
The Man Road to Heavenly (Re-write)

It all begins when the gates of another world open on Earth, and the current state of society changes rapidly, with the most noticeable change being the fall of male superiority due to the peach, which only gives power to women. Jin Takeru, a convenience store clerk was caught up in the Mato disaster during the first year of chaos. A tragic life story where the man turns into a special type of Shuuki, traveling in a barren world with all Shuuki (Monster) inhabitants. Years passed until a century, Jin Takeru suddenly became himself when he was a human a century ago. And how will that man live his life in the present time. The rules and social order have changed dramatically. ... Notes. The world is based on the popular fanservice manga Slave of the Magic Capital's Elite Troops.

Poponioko · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Found out

A few days later, I truly felt aimless. My routine revolved around my room, watching television in the living room, and occasionally watching Unit 10's training sessions, which consisted solely of women. I wasn't supposed to do this, but I was being cheeky, and that included peeking from behind the window. After all, I was bored of this place.

Every day felt like a prison, albeit without iron bars. This headquarters was indeed large, but my movement was still restricted. I missed freedom, missed normal life outside. My family, my friends, they all felt like a distant dream. I wondered if they knew I was still alive.

Wait, were they still alive?

As I stared at the television screen showing news about the anti-demon corps' success, my thoughts wandered. Even though I had survived that hell, it felt like I was still trapped in the Mato dimension full of uncertainties. Only this time, the prison was more subtle, more hidden.

I decided to take another walk, trying to find something to distract me from the overwhelming boredom. My steps led me to Unit 10's training room. I knew this was against the rules, but my curiosity always got the better of me. From behind the window, I watched the women train diligently, their bodies moving with incredible speed and strength. I couldn't help but be amazed.

Among them, I saw Ren Yamashiro, the woman who had saved me. She looked so authoritative, leading the training with firmness and precision. Her beautiful face was filled with focus, and every movement she made displayed high skill. She was a natural leader, and I could understand why she was respected here.

And not only that, I had to agree that Ren was the strongest person. Unlike ordinary humans, my eyes could see something that others couldn't: the flow of someone's spiritual energy. And Ren's was the largest I had ever seen. During my time as a Shuuki, among the many monsters I fought, Ren was comparable to my strongest opponent, the Darkness Lord.

The Darkness Lord was the strongest Shuuki I had ever faced. The creature loomed tall with pitch-black skin that emanated darkness like a starless night. Its red eyes burned with seething hatred. Every move it made was so swift and powerful, it overwhelmed me. The battle with the Darkness Lord was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life.

At that time, I had to adapt to every attack that came. Lightning strikes that shattered the ground beneath my feet, waves of dark energy that could tear the sky apart, and sharp claws that could pierce steel. Every time I managed to dodge or parry an attack, the Darkness Lord would change its strategy. I had to adapt to its attacks a thousand times to survive. My body suffered wound after wound, but every time I felt like I was going to lose, the drive to survive kept me going.

In the end, through perseverance and my extraordinary ability to adapt, I managed to subdue the Darkness Lord. That battle left a deep mark on me, both physically and mentally. I would never forget the terror and ferocity of that creature.

As I continued to observe Ren, the door to the training room opened, and a young woman with brown hair entered. She carried a file and walked briskly towards Ren. I couldn't hear their conversation, but from Ren's expression, it was clear that something important was being discussed.

I turned and returned to my room with mixed feelings. My curiosity was growing stronger, but I knew I couldn't keep hiding behind the window and peeking. I needed to find a way to get more information and perhaps, eventually, return to the outside world.

Then, I felt Ren's spiritual energy flying towards a certain place. Because of that, I immediately decided to follow her, sneaking out of Unit 10 headquarters with cautious and stealthy steps. I crept through narrow corridors, avoiding the patrolling guards.

When I finally made it outside, barren land stretched out before my eyes. Well, a usual and sickening sight for me. Rocky hills and endless desert, interspersed with the only legendary Mato peach tree. This emptiness always brought a sense of anxiety and nostalgia at the same time. This was the world where I had survived for years, eating strange peaches and fighting terrifying monsters.

From Ren's spiritual energy, it appeared that she had moved far to the south. Since I had already marked her energy, it was easy for me to track her. I stretched briefly, preparing my body for the long journey ahead. Then, with one deep breath, I began running across the barren desert.

To match Ren's flying speed, I used one of my greatest powers, the Application of Monster. This power I acquired after consuming numerous monsters in Mato over the years, absorbing their unique abilities. By channeling my energy into my legs and transforming it into superhuman strength, I could achieve incredible speed.

"Application of Speed," I muttered, feeling the energy surge through my leg muscles. This speed was not just about running fast but also about agility, endurance, and the ability to navigate difficult terrain with ease. Each step I took kicked up dust, while the strong wind whipped against my face.

Application was one of my main powers besides Adaptation. Adaptation allowed me to adjust to various conditions and attacks, but Application granted me specific strengths that I could use as needed. For example, Application of Strength to enhance my physical power, Application of Endurance for extraordinary stamina, and Application of Agility for nimbleness.

As Ren's spiritual energy signal drew closer, I had to navigate extra carefully considering the rugged terrain surrounding this area. I focused my energy within, activating the Application of Observation. With this power, I could heighten my physical senses to their maximum potential, allowing me to perceive every vibration and detect the life signals of my target.

I closed my eyes for a moment, feeling the smooth yet intense flow of energy. When I reopened my eyes, the world around me became clearer and more detailed. I could track footsteps, hear the whisper of the wind carrying information from afar, and sense the presence of living beings with extraordinary precision.

"Got it," I thought with certainty. Ren was about 5 kilometres south from my position, in a region of steep hills. However, Ren was not alone. There were many humans accompanying her. I could be sure they were humans because I was familiar with Shuuki, and their energy had a distinct pattern.

For someone like Ren Yamashiro, there would be no lapses in security. She must have brought guards and operated with great caution. To ensure my safety and avoid detection, I decided to use another set of powers: Application of Silent and Application of Invisible.

Application of Silent granted me the ability to mute every sound I made, whether it was footsteps, breathing, or even my heartbeat. This allowed me to move quietly and undetected, like a shadow slipping through the darkness.

Application of Invisible was a power that enabled me to bend light around me, rendering my body invisible to the naked eye. By combining these two abilities, I could approach Ren and her group without being noticed, like a ghost passing through the night.

I began to move, channeling energy throughout my body to activate both abilities. My steps became lighter and soundless, as if I were gliding over the ground. The light around me seemed to swirl and bend, making me invisible to anyone who might be watching.

The steep and rocky terrain ahead was challenging, but with Application of Observation, I could see hidden paths and easily avoid obstacles. Each step brought me closer to Ren, and every passing second heightened my focus and vigilance.

Finally, after several minutes that felt like hours, I saw Ren facing a military force from another country. The sight before me was truly astonishing. Ren stood atop a towering hill, surrounded by a superhuman force from another nation, all women. The wind blew fiercely, making Ren's long black hair flutter, adding to the aura of majesty that radiated from her.

Well, I think adaptation alone is not enough for this main character's power so I added one, namely Absorption. If you are still confused, this is similar to the power of the character from the manhwa Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later, Oh Kang Woo.

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