
Not Going Anywhere

After half an hour of back-and-forth, Bella and Wern finally decided on the best course of action. They had taken into account Lowminer presence, proximity to other Lowminer suppliers, travel timeframe and distance.

"Cardinal Steel supply route it is then." Wern sat back, sighing tiredly.

Bella nodded. "This is definitely the best choice all things considered. How soon we can leave?"

Wern considered her question for a second. "The next supply dispatch is in an hour so."

"That's perfect!" Bella's eyes lit up.

"I suggest waiting for a bit." Rui interjected. "You can hire a few more Martial Apprentice bodyguards to protect you during the journey." The mission range limit prevented him from joining her anyway, so Rui didn't have to worry about sharing credit, he would get paid his share regardless.

Bella nodded. "That's a good idea." She turned to Wern. "Can you help me with the mission funds Uncle? I'll repay you after I consolidate my position."