
Chapter 42

It was easy to balance over her body, to set his swollen crown against her eager slit.

A virgin they’d claimed, one about to get her first cock. She’d yelped under his tongue, screamed when she’d come. What would she do when she felt her first cock? He’d bet five ships and a planet of farmland she’d squeal.

Even in sleep, her body was responding to his low-pitched growls, the aroma of slick growing stronger by the minute. A simple tilt of his hips and his fat cockhead would pop inside that tight passage. One surge forward and he’d have her full to the brim.

His body moved with the thought, sloshing its way through her scented offering.

The pretty one’s eyes flew open just as he breached, stretched, and claimed that tight hole.

So wet, so hot, smelling so fucking good, there was no question of how hard to rut.

One harsh, earsplitting howl, lips pulled back from his teeth, he thrust onward until he claimed all for himself.