
Chapter 1 :- The beginning

It was a day of beginning. The man called Lucifer was on the way of his mom's home after reaching his mom's home he saw a thing passing through the sky to him self he ran and hided to the safe place . Then after the strange thing fall on the ground he went near to it and saw there was nothing. And suddenly panic because something was entering to his body. He ran to the mirror that was thrown in trash he noticed himself that the eyes are converting into red and he suddenly listened the voice from his body (弱いも) it means you are very weak. Suddenly he got up from sleep and he notice himself that he was in his bedroom. He thought it was a very bad dream and her mom came in the room and said you was felt near a trash area she came and took him inside the house. Then he realised that it was not a dream it was a reality that was happen to him at last night. After her mom leave. He ran to the trash area and saw that there was no mirror.