
The Making Of A Man

In a world where evil thrives and crimes are largely perpetrated and accepted, Pisces sees himself caught up between a choice that is conflicted with his principle and ideology, but because of his strong belief in God, principles, and philosophy about life, he tries to be good and live an honourable life, but he soon realized that the world does not reward good neither does it reward righteousness. This is the story of Pisces, an ambitious and proficient man whose dreams keep slipping away the closer he thinks he's getting. And when nothing seems to be working out for him, his whole world fell apart as he loses hope and started questioning his moral values, purpose, and existence. He then thought to himself, would he eventually choose the evil he has long been running away from, or keep chasing the good that has always been running away from him? He knew once he chooses evil, there was no going back. Because he's going to be unimaginably evil as he would have been unbelievably good.

Adalusan · 現実
8 Chs

Chapter 7

"Today is the worst day of my life", Pisces wistfully exclaimed" as he vigorously slammed his car bonnet like a frustrated detective, whose car had just broken down while chasing after armed robbers who had just successfully robbed a bank.

Imagine the characterization of Denzel Washington as a special FBI agent in a riveting and electrifying Hollywood action movie. That is your promotion and well-deserved recognition for long years of diligence and selfless service getting away, after years of thorough investigation, stockpile evidence and sleepless fact-finding to apprehend the professional criminals who specialise in robbing banks.

Such frustration and reversal of fortune are like the unfortunate setback and unfavourable circumstance of an antsy student whose pen stopped working in the middle of an academic examination.

While everybody else is writing, he's looking for who has an extra pen.

Even if he's supremely favoured to find people who aren't making use of theirs as they struggle with discrepant thoughts and nonbinding minds, they rightfully won't spare him theirs.

And it doesn't matter if they are going to submit a blank paper. Better in hand a pen without answers, than an answers without a pen. But by the serendipitous virtue of Deux Ex Machina, luck found him when his professor gave him his mighty pen of greatness.

As the clock ticks disparagingly with arrogance, and because he didn't want to let his professor down, he invoked the ennobling spirit of literary patriarchs and paterfamilias to exert the dexterity and handiness of Shakespeare, the wit and grit of Mark Twain, the sapience and erudition of Sophie Oluwole, and the mastery and cleverness of Chinua Achebe to bleed his booklet until there isn't a space to inscribe an ink anymore.

But only that this is not an examination chamber. And there are no examinees or examiners. But an empty hall without a professor of hope.

The hall of hopelessness, anguish and dejection. But this is worse than an examination of not being able to write to succeed, and not being able to write to fail as you are stranded in the middle of the night after your car broke down and refused to start, and your mechanic can't come to your aid because it's late.

He's enjoying the weekend with his beautiful family, his wife has just put to bed. No responsible man would leave his wife and newborn baby at such a quirky hour no matter how much you are going to pay him.

What if he got robbed? What if he had an accident? How would he even be able to get here? Even though he's occasionally mobile, with a variety of cars brought for repairs and is easily at his disposal.

Pisces became disheartened and miserable.

The only good food he had eaten was the food Bolu bought on their way for Lore's birthday party and anniversary with Kyrios. He had earlier apprised Kyrios of his mystification, but he wasn't completely honest with him. He told Kyrios that he was moonstruck and gradually losing his sanity.

But he didn't go into details.

And Kyrios thought this was because of his economic challenges and destitution.

Although Kyrios was right. But that was not all. What he didn't tell Kyrios precisely was what was making him lose his mind. He couldn't bring himself to tell Kyrios, whom he trusted, respected and mostly confided in. But only that in this case, what is responsible for his insanity is not a thing, not his seldom use of what he calls Tipbit.

Can you remember what Tipbit is?

If you can't, let me jog your memory by reacquainting you with the meaning and coinage as explained and defined by Pisces when Theodore offers him a reefer, and White London talked about her wild experience the first time she experimented with a super-psychoactive substance in "Chapter 6", where he defines Tipbit as a soul-pleasing appetizing comestible during his discussion with Kyrios, Lore, Bolu, White London and Theodore.

According to Pisces, he derived the word "Tipbit" from the English word "Tidbit" which means a small tasty bit of food or a pleasing bit of something. He has always thought of what to term his intermittent leisure-binding and self-obligated act, where he inhales foggy oxygen and spews it aesthetically as an act of Hedonism.

So since a Tidbit means a pleasing bit of something, the meaning is similar to the craving for cannabis, which is taken in a bit, and you would always crave for more just like the small tasty bit of food(Tidbit).

So he "sloganized" Tipbit to mean a reefer,

but because a reefer doesn't get chewed like a Tidbit but rather gets sucked from the inserted tip to produce foggy oxygen that he ingests and emits with style, as a professional cannabis enthusiast or an appreciator as he calls himself because of his insusceptible ability to resist dependence. He coined "tip" with "bit" to form "Tipbit" and defines it as a soul-pleasing appetizing comestible that is intellectually stimulating and spiritually awakening.

As a matter of fact, this Tipbit is what helps him clear his mind and filter his thoughts.

He finds peace with himself, and meaning in life. Perceives covert reasons, and conceives factual ideas.

Tipbiting makes him more functional, efficient, active, energetic, hyper, creative, conscious-minded, and happier to effectively manage his thought process but often makes him insanely horny.

But what is this thing that is pulling him into the limitless enclosure of quixotic chasm and vacuity?

Only that this thing is not a thing but a person. But who is this person?

Her name is Black Elizabeth. And we would soon find out who she is, how she and Pisces met, and what is between them.

Even though Kyrios had always wanted to help Pisces by giving him a job and having him work for him, he rejected the offer because that would mean him being initiated into Kyrios's confraternity, the dangerous and mindless Cotorie of men and women that fight for power, domination and hegemony to acquire wealth and influence.

This Cotorie would soon become Pisces adversary when he learned that they were the government he hated and rebelling against, as the Cotorie is made up of everyone around him that he loves, respect and care about, including Kyrios, Lore, Theodore and Black Elizabeth.

However, according to Kyrios, the only way he can trust Pisces with his marijuana business and other illegal dealings is by being legitimately initiated into the Cotorie.

And Pisces choosing to work for Kyrios would mean getting his hand dirty.

But his present impediment is not because of his financial challenges as Kyrios has thought, but rather the consistent evil thoughts that are gradually invading his sacred mind and overcoming his venerated thoughts.

The absolute willpower and capability to view some evil as necessary and acceptable, and consider some good as worthless and undesirable.

The inclination to perpetrate justifiable evil that is morally wrong as it opposes his fundamental religious beliefs, but logically right and forgivable because his religion also promises salvation.

Pisces has always known that the mind of a man is inherently vulnerable to accept wrong and reject right because of the volatile and mercurial unpredictability of human nature. And because human needs are insatiable and man does not have absolute control over his worldly needs and lustful desires. Even with man's intelligence, man still struggles to overcome these material thoughts and aberrant desires by succumbing to frivolities which renders his intelligence and foresight useless, by stirring his abstruse asininity and sheer stupidity.

Pisces is still stuck and pessimistically stranded. He's completely helpless, and it's going to rain soon. As he strides and paces around, his anger starts brewing like an irruptive volcano as the cloud assembles en mass, at the behest of tempestuous wind and ferocious storms.

He sat in the car as other cars zoomed past, him. It's weekend, and by the essence of you only live once, everyone is outside to enjoy life and have fun.

Especially the Yahoo Boys, who are the biggest spenders. The only people who are more lavish than them are the politicians. And the only difference between the Yahoo Boys and the politician is, why the former spend the money they work for, the latter spend the money they do not work for. But I'm not sure if you agree with me.

But if you do, or do not, you will at least understand and agree with me that the Yahoo Boys and the Politicians have one thing in common, and that is their vices and ill will to take what doesn't belong to them. But isn't that the whole point of living?

The biological resolve and psychological proneness for survival.

Cars were moving like lightning, as some were going to the club, some were just arriving, while others were coming back from their expensive dates at the beach, cinemas, Mall, and restaurants just to take beautiful snapshots for their social media fans and "frenemies" when their pricey food could cover the feeding of those that depend on him for two weeks, and that is not because his needs aren't insatiable, but because he has learned contentment and benevolent act to share with others.

Why spend ludicrous amounts on food in one sitting when he could use the money to cook and feed his fatherless and motherless neighbours who lost their parents to the cold hands of death?

A lot was going through his mind, but no one stopped to show concern. But he didn't blame them.

"This is a dangerous spot, What if they thought he is an armed robbers?

What if the women are scared of being kidnapped and assaulted?

(Because this is the era of human trafficking and forced prostitution)

What if the men want to stop, but can't because of the safety of their wives, girlfriends, and kids in the car?

What if they have an emergency?

What if everyone thought he was a serial killer? What if…? What if…?

Besides, this is not a safe place, and maybe that is why no one cares to stop, when there has also been a report of a robbery at the third mainland bridge in the past, and nowhere is even safe in Lagos.

Because Lagos is a jungle, eat or get eaten.

He kept contemplating, he might have done the same too, depending on his mood, but the only people he would wait for were women. Doesn't matter if they plan to rob him, he would wait and stop to help out, and if they have the kind of body Bolu has, his watch would be till eternity, as he's ready to protect them with his life. He would put his life on the line to protect and save any woman.

But who are the Yahoo Boys? Am sure you have a desire to know and you wish you could ask.

That is why I am going to tell you.

The Yahoo Boys are internet scammers and fraudsters who will rule the world one day if technology fails to ruin it.

And who do we blame for the Yahoo Boys? The politician.

And why the politician?

Because the politicians are supposed to work for the people by creating jobs and catering for the needs of society, and because they failed to do so, the Yahoo Boys were birthed as an idea of existentialism to create jobs for themselves.

They are the product of society, and society lacks the moral obligation to criticize them for the same ideology it espoused.

The atmosphere was towering as lighting circumvoluted the sky in the glorification of Eledumare as the rain started drizzling.

"Who can I call? Who can come to my aid?

What in the name of Yahweh am I going to do now? Pisces thought to himself.

He pondered as he picked up his phone and saw tons of missed calls and a torrent of notifications that he didn't even know who and what to reply to.

Several messages from his social media application.

From his Snapchat to Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok.

His entire lock screen was strewn with notifications that he could not even see the picture of his loving Grandmother that he used as wallpaper talk more of admiring it.

He immediately unlocked his phone with his facial ID, Bolu had called him repeatedly to inform him that she had gotten home, but his phone had been on "Do Not Disturb" because he was using it to play music earlier and doesn't want any disruption. And more importantly, because he's avoiding Black Elizabeth's call.

He dialled Bolu's number back, Ding!!! ding!!! Ding!!!

The phone rang endlessly, and like forever, Bolu never picked up because she retired to bed immediately and hit the hay after she got home.

He scrolled through his phone looking for who to call. But even though he is loyal to everybody, he has only a few and far between people who are only loyal to him. And only three names come to his mind.

That he could bother at this slumbery hour, and two of them are out of option, Lore and Kyrios, he imagined they would have been home having one the best nights from their remaining best as uncertain and unpredictable as it may be.

He noticed there was a message from Bolu,

He opens his text messaging app and reads the message.

"Hello Pisces, I have just gotten home, I tried to call you many times, but you did not pick up. I've gotten home safely and ready to sleep. Thanks for your kindhearted assistance and unquantifiable support."

He immediately left her a message, "You are welcome Madam, you deserve every support you get, have a wonderful night".

When Pisces left Gusty after his discussion with Kyrios. He couldn't even say goodbye to Lore because of his financial incapability to gift her something for her birthday and anniversary celebration.

This sore his heart. He's unhappy and irked because Lore has been generously good to him. He thought it would have only been right to be able to gift her something.

Even though he's on the verge of being homeless because of his financial limitations, as he struggles to live by while anticipating the arrival of Godot, the promise of hope and goodwill, the reward for perseverance and endurance.

But maybe he's just deluded for being a victim of psychological beguilement, what Karl Marx called the opium of the people, as his reality of today is the same as yesterday which could be the same for tomorrow if he continues to live like this and intentionally chooses not to do anything about it.

"How long am I going to continue like this, My rent is almost due, and my mental health is deteriorating. Now this car finally broke down. Can't a man have a day without one problem or the other? He thought

As much as he's filled with hope, he doesn't know how he's going to pay his rent when he can't even afford to feed.

And his business isn't bringing in enough money. Or nothing at all, just the immense debt and endless liability.

He thought to himself as there seemed to be no help, "The Church has neglected me, and the Mosque doesn't welcome me, there is no family, even God has forsaken me, or could it be that my prayer is not enough, or I am suffering for the sin of my forebear, or am I paying for the disobedience of humanity? And who knows, maybe I am being punished for the evil in the society".

He stated emphatically as he reflected deeply.

Pisces used to be depressed and suicidal, before he found his deep-rooted belief in God almighty by finding comfort in nature. He has at some point doubted the existence of God, but he soon realized that creation exists because there's a Creator. Then he started reading the Bible and getting revelations. He would read and understand the Bible, and interpret it in a way that you would find reason in his interpretation, even though he can be often controversial.

But to him, those controversies, contradictions and discrepancies are proof of God's imperfection and flexibility.

Why he forgive even when he shouldn't.

Why he save when he can choose not to.

No matter how bad we may have been, or how evil we may have become, he would always forgive us, and that is absolute perfection.

Nobody would have been able to accept wrong, forgive sin and overlook evil other than God almighty.

But after Pisces' misadventure in real estate where he lost his entire life savings, he fell into depression again and sometimes doubted if he would ever make it in life.

He has been hopeful his entire life and nothing seems to be working. The closer he thinks he's getting to his dream, the further they are drifting perpetually away from him.

But there's only one person that wants to save Pisces, and who is responsible for his mystification that led to his visit to the Gusty Bar to seek advice from Kyrios.

And right now, she's the only one that can come to his assistance.

Before Pisces' visit to the Gusty, Black Elizabeth had come to him to ask Pisces for what he cannot give, not because he doesn't have it.

Black Elizabeth is a hook-up girl who is also a friend of Pisces, but their friendship has some intimate benefits.

What she wanted from Pisces was for them to conspire and carry out a theft which has to be masterminded by Pisces because of his ideology of doing what is right even when it's wrong.

She has a Sugar Daddy who is a politician that she wants them to rob.

Pisces has never stolen from anyone in his life, he doesn't take what doesn't belong to him, doesn't accept what he does not need and doesn't cheat people.

He's a contented individual who appreciates what he has and has been given.

So robbing someone to enrich himself is way overboard for him.

He told Black Elizabeth that there's no way he's ever going to do that.

He believes if he's ever going to be rich, he has to work hard and earn his money legally without soiling his hands.

After White London's proposition to Pisces, he started avoiding her. He knew if he kept seeing her and spending time with her, she might be able to influence him into doing what he had never done before. But White London tells him that there's no wrong in doing the right thing illegally, and further convinces Pisces that who makes the law?

If the government make the laws and can break them at will, why shouldn't they be able to break the law without getting caught, when in fact, only God can judge right or wrong, and God always forgives?

And she was right, but will Pisces do her bidding? Or has he done it already?

What if I tell you that Pisces did Black Elizabeth's bidding, and that was why those hefty men came to the Gusty in chapter one to look for him as his plan backfired, but they had to turn back because of Kyrios and Theodore who are the supreme leader of the Mindless Cotorie, will you believe me?

Well, let's find out in the next chapter.❤️