
The man I hate is in love with me!? ある マグ私イクラ 時代

I was reincarnated to another world where there was magical creature's and people with powers [ born with a curse ] 彼 ローエス 私? I will try hard to not get them notice my true power

marlon_frayres · ファンタジー
6 Chs

New kid

Hi I'm Jack Rosell my enemies name is Richard Boral, and this is how I fell in love with him

Ugh, school again?! Gosh, well I hope Richard isn't there: Jack Rosell

/arrives at school\

Hiiii Jack your look sooo hot!:Amy Garlten

omg! Your have to stop appearing out of nowhere Amy!: Jack Rosell

"giggles" ok~ sorry jack:Amy Garten

Ugh you again...:Richard Boral

Why are you even here?:Richard Boral

Gosh will you leave me alone?? :Jack Rosell

Only if you beat me by scoring a higher grade than me!:Richard Boral

Ohhohh you wanna bet!? Sure, just watch and learn Richard I will get a higher grade than you!:Jack Rosell

Hah!! We'll see about that!:Richard Boral

Ugh I hate that guy! He always wants to annoy me:Jack Rosell

*this school isn't what you think it's actually very hard to get in, in order to get in you have to fight earth mobs, to kill them you have to break or take their gem which is on their chest, took me awhile to get in but I rather not use my full strength"

Whoa! Watch out there, I'm sorry for bumping into you!:???????

Augh! It's fine just watch where you're going next time...:Jack Rosell

I'm Daniel Groge, you? :Daniel Groge

Oh I'm Jack Rosell:Jack Rosell

Oh well I hope we can see each other again!:Daniel Groge

"sigh":Jack Rosell

Sorry if there's grammar mistakes I don't really know English that well

[End of chapter 1]