
Chapter 1 : Rebirth

My name is Jonathan Osterman, I cannot tell how long its been since the incident but it seems I've somehow survived, in an unconventional way. Though it seems my body had disintegrated my conscious is still here, although I do not know where 'here' is.

Over the years I've been trying to learn more about my new found abilities, I found out I am able to materialise bits and pieces of myself in the run down lab however I've not yet been successful in my attempts. If I've been counting right its been exactly 53 years, which means everyone I know is dead. However right not I'm focused on building this body, its like making a deconstructing and constructing a watch it would be simple if I had a body to deconstruct. Making a human body out of nothing has proved to be challenging but it seems I'm improving, I should finish in another year.

Another Seven months went by and I have finally managed to construct a body, a younger version of the one I lost though I did make sure to make myself more handsome but thats besides to point. I looked around twenty four years old, with one last look of admiration I quickly forced my conscious inside the body.

Slowly Opening my eyes what came into view was the intrinsic field test chamber, however it was run down and out of use. I slowly began to move the body getting used to the senses I had missed whilst being god knows where. Although it took me an hour to adjust I quickly managed to leave the lab unspotted making my way out, tough there was no one there to spot me in the first place. It seems like they building had been shut down and the project abandoned, or had they succeeded?

Since my body was naked on the way out I managed to snatch a lab coat to cover myself with, however my next question was were do I go now. It was obvious that everything had changed from the view available to me from here, there were buildings as tall as mountains with the city full of light. Cars that I had never seen before buzzing around

After Aimlessly walking around for hours not knowing where I had ended up I finally gave up sitting down at the corner of the street, there was nowhere for me to go I no longer had a home. In fact I shouldn't be alive right now.

"Hey punk what are you doing out here naked" A group of young men walked towards Jon attracting his gaze, he understood by their tone that they weren't looking to help him.

"Whats up with him?" one of the three asked looking at me with a confused expression.

"Doesn't matter he's on our turf, hey by any chance do you happen to have some cash?" Jon shook his head unable to speak out, he had not spoken in a long time and the situation he was in didn't help.

"He looks to clean to be a druggy, we can give him to the doc. Im sure its gonna fetch us a good amount" Their leader seemed to suggest kidnapping me which the other two instantly agreed with, grabbing onto my lab coat he dragged me up before slamming me onto the wall which in truth surprisingly did not hurt.


The leader who was somewhat confused by the appearance of the man in his hand proceeded to threaten him, however he soon figured Jon had nothing of value on him.

"It doesn't really matter, as long as we pass this fella to the Doc we can get paid. Don't get the wrong idea man, its nothing personal but after the alien invasion and shit. I really need the money..."

As the man raised his fist Jon winced shutting his eyes in the process, however what he heard next was completely unexpected. A fist did land but not on his face, he opened his eyes only to see the thug fly a few meters into the air before loosing conscious.

"You son's of bitches, stoping doing shady business near my apartment!"

"Y-you f-FREAK!" The other two men quickly grabbed their leader and ran off into an alleyway, after witnessing the inhuman strength it was obvious they couldn't fight against her.

"Hey weirdo get up, and make sure you cover your pop-sickle I don't wanna see that waving around in the air" The lady looked down at Jon whilst fixing her black hair, she reach out her hand pulling Jon up to his feet. "Name?"


It seemed he was not used to speaking yet, no matter how hard he tried simply couldn't speak.

"Alright I get it don't speak"

The woman who was in her twenties simply gazed at Jon before clicking her tongue, she began to work towards the building next to them which seemed to be a block of apartments.

"Follow me wonder boy"


I follow the lady who saved me from whatever the Doctor they were talking about was going to do with me, only now did I remember the thug mentioning aliens. Was he perhaps under the influence of drugs, on the other hand I can't rule out the possibility of alien contact in the past 53 years.

The lady entered her apartment welcoming me in, although the room was a mess I finally calmed down a little. with everything that has happened today I needed some rest. "wait here I'll bring some water"

She left the living room leaving me to my thoughts, moments later she returned with a glass of water placing it down on the table in front of me. "My name is Jessica, do you know english"

I gaze up at her again trying to speak however it seemed I was still not used to it, although I can understand her so thats good. "Oh right, Do...you...speak...englishhh"

She spoke out yet again this time with wild hand gestures causing me to smile, I simply nodded to make her stop embarrassing herself. "I... J..on" yet again I stop speaking, picking up the water I gulp it down feeling refreshed. "J-Jon" I could feel my voice coming back to me slowly but steadily, which genuinely made me happy, at-least I wasn't mute.

"Take your time, don't want you to pass out from talking"

Something else that I had not paid attention to was my new found abilities, although I had thought I could only use them whilst I'm outside of my physical body that seems to be incorrect. I can feel a faint flow of power through out my body, and my perspective of the objects surrounding me have changed. take the clock on the wall as an example, I feel like I can deconstruct the watch itself without the need to move my body.

Did they mass produce the super serum?, the lady in front of him had unbelievable physical strength reminding him of Captain America.


A few hours went by as Jon continued to practice his speech, he managed to pick it up rather quick allowing him to converse with Jessica.

"So you don't know how you got here" Jon decided it was best to keep his past hidden until he found out more about this world, although he was thankful for the shelter and spare pyjamas he still wasn't sure if Jessica was a threat to him

"Mhm, what about you?" Jessica seemed confused for a second before catching on.

"oh you mean the super strength? well since you're hiding things from me you shouldn't be digging about my past either" Jon averted his gaze realising Jessica had not believed a word he said.

"I wen't through a-lot, and I don't know anything anymore" Jon was genuinely lost he had no idea what was going on around the planet, or how humans had developed after all these years. Did their experiment fail or did they succeed, he didn't know anything.

"Listen here wonder boy, if you tell me I can help you. If not first thing in the morning your out of the apartment" Jon though through his choices for a moment before nodding, he didn't have much choice.

"My name is Jon Osterman, I used to be a atomic physician in a lab at manhattan. we were working on a Intrinsic field generator, unfortunately I was caught in the testing chambers and I died. well I was supposed to die at-least..." Jessica seemed to be deep in thought, suddenly she seemed to have remembered something.

"You mean the run down lab not far from here?" Jon nodded to her question, which then caused her to wear a confused expression.

"But that lab has been shut down for a while now, when did all this happen?" Jon gently smiled at Jessica's question, remembering her coworkers and Janey

"the incident took place in 1959" Hearing Jon's answer Jessica seemed to be in shock for a second before giving an amazed look. "So basically you're like Captain America"

"What do you mean..." Jon was genuinely confused, although he had met Steve rogers and admired him he should be dead after his last mission. "You know the guy with the shield that beat up the Nazi's"

"I know who Captain America is Jessica, but he died a long time ago" Jessica seemed to grin for a second. "Oh you missed out on a-lot Dr.Manhattan"

Jon could only stare in shock, Jessica had clearly implied that Roger's was still alive