
Chapter 43

To be Omega was to be consumed, fed upon, and discarded.

Would it have felt different in the pleasure chambers, or would she have been dragged to such heights by male after male who’d paid Kelvin’s fee? Where was the intimacy and love David had spoken of?

Everything felt like a lie.

Running her hands from his shoulders, fingering muscled arms, Dianne made herself learn the shape and texture of him, made herself recognize who he was and what he had done.

Inside her belly he was still hard as stone, and when she moved her hips, she found her body locked to his. The cock persisted, tying them together. Exquisite as it was horrid.

It seemed wrong that she had enjoyed it, worse still that she would enjoy it time and time again. They don’t use you only once. David had made that clear. Kelvin had made that clear. The males who had gathered outside the glass cage had made that clear.