
Chapter 44

She drew away, shook her head, and said, “No.”

He sounded out her word. “No?” He parroted the word a second time, “No,” and it seemed to dawn on him what it meant.

Dianne didn’t speak his language any better than he spoke hers, but she thought to placate the male before he might punish her withdrawal. Pulling her arms tight around her middle, failing at offering a neutral smile, she chewed a lip and glanced toward the bathroom.

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She might have been crusted with his dried come, but the Alpha narrowing his eyes bore marks of his own.

His blood was caked under her nails, just as his skin was covered in the scratches she’d put there. She’d even left the bite of her teeth on his arm and shoulder. But, there were bruises on her where the Alpha had grabbed too tight, her inner thighs were mottled, and between her legs thrummed an abiding ache.