
Prologue • ◇ •

A great white void stretches across the vast horizon. Forward, back, left, and right.

Emptiness is evident.

A woman sits in the middle of the void, gazing towards a copper mirror.

"This is interesting."

She had fair, light beige skin, and her dark, black hair flowed down, stopping at her midriff. A pair of fox ears stood on top of her head. Her outfit consisted of a white kimono with ruddy accents, held up by a similarly colored obi with intricate laces, and it had a bushy white tail poking out of the backside. She also wore a pair of zori sandals over white thigh-highs.

A white and red kitsune spirit mask hung on the left side of her head, giving way to most of her vision, which was currently on the floating copper mirror in front of her. She placed her hand on the mirror, and it started displaying a series of scenes.

"Hmm. Time for the routine."

She stands up and raises her hands towards the mirror. The mirror glows brightly, and within a few seconds, it transposes into a white portal. She smiles.

"I'm back!"

She steps into the portal.

Hello, everyone! This fanfic will contain a series of self-insert one-shots from different fandoms. What they are about will depend on what I feel like writing. Feel free to suggest your favorite fandoms, and a specific scene that I should write. Or, y'know, an entirely new episode that deviates from the usual series of events.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy what I've written! Farewell!

MrButterFingerzcreators' thoughts