
Chapter 53

Hinting at a blush, Dianne smoothed her skirt. “My mother taught me to sew, to weave, and to dye fabric. It was not considered a useful skill to the Alphas. None of my skills were. But here I’ve already collected a basket of items that require mending.”

Cutting a sharp look toward the translator—allowing the heavy, penetrating nature of that glare to speak for him—Chris flat out threatened her. Mending was the labor of slaves, not queens. But… Dianne spoke of her work with pride.

Furthermore, it was nice to hear about her. Daring to step forward to toe the dividing line, he coaxed, “Tell me of your talents.”

Dianne seemed embarrassed, cheeks turning pink as her eyes went back to the floor. “In my settlement, I was known for the quality of dyes I could produce… for fabric.”

“And are you going to dye this dress? My household’s colors are green.” He was too eager, desperate to gain a glance. “I can find what you need… if you like. You would look beautiful in green.”