
The man who saves me

Jenna Beyers, a thirty two year old orphan attempts to escape a toxic marriage but she ends up in a. contact marriage with billionaire CEO Kai Xiao

symplynoa · 都市
7 Chs

Chapter four: Suggesting a contract

       Kai's Pov

        I was in the living room when I suddenly felt uneasy.  I decided to check up on Jenna. When I entered the room, she was tossing around apparently having a nightmare. She jerked and woke up. I sat beside her, comforting her and she began to cry ... again?. Seriously, how does she find those tears that easily?.

        "It's okay", I said as I pulled her close. "You're fine now", Finally, she stopped crying . "This isn't the first time, is it?", I asked and she avoided my eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?", I demanded. "I didn't want to be a nuisance. You're always busy, I don't want to bother you", She said still avoiding eye contact.

       "I really wish you told me. He doesn't even know you're alive, yet he's still bothering you", I said and sighed. "I really don't appreciate you hiding things from me. Is there anything else I should know", I added. "Not really", She replied.  "You can go back to sleep now, don't worry, I'll watch you", I said and sat on a chair at the bedside. I smiled as I watched her cover herself up.


      Kai's Pov

           I left her at dawn. I was so tired. I didn't think I'd be able to stay up all night. I haven't slept in two weeks. It's not unusual. The only thing unusual is how sleepy I am and yet I can't seem to keep my eyes closed. Aidan made me promise not to take sleeping pills. I tossed around in the bed, then  I heard a knock and Liam entered.

     "What do you want?", I demanded angrily.

       "Your mom is downstairs." He said and I scoffed. "So?", I asked, Is Jenna awake?",  " Yes", He replied. "Where is she?",I asked. "Downstairs with your mom." He said without any expression.

        I jumped off the bed immediately. "You've outdone yourself. You saw my mom with Jenna and you couldn't mention that first?", I asked as we raced down the stairs. My mouth hung open when I saw my mom getting cheesy with Jenna.

        "Hey, hey ,hey", I said as I sat across my mom. "You didn't say you were coming", I said anxiously. "Well, I knew you wouldn't tell me you had a fiancee, I had to come myself". "Eh?", I asked in disbelief. "Who told you that?", I asked angrily. "Your brother did", Mom replied. "What?", I asked angrily. "Hi brother", Kun said as he entered. He sat next to me and I glared at him.

       "Really?", Still behaving like a child?", I asked and he smiled. "I am your little brother", he replied with a sneer. I was so pissed. I looked at Jenna thinking she would be embarrassed but she seemed to be enjoying it.

       "How many children do you plan on giving birth to?", Mom asked Jenna. "Probably four or five", She replied and they both laughed. I was disgusted. I grabbed Jenna's hand and took her upstairs.

       "I'm very sorry about that", I apologized. "It's okay", she replied. " She reminds me of my mom. I just couldn't help telling her what she wanted to hear", she said and smiled. "I'm not happy", I said and went downstairs.

      When I saw Kun chatting happily with mom, it only fueled my anger. I grabbed him by the collar and was about to punch him when I heard him snicker. "You really want her to see you getting physical?", He said and I knew he was referring to Jenna. She was probably watching. I sighed and released him.

       "Kai", Mom called and I sat next to her. "Do you not like her?", Mom asked. "What?", I asked surprisedly. "She really loves you, why don't you feel the same way?", Mom added. "Mom, you just met her today and you think she's in love with me. That's preposterous", I replied. "What do you know about love?", Mom asked. "I know right," Kun added and I glared at him. "Mom, I think you're right", he said ignoring my stares. "She is in love with him. I see the way she looks at him", Kun said and mom nodded in agreement. "The only problem we have is that your son is trying to become a bishop", he added and scoffed. Mom shot me an angry look. "You want to become a bishop?", Mom asked. "What?, no", I replied. "Okay", mom said "Are you gay?." "No", I replied. "Good, then I expect you to get married before the year runs out", She said and left.

         I sighed disappointedly. I didn't know what to do. This was all his fault. I turned to Kun angrily. "Would you look at the time", he said as he looked at his watch. "I have to pick up my daughter", he said as he stood up. "Adios", he added and went around the living room. "We wouldn't want you to get violent, would we?", He said and ran out the door.

        I slumped on the couch and groaned. "Liam", I roared and he appeared immediately. "If I ever see Xiao Kun in this house, I'll eat you alive", I said angrily.  "That's gonna be a bit difficult." Liam said looking down. "What?", I asked . "Kun is now your boss?", I demanded. "Sir, Mr Xiao can be a bit difficult", He said still not looking up. "Do I look like I care?", I retorted. "Any day I set my eyes on Kun in this house, I will kill you", you know what I'm capable of", I said and went upstairs.

        I knocked on the door and entered. I saw Jenna with a sketchpad. "Hey,"I said and she smiled. "What are you doing?", I asked as I sat next to her. "I'm making some designs against the next time Mei comes over. She said she'll make my dreams come true", She said as she held the sketchpad close to her chest. She looked so cute, and I'm about to break her heart. "It's nice that you guys are getting along. I'm actually here to talk about something else", I said and she dropped the sketchpad. " You don't want me to live here anymore?, I really don't have anywhere to go", She said and I shook my head. "I'm here about my mom", I said as I felt disgusted at her for thinking I wanted to chase her away. "I almost forgot, your mom invited me over to her house", She said expecting a different reaction from me. "What?" I yelled and stood up. "You're not going, are you?", I asked even though I knew she would. 

        "This is frustrating", I said as I sat down. An idea popped into my head. "Jenna", "Yes", she replied. "Would you be okay with marrying me?", "Yeah", She replied. I was surprised at her response. "Why would you be fine with marrying me?", "I'm not romantic and I'm always busy. " "I know", she said. "But, you're handsome, caring and you saved me", I don't mind marrying you. "Plus, you promised you'd always protect me", she replied. "I'm good", she said with a smile. "Do you like me?", I asked. "Yes", she replied. "You don't know what love is do you?", I asked. "Not really", She replied. "No wonder", I said.  I can't take advantage of her. I'll only do this to get mom off my back and that idiotic brother of mine in the process.

       "How about we make a contract?", I suggested. "Like in the movies?", She asked. "Yeah", I replied. She doesn't really behave like she's thirty two and I understand. I have a thirty four year old little brother that behaves like a teenager. "Don't worry, it'll only be for a while and there'll be rules", I said. "Okay", she replied. How is she fine with this?. To be honest, I'm starting to get scared

     "Liam", I called and Liam ran in immediately. He had this weird smile on his face. "What's funny?", I demanded. "Nothing", He replied trying to hide his euphoria. "Were you eavesdropping?", I asked suspiciously. "Well, I wouldn't call it eavesdropping, besides, you told me to always be aware of everything", he said defensively. "Okay", I said disappointed in my self. Screw my commands. "Draw up a contract", I said. "I'm on it", he replied. "This doesn't mean I won't kill you if I see Kun in this house", I said. "Understood", he replied and left.

     "I don't like this room, it's too small", I said in disgust. "Come on, let's get you a bigger room", I said and held out my hand. She took it and we left that awful room.