

Rui didn't even hesitate in refusing the last option that Senior Ceeran had provided to him. Rui simply had no interest in the various ways that the Martial Union could grant him influence, wealth, and power.

At least, that wasn't the kind of power that Rui was interested in. Rui wanted to dedicate his life to pursuing his Martial Path and developing his Martial Art. If anything, positions in the Martial Union would burden him with explicit and implicit responsibilities and burdens that he simply didn't care for and would also hinder him from focusing on what he wanted to focus on.

He didn't want long periods of training frequently intruded by responsibility calls from the Martial Union.

"Well, that's fine. Quite understandable actually, especially at your stage," The man explained. "There's plenty of time to change your mind when you get stronger and reach higher Realms."

Rui raised an eyebrow. "You make it sound like it is something that will inevitably happen,"