
The time manipulator(part2)

I came back to my consciousness and I hear a lot of people murmur. I stand up and I was in the roof of a building. I was shocked as I seen Demi-humans, Humans, Elves and other creatures. I run to the alley and I bumped up with someone. He punched me and I stopped the time. I kicked him and punched him as a payback then I ran and I just decided to get along with it for me to not be suspicious to anyone. I was thinking why am I here, I think that it is because of the time field I created but instead of me to go to another time I ended up in a parallel world. As I was walking on the street I saw a crowded place and I asked my self if why were they too crowded why were they too noisy so I decided to look for it myself. I saw a paper with such strange writing I tried to read it but I can't, suddenly my eyes started to blink fast.

(A few seconds later)

my blinking started to get back to normal and I decided to look at the paper again. I was too shocked as I seen it, It was translated to Japanese which makes me understand it. I read the paper and it was saying:

" For the celebration of our Guild Allied Power, We invite and encourage everyone to join the Guild War competition.

Qualified Players:

-Guild members( Adventurers)

-Dungeon Clearer


-Magic users


Diploma of approval

This contest will be held at the Guild Arena after a week.

I decided to be an adventurer but how long was this poster been here?

I tried to ask the human besides. He talked but I didn't understand what he said.

(A few moments later)

I suddenly understand him and he was very angry. He thinks that I'm mocking him. But I asked again and he finally understands me and he stopped and answer. He leaves me as nothing happened. His answer was this will be tomorrow. I wandered around to look for the Guild but I can't find it so I ask a passerby where was the guild and he laughed at me and pointed the building beside us and told me that, that building is the guild. He asked if I want to go to the Guild and apply, and I just answer answered with a wry smile. We go together to the guild to register. The guild staff said that I need to pay 100 Eris but I only have yen coins I don't have that kind of money but suddenly the passerby I just met said that he will pay for me. Last to do is to know what is your Magic Power. The passerby goes first and he got an ability called "Boost" The guild staff said he's suitable to be an attacker. Finally, it was my turn I was so excited to know what's my Magic Power in this world. Then after that, I go next and I got an ability that was a newly discovered ability as the guild staff stated, it was called .....

(To be continued)