
The Making Of A Man

In a world where evil thrives and crimes are largely perpetrated and accepted, Pisces sees himself caught up between a choice that is conflicted with his principle and ideology, but because of his strong belief in God, principles, and philosophy about life, he tries to be good and live an honourable life, but he soon realized that the world does not reward good neither does it reward righteousness. This is the story of Pisces, an ambitious and proficient man whose dreams keep slipping away the closer he thinks he's getting. And when nothing seems to be working out for him, his whole world fell apart as he loses hope and started questioning his moral values, purpose, and existence. He then thought to himself, would he eventually choose the evil he has long been running away from, or keep chasing the good that has always been running away from him? He knew once he chooses evil, there was no going back. Because he's going to be unimaginably evil as he would have been unbelievably good.

Adalusan · 現実
8 Chs

Chapter 4

<p>Kyrios and Pisces came out of the office. A compilation of classical music has been playing on a high-fidelity system, which is being streamed on Spotify from Pisce's phone that is connected to the Sony Muteki audio sound system.<br/>Theodore was enjoying himself drinking and oxidizing Sinsemilla with White London who was Snapchatting with her iPhone 14 Pro Max using various filters as they sat next to each other. She would instantly show Theodore the Picture who would smile and enunciate a positive and beautiful comment to assent to the saving of the picture. But if he didn't like the filter, he would twirl his head to express his aversion, and White London would discard the Snapchat-enhanced picture by not saving it on her phone.<br/><br/>White London kept trying different filters, Theodore frowned at the outcome of the last filter when his face was enhanced as if he had applied makeup. But that didn't worry him as much as the extensive eyelashes that come with the filter. That was the day Theodore learned the reason why that particular filter was being used mostly by ladies.<br/><br/>Pisces has one of the best playlists and collections of music. He has different music for different moods and occasions on his Spotify account. He chooses Spotify because they make playlists and their app accessible by enabling a free use that comes with unlimited ads when your subscription expires, unlike Apple Music where the app becomes inaccessible if the subscription expires or gets cancelled. But he hates the ads so much and decided to subscribe to a premium service to enjoy nonintrusive listening to his classic songs and albums, and to also enjoy on-demand playback and unlimited skips. But he doesn't skip, the day he skips a song, the song would be either deleted from the playlist or removed and readded to another playlist. <br/><br/>He can listen to all genres of music if he has to. This he learned while growing up when he bought his small pocket radio device that he replaced every three weeks because they were very cheap and poorly made. So they tended to readily develop a fault or damage beyond repairs when they fell. But if the damage is nominal and doesn't affect the performance of the small radio device, he would bind the radio with a rubberband or strap it with a sellotape to prevent it from splintering. This was before the advent of "The Walkman", a personal stereo that was used to listen to music with light headphones by inserting a cassette tape or CD (Compact Disc), or MP3 device players and iPods that come with a Radio features where digital audio files and songs could be played and downloaded directly from the computer. On his favourite mini radio back then, you wouldn't be able to switch between amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation(FM). The channels are successive in order, and people do not like to listen to the AMs, even though they can transmit longer distances, their sound quality is extremely poor. You barely could hear a word only the consistent radio static and unbearable noise.<br/><br/>But the FMs are better and the most preferable because they have a higher bandwidth with exceptional sound quality.<br/>So you have no choice but to listen to whatever song they are playing on the radio. You can't skip the song, you can only skip the channels. And chances are you may never get your favourite channel that plays hip-hop music because the channel frequency number doesn't display, unlike modern-day digital radio. You are likely to lose the signal if you vacate the initial spot where the connection was previously gotten.<br/>Occasionally, you will be compelled to hang it somewhere around to prevent loss of signal and service interruption. And your worst nightmare is switching to non-English speaking channels. You don't hear or understand a thing, just an undesirable bluster and indecipherable vocalization emitting relentlessly from your device.<br/>So once you are tuned in to the right FM channel that plays good music, where the right frequency is gotten with the help of a longer antenna that is extended with a shielded electric cable, that even enables you to walk around without an incidental connection disruption, then your entire day is made. <br/><br/>Kyrios and Pisces joined Theodore and White London at their table. <br/><br/>He asked about C.J.'s health? And promised to go check on him tomorrow. Theodore told him he stopped by the hospital on his way here to check on him, and he was in a promising condition.<br/><br/>Bolu arrived at the Gusty Bar with three of her assistants, she texted Pisces to inform him that she was outside. <br/>Pisces went outside to meet Bolu and they both hugged themselves. They hadn't seen each other in a while. <br/>"You are really in good shape, your extensive exercises and consistent workouts at the Gym are paying off," Pisces told her.<br/>Bolu chuckles and tells Pisces, "I've always had this body, I only go to the gym to achieve physical fitness and burn down some fat.<br/>"Well, you are right, you've always had this hourglass body shape". Pisces said as Bolu laughed loudly, he swung his hands around her waist and led her in. He introduced her to everyone but wasn't surprised when both she and White London greeted and hugged each other. They were acquaintances from way back and belonged to the same social media influencer group.<br/><br/>Have you invited any of Lore's friends or loved ones? Pisces asked Kyrios.<br/>I've only informed two of her friends.<br/>Informed or invited? They need to be here, they need to come, they are the surprise, not us. Lore already knew I was always going to be here, and I believe she won't be surprised to see Mr Theodore either.<br/>But those people who she hadn't seen in a while or expected here would be the ones to surprise her. I want to see those tears roll down as she gets emotional, this has to be the best thing, better than what you had planned before…<br/><br/>Kyrios cuts in, Right, I've heard you, I will do the necessary. He knew the next thing Pisces was going to mention in front of White London and Bolu again was his delirium episode after drinking the medicinal herbal tea C.J. prepared and served to him, otherwise known as Elysium Assortment.<br/><br/>Pisces dragged Kyrios to a corner and told him, "Make arrangements for her favourite siblings, cousins, nephews, and family members to be here. Her being celebrated and showered love and admiration on by the people she wholeheartedly loves and can't do without would be anything greater than thousands of Tulips and rose flowers to depict all the wonderful days you wish to spend with her in this world and an afterlife as you mentioned in your apology earlier". Pisces told Kyrios<br/><br/>Bolu beckoned Pisces over, "We have not discussed payment and work fees, I would normally have agreed to a price and half payment sent to my account before leaving the house, but because of you, I had to come down here even without any agreement whatsoever. <br/>Pisces took her to Kyrios, he was on call talking to Lore's family and friends. Immediately he was done talking.<br/>Pisces left them both to discuss the fee and payment method.<br/>Sir, I'm going to be sincere with you, it's going to be impossible to put everything in order because the preparation was impromptu. I have to work here and at home, and it would be impossible for me to be at two places at the same time. I will be needing a lot of man services and other assistance. And I need to be home early to rest and prepare for Church tomorrow.<br/><br/>"Is this something money cannot do?"Kyrios asks her. Of course, with the right amount of money, the service would be rendered without an error, Bolu humbly said.<br/><br/>How much? Kyrios asks her. <br/><br/>Without wasting much time thinking and estimating, Bolu told Kyrios her service would cost him six hundred thousand nairas, with the hampers and other services, both here and at home. <br/><br/>I will pay you seven hundred and fifty thousand naira and I want the decoration here done as soon as possible and I want it to be perfect.<br/><br/>Wow! That's so generous of you Sir.<br/><br/>How much does your hampers cost? I want more hampers, I want hampers for everyone that is coming here, I want everyone to go home with a hamper, gift and all.<br/><br/>Bolu does not know what to say. The prices of things have seen a constant exponential increase because of the dollar and naira exchange rates. As a result, she usually takes her time to shop over time, from different supermarkets and online stores to get cheaper discounts and rates. She doesn't want to call a price that would eventually be insufficient when she gets to the market as prices of things increase every day, and she doesn't want to overcharge because of Kyrio's generosity. So she asked how many guests would be in attendance. Kyrios told her about ten people.<br/>Bolu immediately told him that one hundred and fifty thousand nairas should sort that out.<br/><br/>So that is nine hundred thousand naira in total? <br/><br/>Yes Sir! Bolu replied to him.<br/>I will make it a million naira for you in total without an error. I want a perfect job.<br/>Thank you, sir. Bolu said expectantly, she could not believe it. She paces toward Pisces cheerfully her entire face bedecked with her captivating smile.<br/><br/>Kyrios truly loves his wife and would do anything for her. He's happy with her, but like everyone else, they do not have a perfect marriage, but they have a perfect life. He often asks himself why he married. Maybe to have kids and raise a family, or for sex and companionship, or maybe for love, but this he doesn't know. And he would occasionally tell Pisces about Dena and Dorah. The two friends he loved and could give and sacrifice everything for. But he never got the chance to ask any of them out, he only expressed his feelings to Dena who at the time was in a serious relationship. But he fears the emotional attachment they were both having because of their regular texting, constant phone communication, and interaction. And chooses to withdraw himself quietly from her life so he doesn't jeopardize her relationship and avoid the possibility of an unrequited love that would have ruined their beautiful friendship. He occasionally checks up and communicates with the two of them, but their friendship and intimacy aren't like what they used to be after he met and married Lore. <br/><br/>The arrangement and decoration started forthwith. And just before the cakes Kyrios purchased were delivered, with a breakneck speed, Bolu and her assistants were done. Everything was in order and place. The hampers were arranged properly along with the paintings which were placed thoughtfully to adorn their exquisite decoration. <br/><br/>Kyrios had gone to pick Lore up from home. He bought some flowers on his way home to be gifted to her while revving to the love of his life in his 2012 Audi R8 coupe. He got home a moment later and played the classic masterpiece and ditty evergreen song by the iconic and award-winning artist Bryan Adams titled "Please Forgive Me", and sang like he came to audition for the Nigeria idol talent show and singing competition, Lore couldn't bear listening to him any longer as he was on the verge of ruining the deep and mellifluous emotional song of compunction and forgiveness with his raspy voice.<br/>She came out laughing at him and romantically pleading with him to stop. <br/>Kyrios sauntered to Lore who unfurled her arms wide open to receive her big baby. He apologized to her and gifted her the two flowers he got with a "Happy Anniversary" and "Happy Birthday" designation.<br/><br/>They locked arms as Kyrios led her in to explain and regaled her with the drama-filled accounts of his delirium episode caused by the traditional medicinal tea. Lore expresses his dissatisfaction with his impetuosity to always experiment with these unapproved science students' mixture and cautions him to desist from indulging in such an act again. <br/>Kyrios assures that was undoubtedly his last time as he has learned his lesson and will only stick to his regular which curbs his propensity to intemperance and dipsomania. <br/><br/>Kyrios told Lore he was taking her out and he wanted her to wear her most stunning and alluring clothes. They showered and dressed like a red-carpet celebrity who found love on the set of a movie production. Lore doesn't need too much makeup, she's got a naturally appealing and enchanting face like a sea nymph. He took her to the gallery and one of the best waterfront restaurants on Lagos Island for an extravagant dinner. Lore is so easy to please, with the little amount of time they have spent together, the gallery they visited, and the sumptuous seafood dinner, their love was anew. <br/><br/>Kyrios's phone rang, it was Pisces. Where are you? He asked. Everything is in place at Gusty, all setup is done. Alright! Thanks so much. Kyrios replied Pisces without divulging too much information so Lore doesn't know what they are up to. Lore snuggles her man, she has missed him, and she can't wait for them to be back home to do what they have always been doing but always do better every time they retry.<br/>Lore suggested they should go to the Cinema. Kyrios agreed but convinced her he wanted to get something at Gusty. <br/>They drove down, and parked outside, as a chivalrous gentleman, he quickly went over to open the door for his astonishing and breathtaking wife.<br/>Everyone can be seen seated, Lore observes the sitting arrangement is different. And the only time people sit in that arrangement is when they are watching a live football match. So she thought maybe there was a football match, Kyrios held her hands as they both walked inside the bar. <br/><br/>"Good evening Madam," The security at the doorpost greeted Lore. <br/>Good evening Mr. Techete. Lore replied her. <br/>Welcome back Sir, Mr. Techete greeted Kyrios. Kyrios patted his shoulder as he walked his wife in majestically like the true Queen she was.<br/><br/>Happy Birthday Lore, and happy wedding anniversary to the phenomenal couple. Everyone vociferated as they all stood up to celebrate them. Oh my God! Lore exclaimed. She could not believe her eyes, She went to hug Theodore, she hadn't seen him in a while, and she was delighted to see him, that was Mr Moneybags right there who hardly ever spent local currency.<br/>Lore greeted White London and went on to hug her friends Prissy, Lara and Opuene who came with them. Those were the people Kyrios called, along with Tosin and Faramade, Lore's cousin and younger sister who hadn't arrived yet. Look at the paintings I got you. Kyrios walked her to check them out and have a proximate look. Wow! They are beautiful. Lore moved closer to observe the first one which was the painting of a Scarlet Macaw bird with a rose flower in its mouth. Why does the bird look sad? She unobtrusively asked Kyrios. Jeez!!! The same thing Pisces said, Kyrios quickly remembered Pisce's interpretation and charmingly told Lore. "The sad bird symbolizes me, how apologetic, guilty, embarrassed, and unhappy I feel having admitted my wrong and realized my inadvertence. And the flower is an expression of love that represents my desire for forgiveness, peace, and a pledge for reconciliation.<br/>Awwww!!! Lore was impressed with Kyrio's interpretation. She clasped and kissed him passionately. "This is very thoughtful and beautiful of you," Lore said.<br/><br/>Lore loves the three remaining paintings and doesn't point out a perceived flaw in them like the Scarlet Macaw bird. <br/><br/>Her younger sister and cousin came in and cheered the beautiful couple. Lore was excited to see them. Faramade and Tosin are both final-year students of the University of Lagos. They presented the couple with their gift which was wrapped with wrapping papers. "Happy birthday and happy anniversary to the sweetest couple we know." They enunciated as Lore and Kyrios thanked to express their gratitude.<br/>Shortly after, Pisces arrived with Bolu, they had both put their best in the decoration at home. "Happy natal day celebration Lore, and happy wedding anniversary. I'm wishing you a long life and prosperity in good health and riches". Lore thanked him as Pisces introduced Bolu to her.<br/><br/>You look like a Tigrayan tonight with your dazzling beauty and exceptional loveliness. Pisces eulogizes and compliments Lore.<br/>Tigrayan? Lore reiterated<br/>Yes, reply Pisces. "Tigrayan is a demonym coined from the word Tigray which is the Northern region of Ethiopia. The natives of Tigray are referred to as Tigrayans, they are the fourth largest ethnic group in Ethiopia and arguably one of the most beautiful ethnic groups in Africa just like the Shuwa Arab in Northern Nigeria. They are known for their long hair, gorgeous face, and enthralling beauty."<br/><br/>You could have just said she looks beautiful, Kyrios said. So in one word? Tigrayan is what?<br/><br/>In one word, metaphor. Pisces replied.<br/><br/>And in two words, Lore asked. <br/>Literary expression. Pisces said with a straight face.<br/><br/>And In three, ask Theodore. <br/>In three words, subjective impressionistic complement. <br/><br/>Everyone started laughing including Pisces.<br/><br/>Pisces went to greet Prissy and Ene who introduced their friend Opuene to him. Pisces took an interest in Opuene because of her name. What does Opuene mean? He asks politely. Opuene told him her name means "The Big Mother" in Ijaw language. Pisces was happy to meet Opuene<br/>who implies that Pisces calls her by her sobriquet "Ene" for easier and more accurate pronunciation as most people struggle to properly pronounce her Opuene.<br/><br/>Since Bolu couldn't make snacks for the special occasion because of the abrupt timing of the event as she normally does, she made arrangements and bought mouthwatering food from the nicest African cuisine restaurant around. She wanted to impress Kyrios for his kindness and generosity. <br/><br/>Pisces is the Disc Jockey and Master of ceremony for the night. Everyone was served as they dined together. "It's time to cut the cake," Bolu said and urged the couple to stand up. Pisces had something to say, having successfully magnetized everyone's attention, he posited "Cake cutting is a symbolic act of love, kindness, benevolence and altruism. As appetizing and nectarous as this cake is, can the couple finish it? No! It's too big for them and the cake may spoil after a few days. The appearance will become funky with a hard shell, and slimy filling with a crumbly and arid texture. Only a small portion would be eaten by the couple, but the larger portion would be shared among friends, family and neighbours. So in every moment of sweetness in our lives, we should always remember to share with others just like this adorable couple are about to share this wholesome cake with us. But Bolu, I want the biggest chunk". Pisces jokes as the couple cut the cake.<br/><br/>Kyrios and Lore were asked to dance to Quincy Jones's "Summer In The City". It was Pisce's idea, he needed entertainment, and the song fit into the gaiety aura of the carousal night of love celebration. And he wanted the couple to share a beautiful moment together to celebrate their inspiring love and beautiful union.<br/>The only song that gets Pisces in the mood like Summer In The City by Quincy Jones is Solo Makinde by the K1 De Ultimate which he considers as one of the most beautiful musical compositions of all time.<br/>He would often joke, "If I die, and Solo Makinde is played at my wake, I would jitter reflexively to the vigorous beat and lipsync to the proverbial lyrics.<br/> <br/>It's time for a toast, Theodore proposed as he urged Kyrios to acquiesce them the honour. <br/>Kyrios stood up and started his heartwarming speech, raised his glass of champagne and deeply expressed himself to his lovely wife, friends and family," I am most thankful to God, for blessing me with an extraordinary woman like you, and lucky to have you as my beloved wife and best friend. You have greatly influenced me and positively transformed my life. For all your sacrifices, uncompromising support and invaluable contribution to my businesses, I am grateful and forever indebted to you. I love you Lore, and I don't know what my life would have been without you in it. I sincerely acknowledge that being with you makes me happier than usual, it slows down the pace of time and makes me feel like I'm living in a utopia. In you, I have found my happy place, and I hope this feeling lasts longer than the epoch of time.<br/>Happy birthday baby, and happy anniversary to us. I love you."<br/><br/>"I love you too, Lore said with a squeaky voice as Kyrios tilted to kiss her. She was emotional and could not hold back her tears.<br/>The couple was applauded, and just when everyone thought Kyrios was done, he pulled Lore up from her seat and said, " Lore, you deserve the whole world, and I'm going to give it to you, but tonight, accept this little gift of mine. He said as he presented Lore with a 2022 G-Wagon key fob that magnified a loud cheer from her friends and family who didn't fail to capture the beautiful and special moment on their various smartphones. Lore was speechless, Pisces could finally see those emotional tears glissade beneath her eyes.<br/><br/>Theodore stood up, he had presented Lore with four bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon wine earlier and gave her thirty thousand dollars as a monetary gift. He made a toast to the beautiful couple and gave a personal speech. "To Kyrios and Lore, may God keep steering the vessel of your love, and keep the two captains in timely accord and long-lasting harmony". Kyrios remembered Pisce's pedagogic disquisition and compendious monologue earlier that ensued from his interpretation of one of the paintings he got for Lore where he shows, "stupidity is the idea that steers the vessel of love and keep it afloat, wiseness keeps it still or even sink it". <br/>Theodore continues, and Lore, I want to particularly thank you for being such a great friend to me and a great companion to my friend Kyrios. Happy Birthday, I wish you a long life and prosperity in good health and exuberant wealth.<br/>Theodore was cheered with resounding applause. The couples looked into each other eyes affectionately, admired themselves, and sealed the beautiful night of love celebration and marital festivity with a passionate kiss.<br/></p>