Kotori have a unfair life
Kotori looked at the back of his head while she was being pulled forward," Is this the kind of relationship he has with his family? – Who is Amelia?" She wondered.
The chaffuer opened the car door for them.
"You did great, Kotori. Congratulations!" He complimented.
She looked out the window and admire the view of the stars dancing in the sky then started to trail off in her thoughts.
It was a long ride there.
The thought of being another person's family without knowing the whereabouts of her own made her feel unsteady.
"Are you alright? Was that too much for you?" He questioned.
She was too tired to speak, and her head nodded off then drifted into a dream. A pleasant one of her family.
"Young master, we're here!"
The chauffeur notified as the vehicle came to a complete stop.
Kyosuke looked over and notice her head was on his shoulder," She must've been very tired from having a taste of luxury." He chucked then carried her out of the car.
"Man, she's heavy." He complained and was relieved when he threw her on the bed.
He removed her stilettos and applied ointment to the small injuries on her heel then wrapped bandages. He elevated her foot as the swelling could go down.
He was taught to take care of women.
As a child he watched his mother get abused and kicked out the house by his father then in a few days a woman entered. It took him several years to understand the situation.
He lost contact with his birth mother—Now he was forced the called the new woman, mother.
His father became stricter and if he even played a key wrong on the piano father would beat him senselessly.
Sometime in fall
It was his 10th birthday.
He walked downstairs then peeked his head from the corner.
"Please let me see my son! Just one time and I promise that I won't ever see him again." She pleaded then was shoved out of the house. He wasn't allowed to meet her but when he did, no good came from it.
He found out that his birth mother been diagnosed with a terminal illness and was in her last stages.
"I promise I will take care of you and be a good son." His goal in life is to tarnish the company's name and to reveal his father's crimes.
After a while, Kotori opened her eyes and twitched in slight pain.
" Oh, did I wake you?" He questioned and placed the covers over her chest." You need to take it easy for a couple of days."
He spoke," Thank you sir… I was wondering only if it's not too much."
"Just say it." He speaks.
" Okay okay. If it's not too much, can you look into my parents whereabouts."
" It's the least that I can do." He answered then closed the door behind him.