
chapter 1

I like going to the mall

getting my hair done

going to clubs and getting drunk

cause why not being the golden spoon of the family is fun

and as the only alpha of a powerful and wealthy family is my duty to do what I want isn't

chad *chuckles*

*What's is so funny*said her friend name Annie

*nothing just a nother day of shopping and drinking isn't it fun *

don't you think it's time for you to take over the family legacy said Annie

yeah but I don't mind doing both in fact I can even start now *that's a big lie im not ready for that yet the thing is i like how free i am now *

I see said annie while taking a sip of her red cocktail

*but don't you have to married before being the company CEO *

I chuckles and said don't worry I have everything all figured out I'll just get a contract married it's easy now adays to get a married contract "*that's also a big lie my dad doesn't fall for my shits*

if you say so whisper Annie with her eye fixes in her phone , I have to go now my boyfriend is looking for me


she give me a hug and left

a realize how lonely it can be

at that time my phone rang it was my mom is for me to get home I call the waiter pay the bill and left

after 20 mins I arrived

I hug my mom my father was in his office

my mom said "your father has a suprise for you

What's the suprise I said

if I tell you it won't be a suprise any more right

so carry on then

my father is on the phone: if you don't pay your deps there will be consequence have a good day

" hangs up "

I opened the door and said daddy

he smiled and said dear sweetie when did you arrive anyway that doesn't matter come sit you'll be a big girl next week and I have everything figured out for you

what's that dad

after next week you'll have to take over the company and you have to married by then but I haven't seen you in any relationship so far so what I'm going to do is arrange a marriage for you and I have the perfect bride for you

what do you mean dad

what I mean is I have a bride for you my sweetheart

b b but ...

no but's every thing is already arranged all you have to do is attend

I was so shocked I when straight to my room walking up and down , I haven't even asked who I'm getting married to or what they look like , my father is very stubborn men and he doesn't take no for an answer

I have to stop thinking about it let me call Annie let's go to the club

maybe I'll cool down a bit

calling Annie :

hey Annie

hey how's it going she said

nothing much can we go out tonight I answered

sorry can't make it my boyfriend plant a date for us so I can't miss it

alright it's fine

Annie is an omega so she isn't free as I am as an dominant alpha

I ended the call and fall to my bed I didn't even know when I fell asleep

I had a dream about getting married but I was in heat and couldn't control myself

What is happening to me ?!