
Chapter 38

He wanted her attention, broadcasting it with a soft tug at her roots.

They rape and mutilate their Omegas.

Kelvin’s soft spoken warning to David had done its work, just as the savage’s purr was waging war against her fear.

When she still refused to look away from the view, battle roughened fingers tripped over the front of her throat, a large thumb pushing her jaw until Dianne was forced to stare upward. His face sat in her view, inches from hers, but still she kept her gaze diverted. The male touched her lower lip with his thumb, pulling it to the side in a sweep, even as a low noise came from his throat.

Her eyes were on home.

The fingers on her neck trilled, the grip on her hair tightened. She wasn’t going to get another warning. Little stings against her scalp made her bow back further, to grip his forearm so she would not lose her balance.

Rape and mutilate.

Those two things this male would do to her. What was the point in refusing to meet his gaze?