is the copy of all the missing rogues from the Halfmoon pack, who have died at birth or had forged names." Gwendolyn announced, barging into the room with animated eyes.

She placed a flash drive on my desk, "I even did a background check on all the other packs, and it's just like you predicted. Only the Halfmoon pack's information is falsified."

I sat up straight and tucked the little thing into my breast pocket, it would come in handy when I confronted those bastards at Halfmoon.

"Good work Gwendolyn, you definitely deserve that raise you petitioned for." I teased, she grinned, then all of a sudden nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Well, I did run into a bit of trouble while copying the files onto the flashdrive." She admitted, easing into something I pegged would be interesting.

"Oh, Did you now?" The look on her face spelt she obviously wanted me to ask, so I humored her a bit.

Pulling a chair and helping herself to a seat, she crossed her legs and did the honour of filling me in. "The record keeper was on to me and demanded I step away from the system. But I couldn't do that, obviously." She rolled her eyes causing my lips to lift into a satisfied smirk.

Sometimes, being Alpha meant that I had to listen to the opinions of my pack members, and sometimes those opinions turned out to be gossip.

Fine, most times.

"You don't say." I responded, she chuckled and went on.

"I counted how many security cameras were around and planned to take her out. However, just before I could, Tyson stepped in and kept her busy enough so I could copy the rest of the files." She finished, her eyes lit up in excitement.

Whereas the excitement on my face died down, Oliver would not like to hear this tale.

"Why was he there?" I interrogated, wondering how he so casually made that entrance.

She reclined into her seat, "I think he said he was there to pick up some necessary items for this year's hunt." She said sounding uncertain.

A sigh escaped my lips, having a mate do distract your thoughts must be nice. Not that I wanted one. However, her words did remind me of something that was vastly approaching.

The annual hunt.

"Speaking of, I might not be able to come this year." She gently said, I flattened my brows, "But it's the first year I'm leading as Alpha, it's important everyone is there."

As a taken in Rogue, I knew Gwendolyn had her fears, and was certain some people made things difficult for her behind my back. However, I did want her to feel welcomed, and part of that welcome could start with pack social gatherings.

"I understand that fully, but it's just that…Tyson said he wanted someone to accompany him as a plus one for the hunt. And well, it was sort of in the moment but I agreed to tag along." She told me, averting her gaze from mine.

"But don't worry, I'm going there purely to scope out enemy territory and report back to you. Since it's such an important ceremony, their guards will be lowered and I can infiltrate easily. You wanted information on Kian Saint right? I can get that." The more she spoke, the more I got the feeling Gwendolyn just wanted to spend some time with that meathead, Tyson.

But the proposal to ask around about Kian didn't sound half bad, "You're right, it's a great opportunity, it would be a shame to let it go to waste."

She sighed in relief, then got up with a new wave of excitement. She made for the door, but I dry coughed, stopping her before she could disappear.

"Ahem," I brought my curled fist to my lips, with her hands behind her back she forced her lips into a polite smile.

"Do you need anything? Alpha?"

My eyes darted across the room avoiding her gaze as I spoke, "Hypothetically…" I started, she raised a brow and responded. "Hypothetically?"

"If someone vaguely told me we were going out in the evening, what would be the ideal thing to wear?" The question slipped out naturally, but the wide grin on Gwendolyn's face made me regret the decision of confiding in her.

Taking three steps forward, she scanned my body from the waist up, "That's new, you almost never ask me for fashion advice. Is this person's opinion important to you?" She pinched her chin, getting too nosey.

"No." I firmly replied, she flinched at my angry tone but retained her composure. "Of course Alpha, whatever you say."

Folding her arms across her chest she said, "Considering it's evening, dressing casually is the best option. But of course, you wouldn't want to be caught off your guard. I'd recommend taking advantage of your broad shoulders and wear a fitted button up shirt, with a layered sweater over it." She took a pause and walked closer, in a low whisper she said into my ear.

"I'm sure she'd love to take that sweater off, and love it more when she gets a view of what you're working with. And the buttons can be fun to toy with, that is until they're ripped off completely."

I bit my lower lip at the thought of Kian's delicate wrist toying with my buttons, that didn't sound too bad.

"Keep going."

Gwendolyn pulled her lips back into a sinister smile, then darted her gaze to the pants I had on.

"Maybe slap on some jeans to show off those thick thighs you walk around with. They're thick enough, so you can opt for straight jeans." In a seductive tone she lowered her voice and said.

"Make em too tight, and it'll be a problem when your partner goes low on you."

I could envision it clearly, Kian on his knees in front of me, a defiant yet hungry look in his eyes. His hands would trail my thighs through the fabric like they belonged to him, and he would only stop when he reached my bulge.

In whispers she went on, "A belt, a black leather belt can hold the pants up, but can also help to pin your partner down. Getting kinky once in a while can never be a bad idea…"


With eyes of anticipation, I imagined myself strapping Kian's hands behind him with the belt, and caging his chin in my palms, taking in the breath taking sight.

The stimulation from my wicked thoughts was evident in-between my legs. I had never felt this excited before, the mere thoughts I entertained got me harder than when I had an orgy.

Just what the hell was that pup doing to me?

"Alpha," Gwendolyn moaned, I gritted my teeth, it was all so fucking messed up what I was imagining, just from the thought of clothes.

"Call me crazy, but I think you're really starting to like someone." The sexiness in her tone dropped drastically the second she noticed the bulge in-between my pants.

I felt mortified.

Nervously, she scratched the side of her neck and made awkwardly for the door, neither her nor I had expected that stimulation to actually get me hard.

"Gwendolyn." I gruffly called out to her, she swiftly looked over her shoulder. "Yes Alpha?"

"You can take the rest of the day off." I said, she nodded and tugged on the door handle. Just as she turned to leave I gave one last order.

"If anyone asks to see me…" before I could finish speaking, she chipped in.

"I'll be sure to clear your schedule. And tell them you're very busy."

A small smile played on my lips as she stepped outside and closed the door tightly behind her.

She really did deserve that raise.

Author's Note: Quick question, who do you guys think is currently wearing the pants in the relationship? Davien? Or Kian?