
The man who reincarnated and fell in love with a Princess

raydon · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1.

The year was 2024 and Alex Greystoke a college student studying architecture was on his way to meet his girlfriend of two years for their 2nd anniversary who was studying fashion. He planned a surprise dinner for each other and was setting thing as perfect he could cause tonight would be a very special night for him.

He was planning a proposal for his girlfriend and was getting everything ready such as the food the ring and musicians who would be playing the song that played when they first started dating , after a while everything was finished and he went to surprise her at her dorm , but she wasn't there he looked for her everywhere and later when he went to his friend to ask if he as seen her.

He the saw him and his girlfriend in bed together and he stood there in shock as the two tried to explain that it was an accident and that they sorry. His girlfriend rushed to him and started crying saying she didn't want him to find out this way and that she still loves him.

In that moment Alex realised he was a fool for being I love with this girl, he looked at her with a look that can only be described as a cold and pained expression before throwing the ring away in front of her and saying, "I was a fool to love you so much ,goodbye let's never see each other again." He left the room and want for a drink at a bar near the campus.

As he arrived there he immediately bought a round of shots for everyone and got wasted. About 2 hours later he left the bar and was very drunk on his way to his dorm.

As was crossing the street that eerily empty he suddenly colapsed and blacked out.

In that moment he suddenly got sober and while in complete darkness he was wondering if he was dead and contemplating his existence as an orphan , as a man who got cheated on cause he was weak and as a man who who was not happy and wished to start fresh.

He suddenly heard a heavenly voice saying, "Get ready your wish is about to come true and this time around make sure to live a life your proud of."

He opened eyes from the darkness and saw he was in town that looked like a old village as he looked at his surroundings and saw a unique place with people speaking a language he had never heard before , but could understand it.

He looked in the pond near where he was standing and saw his reflection and was shocked...

Hello reader this is my first ever novel so please help me make it as good as it can get. Anyway if you enjoy or hate it feel free to comment and leave a review so I know what to improve thank you!!!

raydoncreators' thoughts