
The Marvelous Superman

An unfortunate teenager is reborn as his favorite superhero, Superman, in the Marvel Universe. He will experience the meaning of friendships, love, heroism and much more. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Oh People of Webnovel! Have you not yet, read my fanfic? Why is it that you're procrastinating with what you know is inevitable? Is it that you're afraid? Afraid of becoming addicted to my fanfic? Well, do not fear anymore, because I'm here to confirm that you will. So it's pointless to fight it! (False advertisement warning) NIKE Just officially came out with a statement for my fanfic, they said "Just read it!" True story bro (But don't be afraid, my fanfic is way better than my synopsis) -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- No Harem AU, It's heavily inspired by mcu and the comics, but doesn't follow any of their plots. Avarage words/chapter: 1.0k-1.3k words. This is fanfiction, I don't own any of the characters. Except those I created myself.

Passerby_Venne · その他
70 Chs

Chapter 56: I'm the extra?!! Your whole family is the extra! Chapter 56:

"Son, we have something very important to tell you, you might have figured things out considering the fact that you have super hearing." Papa Bear said, sitting in the living room with Mama bear by his side.

After they had reunited, cried and hugged it out, they sat down for a talk.

"Yes, it's time for you to know, this might come as a shock to you but..." Mama bear said.

"I already know... and it's... fine, I trust your judgement and there's nothing I can really do about it." Kevin said arduously. He felt like they were about to protect Peter from the rage of the strongest avenger.

"You knew already, and you're taking it this good?" Papa Bear exclaimed in confusion.

"Of course you do, you'd have to be dumb as a super coconut, to not be able to figure things out. Well we're glad you're okay with this." Mama bear said in relief.

"Well... I can't say I'm totally 'okay' with it but at the same time there isn't much I can do about it." Kevin said feebly. Just thinking about Elena's new relationship tired him out, no it wasn't her relationship that was the problem, it definitely was Peter Parker.

'I see.... I thought that I would never have a nemesis... Now I realise that my enemy was closer than I thought.... I see that the line between friends and foes is thinner than that of the bro code.... How can you go for someone's sister as soon as he is declared dead? And then be shameless enough to hide behind his parents when you find out that he is alive...' The more Kevin thought... the angrier he got.

'No... he definitely needs to be punished.' Kevin figured it out.

Kevin's parents just sat there looking at his face. Whenever he was on TV as either Superman or C.K the world renowned author, he was calm, charismatic and to some extent stoic. But as he sat with his parents in their farm far from the eyes of society, he always almost reverted back to the young, clumsy kid he was once. They could almost read his emotions on his face.

"Son, do not think bad of this, life takes unexpected turns sometimes. We have to follow the turns otherwise we'll come to the point of crashing down." Papa Bear said as he saw his son go through different stages of regret and anger.

"Shouldn't you be happy about this, I mean, because of this every one has a safe place to turn to." Mummy bear said, at genuine confusion as to why he wasn't thrilled.

"Huh, what are you talking about?" Kevin became confused.

"Nevermind that, let's just go to the Mayor's hall, so that you can see everything with your own eyes, that way it won't be so hard to swallow." Puppy bear said.

"Great idea Papa Bear" Mama bear said happily.

"The only great thing about me, is that I got you!" Papa Bear responded just as happily.

Kevin smiled, he had missed his parents.

"Should we try making another alien?" Mama bear flirted with Papa Bear.

"Stop!" Kevin said, realising that he had not really missed them as much as he originally thought.

"And no, let's not go to the Mayor's hall, what can a piece of paper do to change how I feel." Kevin said.

"Kevin, enough with the small mindedness, we didn't raise you like this. We raised you to welcome the rest of your kin... No I mean, we raised you so that you would be accepting and welcoming others!" Papa bear said showing his discontent.

Mama Bear just nodded.

"Let's go!" Papa bear said as he stood up, ready to leave the house, followed by mama bear.

Seeing that his parents started walking out, Kevin had no choice but to follow.

Later they arrived in front of the biggest building in the city, the Mayor's building. It was really a town council building where people came to leave their ideas, opinions, motions, and where the politicians had their work. But the people just called it the Mayor's building.

After arriving, inside, Kevin just followed his parents, thinking they would show him the documents for Peters and Elena Marriage.

'Wait, they are not married yet?' Kevin realised as they arrived in front of the receptionist.

"We're here to see the history of Branchville" Papa bears said in a low tone to the receptionist.

She looked at Kevin before asking "Are you sure?"

"Mhm, it's time." Mama bear answered with a nod.

"I see, here's the key, someone is already down there." The receptionist said, and acted very professionally.

They took the key she had put forward. And started walking to the elevator.

Seeing this, Kevin was sure he had gravely misunderstood something... He just followed.

When they arrived in the elevator, Mama bear pressed the 3rd, 2nd and 1st floor buttons in that order and held down the 1st floor button, while Papa bear put in a key and turned it.

The elevator suddenly started moving downwards.

then after what felt like many minutes, the elevator stopped.

Kevin felt his mouth very dry, wondering what his parents were keeping from him...

"Mom, Dad, when I said that I knew what you wanted to tell me... I meant that I knew about Elena's relationship with Peter... not this." Kevin said, feeling like he had to clarify.



"Kevin, sometimes we feel like you're just doing and saying things just to get a reaction out of us, and to tease us." Papa bear said very seriously.

"Yes, can't you be serious for once and not play around, why do you always have to be so extra?" Mama bear added.

Kevin's face got emotionless...

Everyone always said that he had matured very fast for his age, but honestly, the reason he had matured so fast was because his parents were very immature, and he felt like they did things just to tease him, so his mental age matured faster as he grew up.

But now.. they are turning black into white, and white into black... They're also turning left into right, and right into left.

Seeing the look on their faces, he knew they were taking revenge on him for not playing along their jokes. So he simply ignored them once again.

"Well, it doesn't matter, but it's strange you haven't noticed yet." Mama bear said in a chuckle.

"Mom, dad, let's make something very clear, between us, you're the ones that are extra!" Kevin felt like he had to clarify something to them.

They looked at each other in shock.

"You think he has reached the rebellious stage in alien development?" Papa bear whispered.

"Mhm, that would make sense!" She whispered back.

Kevin's eyes started twitching again, he does love his parents but they are like chilli peppers, very tasty but easily becomes too much.

Suddenly the elevator doors opened up, showing a dark hall, which had a big hall door at the end of it.

The walls had lights on them.

"Should we?" Papa bear said as they started walking forward.