
Converging Nexus

The atmosphere in the meeting was tense.

The enemy had played their hand, and they were blessed with aces.

The threat of Rui's defeat and death and the copying of his Martial Art spelled extremely bad news for the Kandrian Empire.

"Is it possible that we can kill the copycat Master with a hidden Sage waiting in an ambush?" Sage Sera wondered.

Emperor Rael simply shook his head. "It would be possible if the existence of Sage Sayfeel was still a secret, but with all our Sages known, Prime Minister Edward is far too competent and careful with intelligence to give us any room."

The Sages offered some more possibilities, but each of them was firmly shot down by the erudite analysis of the Emperor of Harmony.

Much of it boiled down to Rui's unwillingness to leave the frontlines.

If not for that, this problem would have had a very simple fix.