
Chapter 52

“He brought you to us because he knew you suffered. He will wish to see that you’re doing well… and Heidron Chris desires to court you.”

The door to Omega Sector was due to be unbarred any moment now, and on the other side, his female would be waiting. A single night without her in their nest had set his teeth on edge.

There were no warm curves to hold close. No soft sighs as he pleasured her. There was nothing but her lingering scent to remind him that he’d ever even had her.

When slaves were summoned to scrub his quarters, he forbid them from disturbing the nest. Dianne’s presence must not be allowed to fade from the cushions. Burrowing in the bedding, breathing deeply of her scent was the only thing keeping him sane.

He had already considered five different methods of tearing down the Omega Sector door, ready to barge in and demand they return her to him.