
Chapter 24

A raspy croak complained, “I’m hungry.”

“Good.” Her sullen words drew him to hold her a little tighter. “I brought you food I had specially prepared. A gift we might enjoy together before I must depart for duty.”

Though Kelvin seemed optimistic with Dianne’s behavior, Sergeant David continued to press for a rapid and drastic change.

When he had come to see her upon Kelvin’s retreat, he shared none of the lower-ranking male’s smiles.

One sniff of the nest told a story Kelvin either failed to notice, or discounted out of pride.

But the astringent sting in the air spoke of much more than fear. It spoke of revulsion, of shame…

Even with direct stimulation, Dianne failed to respond as expected. He climbed into her nest, unsettled the furs, sniffing often and growled in a ceaseless low hum of displeasure.


He might have muttered it under his breath, but she’d heard.