
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · ファンタジー
77 Chs

Who...who are you?


The audience started chanting Carigan's name and The King had a pleased countenance on his face.

Prince Nathan had a disappointed look on his face, he couldn't just sit there and watch his brother get killed in front of his eyes, so he decided to leave.

He stood up and made his way through the cheering crowd with General K trailing behind him.

Carigan held Xavier's weak body by the neck, he strangled him and then Xavier opened his eyes, gazing at his departing brother, he closed his eyes and exhaled.

"Zavian, kill him." He whispered, speaking to his inner demon, and as if that was what he had been waiting to hear, dark wisps of smoke circulated Xavier. Only visible to Carigan's eyes, Xavier's shirt fell off, revealing the serpent tattoo and then fangs grew on his teeth, his hair loosened and fell to his back, then his ebony black hair had some white strands.

Carigan stumbled backward in shock when Xavier's eyes opened, his pupils were blood red and his skin had turned pale.

Carigan jolted and his eyes widened like saucers, he felt it, he could smell it, the dangerous aura made goosebumps crawl on his skin, just by staring at those sinful eyes, he felt petrified.

A wicked smile graced Zavian's lips and he stood up, the wind blew harshly, picking up the dust and surrounding them like a dust tornado.

With that wicked smile still gracing his lips, revealing those sharp fangs. Zavian grabbed Carigan's hand on his neck and without any effort he ripped out Carigan's arm.

An ear-piercing scream left Carigan's lips, catching Prince Nathan and the general's attention before they could leave. Due to the dust, they couldn't see what was happening, but they knew Xavier was no longer on the ground.

Blood dripped from the arm Zavian held in his hand and with a psychotic smile, he effortlessly ripped the other one, blood splashed and stained Zavian's face, he brought out his tongue and licked the warm blood droplets that graced his lips.

"Argh, shittt. Who...who are you?" Carigan asked, he was in a lot of pain, hot tears rolled down his cheeks. The furious beast before drastically turned to a scared bunny desperately trying to dig itself a hole, but it had no arms.

"What do you mean? I am the foreigner." Zavian said and his red eyes gleamed, his claws elongated and in a swift move, his hand was buried into Carigan's chest, and then he pulled out his heart, which was still beating for a while in his hands before it stopped. Cardigan dropped to the floor with a horrified look on his face and died with his eyes open.

Zavian raised it, the dust dispersed and the crowd gasped, mumurs filled the field and Xavier who had just come back to his senses saw the dead heart and arms in his hands, he felt nauseous and puked, letting go of Carigan's organs.

The underdogs cheered for him, rushing to him and picking him up, raising and praising him, which made him wonder how one could rejoice in the death of another, their prince at that. Even if he was a f*king bastard he was still their prince, and he had just ripped out their Prince's heart with his bare hands.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," Zavian said inwardly.

He glanced at his brother and saw him smiling proudly while the general looked like someone who had just witnessed something impossible.

He glanced at the king and he also looked like someone who just witnessed something impossible. But can you blame him, his son's heart was ripped out in a competition he organized. He thought he would feel good, but for some reason, this victory gave him neither joy nor peace, instead, it added to his worries.

"After the competition, Xavier and Zeke were in the boys' changing room, they had changed into something more suitable.

Zeke couldn't stop asking about how he managed to rip out Carigan's organs.

Emily stormed in and walked straight to Xavier, hitting Xavier on his face, it was a slap but it didn't seem painful. He did not say a word and just stared at her. Tears gleamed in her eyes and she gave him a look that said 'You're unbelievable.'

"Why, why did you fight Carigan, why did you make my plan go to waste, even if Carigan was a jerk, he was still my friend," Emily said, hitting his chest as she sobbed.

"I made a deal with Carigan, I begged him not to choose you for the fight, and I agreed to join the scorpions just so you both could be safe. So why did you still go to him." Emily sobbed. Xavier stood still, letting her hit him and pour out her anger.

"I was so scared, I thought...thought you would die, and I..."

"But I won, I defeated Carigan," I said.

"Yes, and he was awesome!" Zeke said but was ignored.

" Do you think it'll end here, you killed the son of King Heron, the king of the Melech kingdom," Emily said.

"You'll be haunted and they might rage war on your kingdom," Emily said again, she stopped hitting Xavier and instead clutched onto his shirt.

"I...I don't want to lose you, Xavier, I love you." Emily said and kissed Xavier, it was a passionate kiss, that showed how much she loved Xavier.

Xavier pulled away, " I know you care about me Emily, but you can't love me because I love and desire someone else and I see that now." He said. She gazed into his eyes, she released his shirt smiling softly, it was a smile masking her real emotions. Without a word, she turned away and walked out while Xavier stared at her retreating.

"Whoa, it was like I was never here," Zeke said after witnessing all the drama.

Prince Nathan walked in, accompanied by General K. He had a proud smile on his face, and he ripped Xavier's shirt open, revealing the serpent tattoo.

"You got yourself a tattoo, don't you think you're too young for that, and a serpent?" Prince Nathan asked with a smirk, holding Xavier's shoulders.

"Prince Xavier has restored his honor and is a full swordsman, let's go home, brother." Prince Nathan said, still smiling that one could tell how proud he was.

"I can't, brother, I haven't completed my training yet, I promised to make my kingdom proud," Xavier said.

"And you have, you defeated the youngest prince of the Melech kingdom." Prince Nathan said.

"I promised Athena I would come back a fully proficient swordsman," Xavier said again, causing Prince Nathan and the general to look at each other.

"About Athena, Your Highness..." General K was about to reveal the truth about what happened to his childhood friend but was stopped by the crown prince.

"What is it about Athena?" Xavier asked, noticing something suspicious.

"Uhm, nothing, she just misses you." Prince Nathan said. Xavier smiled to himself and hissed at her too, so much that he couldn't wait to see her. But he didn't want to go back just like that, he wanted to impress her, even without Zavian's help.

"Suit yourself, you can stay if that's what you want I'll head back now and inform Father about your victory against the young tyrant prince." Prince Nathan said, he was genuinely proud, and he knew Xavier was destined for greatness.