
Chapter 45

When Chris set his teeth to her flesh, he rolled his hips, using her belly for soft friction just as he bit down.

There was a promise in that sting, a promise sealed in the first blood he drew. Though shallow, his mark was there, and her pain was real.

Still holding the Omega’s shoulder in his teeth, he made a grab for her hand, and pulled it between them.

A calloused palm closed her small fingers around a thick cock and guided her to stroke hard and quick. He grunted with the movement, breath growing shallow, making her participate in his pleasure until he burst milky white over heaving tits and fluttering belly to drip down bruised thighs.

Painting her with ejaculate, growling his release, he dragged her touch down to the growing knot and forced her to squeeze. And still he came, jettisoning more cream over and over the girl trapped by his teeth.

I own you. You will obey. You will smell of me. I can make you like it.